Create an instance

A Bigtable instance is a container for Bigtable clusters. An instance that has more than one cluster uses replication. You can create clusters in up to 8 regions, with as many clusters in each region as there are zones.

This page explains how to create an instance. Before you read this page, you should be familiar with the overview of Bigtable. You should also read the overview of instances, clusters, and nodes.

Before you begin

Prepare your environment:

  1. Sign in to your Google Account.

    If you don't already have one, sign up for a new account.

  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. Enable the Cloud Bigtable API, Cloud Bigtable Admin API APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  5. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  6. If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

  7. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  8. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  9. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  10. Enable the Cloud Bigtable API, Cloud Bigtable Admin API APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  11. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  12. If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

  13. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  14. Run the following command to install the cbt CLI :
    gcloud components install cbt

Plan your configuration:

  1. Optional: If you plan to enable replication, do the following:

  2. Optional: If you want to use customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) instead of the default Google-managed encryption, complete the tasks under Creating a CMEK-enabled instance and have your CMEK key ID ready before you create your new instance. You are not able to add CMEK protection to an instance after it has been created, and you cannot modify or replace the CMEK key after the instance is created.

Create an instance

To create a Bigtable instance:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Create instance page.

    Go to Create instance

  2. Enter a name for the instance.

    The Google Cloud console displays this name to identify your instance.

  3. Enter an instance ID.

    The instance ID is a permanent identifier for the instance.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. Choose whether to use an SSD or HDD disk for your clusters. In most cases, SSD is best. This choice is permanent. Learn more.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. Enter a cluster ID for the first cluster.

    The cluster ID is a permanent identifier for the cluster.

  8. Choose the region and zone where the first cluster will run.

  9. Optional: To configure the cluster to always scale in increments of two nodes, select Enable 2x node scaling. 2x node scaling is not available in all zones. For more information, see Node scaling factor.

  10. Choose a node scaling mode for the cluster. In most cases, you should choose autoscaling. For scaling guidance, see Autoscaling.

    1. For Manual node allocation, enter the number of Bigtable nodes for the first cluster. If you aren't sure how many nodes you need, use the default. You can add more nodes later.
    2. For Autoscaling, enter values for the following:
      • Minimum number of nodes
      • Maximum number of nodes
      • CPU utilization target
      • Storage utilization target
  11. Optional: To protect your instance with CMEK instead of the default Google-managed encryption, complete the following:

    1. Click Show encryption options.
    2. Select the radio button next to Customer-managed encryption key (CMEK).
    3. Select or enter the resource name for the CMEK key that you want to use for the cluster. You cannot add this later.
    4. If you are prompted to grant permission to the CMEK key's service account, click Grant. Your user account must be granted the Cloud KMS Admin role to complete this task.
    5. Click Save.
  12. Optional: To enable replication now, complete the following additional steps:

    1. Click Show advanced options.
    2. Click Add cluster, enter the settings for the cluster, and then click Add. Repeat this step to create additional clusters in the instance. You can also enable replication later by adding a cluster.

    Each zone in a region can contain only one cluster. If the Add cluster button is disabled, change the zone for your first cluster.

    To create an instance that has more than six clusters, first create an instance that has six clusters, then add more clusters to the instance.

  13. Click Create to create the instance.

  14. Review the replication settings in the default app profile to see if they make sense for your replication use case. You might need to update the default app profile or create custom app profiles.


  1. Use the bigtable instances create command to create an instance:

    gcloud bigtable instances create INSTANCE_ID \
        --display-name=DISPLAY_NAME \
        [--cluster-storage-type=CLUSTER_STORAGE_TYPE] \
        [--cluster-config=id=CLUSTER_ID,zone=CLUSTER_ZONE, \
        nodes=NODES] \
        [--cluster-config=id=CLUSTER_ID,zone=CLUSTER_ZONE, \
        autoscaling-min-nodes=AUTOSCALING_MIN_NODES, \
        autoscaling-max-nodes=AUTOSCALING_MAX_NODES, \
        autoscaling-cpu-target=AUTOSCALING_CPU_TARGET, \
        autoscaling-storage-target=AUTOSCALING_STORAGE_TARGET, \
        kms-key=KMS_KEY], \

    Replace the following:

    • INSTANCE_ID: The permanent identifier for the instance.
    • DISPLAY_NAME: A human-readable name that identifies the instance in the Google Cloud console.
    • CLUSTER_ID: The permanent identifier for the cluster.
    • CLUSTER_ZONE: The zone where the cluster runs.

    You must configure at least one cluster for the instance, using the --cluster-config flag. To create an instance that has multiple clusters, repeat the --cluster-config flag for each cluster.

    For manual node allocation, setting nodes in the --cluster-config flag is optional. If no value is set, Bigtable allocates nodes to the cluster automatically based on your data footprint and optimizes for 50% storage utilization. This automatic allocation of nodes has a pricing impact. If you want to control the number of nodes in a cluster, replace NODES with the number of nodes that you want in the cluster. Learn more about nodes.

    In most cases, choose autoscaling instead of manual node allocation. For_autoscaling, provide autoscaling- options in the --cluster-config flag (autoscaling-storage-target is optional) and don't use nodes. See Autoscaling for guidance on choosing the values for your autoscaling settings. Replace the following for the cluster-config option keys:

    • AUTOSCALING_MIN_NODES: The minimum number of nodes for the cluster.
    • AUTOSCALING_MAX_NODES: The maximum number of nodes for the cluster.
    • AUTOSCALING_CPU_TARGET: The target CPU utilization percentage for the cluster. This value must be from 10 to 80.
    • AUTOSCALING_STORAGE_TARGET: (Optional) The storage utilization target in GiB that Bigtable maintains by adding or removing nodes.
    • KMS_KEY: The CMEK key for the cluster.

      The KMS_KEY value must be set in the following format:


      Replace the following:

      • PROJECT: the permanent identifier for the project
      • LOCATION: the location of your cluster
      • KEYRING: the name of the key ring that contains the key
      • KEY: the name of the key

      The following is an example:


      If the instance is CMEK-protected, each cluster must be in the same region as its CMEK key. You can add CMEK clusters only to instances that are already CMEK-protected. Learn more.

    The command accepts the following optional flags:

    • --cluster-storage-type=CLUSTER_STORAGE_TYPE: The type of storage to use for the instance. The default value is SSD. In most cases, the default value is best. This choice is permanent. Learn more.

    • --project=PROJECT: The project in which to create the cluster if different from the current project.

    • node-scaling-factor=NODE_SCALING_FACTOR: A flag that enables 2x node scaling. You can enable this feature with both manual scaling and autoscaling. Acceptable values are node-scaling-factor-2x or node-scaling-factor-1x.

    To view a list of Bigtable zones that aren't available for 2x node scaling, see Node scaling factor limitations.

  2. Review the replication settings in the default app profile to see if they make sense for your replication use case. You might need to update the default app profile or create custom app profiles.


  1. Start by creating an instance with a single cluster. Use the createinstance command to create an instance:

    cbt createinstance INSTANCE_ID \
        DISPLAY_NAME \
        CLUSTER_ID \
        CLUSTER_ZONE \

    Provide the following:

    • INSTANCE_ID: The permanent identifier for the instance.
    • DISPLAY_NAME: A human-readable name that identifies the instance in the Google Cloud console.
    • CLUSTER_ID: The permanent identifier for the cluster.
    • CLUSTER_ZONE: The zone where the cluster runs.
    • CLUSTER_NUM_NODES: This field is optional. If no value is set, Bigtable automatically allocates nodes based on your data footprint and optimizes for 50% storage utilization. If you want to control the number of nodes in a cluster, update the CLUSTER_NUM_NODES value. Ensure that number of nodes is set to a non-zero value. Learn more about nodes.
    • CLUSTER_STORAGE_TYPE: The type of storage to use for the cluster. Each cluster in an instance must use the same storage type. Accepts the values SSD and HDD. In most cases, SSD is best. This choice is permanent. Learn more.
  2. To enable replication, use the createcluster command to add a cluster:

    cbt -instance=INSTANCE_ID \
    createcluster CLUSTER_ID \
    ZONE \

    Provide the following:

    • INSTANCE_ID: The permanent identifier for the instance you just created.
    • CLUSTER_ID: The permanent identifier for the cluster.
    • ZONE: The zone where the cluster runs.

      Each zone in a region can contain only one cluster. For example, if an instance has a cluster in us-east1-b, you can add a cluster in a different zone in the same region, such as us-east1-c, or a zone in a separate region, such as europe-west2-a.

    • NUM_NODES: This field is optional. If no value is set, Bigtable automatically allocates nodes based on your data footprint and optimizes for 50% storage utilization. If you want to control the number of nodes in a cluster, update the NUM_NODES value. Ensure that number of nodes is set to a non-zero value.

      In many cases, each cluster in an instance should have the same number of nodes, but there are exceptions. Learn about nodes and replication.

    • STORAGE_TYPE: The type of storage to use for the cluster. Each cluster in an instance must use the same storage type. Accepts the values SSD and HDD.

  3. (Optional) Review the replication settings in the default app profile to see if they make sense for your replication use case. You might need to update the default app profile or create custom app profiles.


To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

namespace cbta = ::google::cloud::bigtable_admin;
using ::google::cloud::future;
using ::google::cloud::Location;
using ::google::cloud::Project;
using ::google::cloud::StatusOr;
[](cbta::BigtableInstanceAdminClient instance_admin,
   std::string const& project_id, std::string const& instance_id,
   std::string const& zone) {
  auto const project = Project(project_id);
  std::string project_name = project.FullName();
  std::string cluster_id = instance_id + "-c1";

  google::bigtable::admin::v2::Instance in;
  in.set_display_name("Put description here");

  google::bigtable::admin::v2::Cluster cluster;
  cluster.set_location(Location(project, zone).FullName());

  std::map<std::string, google::bigtable::admin::v2::Cluster> cluster_map = {
      {cluster_id, std::move(cluster)}};

  future<StatusOr<google::bigtable::admin::v2::Instance>> instance_future =
      instance_admin.CreateInstance(project_name, instance_id, std::move(in),
  // Show how to perform additional work while the long running operation
  // completes. The application could use future.then() instead.
  std::cout << "Waiting for instance creation to complete " << std::flush;
  std::cout << '.' << std::flush;
  auto instance = instance_future.get();
  if (!instance) throw std::move(instance).status();
  std::cout << "DONE, details=" << instance->DebugString() << "\n";


To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Creates a production instance with "<intanceId>-prod" instance ID,
// with cluster ID "ssd-cluster1", 3 nodes and location us-east1-b.
displayName += " Prod"; // Display name is for display purposes only. It doesn't have to equal instanceId and can be amended after instance is created.
string instanceId = Regex.Replace(displayName, @"[^A-Za-z0-9_\.~]+", "-").ToLower();

// Please refer to the link below for the full list of available locations:
string zone1 = "us-east1-b";

// The instance to create.
Instance myInstance = new Instance
    DisplayName = displayName,
    // You can choose DEVELOPMENT or PRODUCTION type here.
    // If not set, will default to PRODUCTION type.
    // Instance type can be upgraded from DEVELOPMENT to PRODUCTION but cannot be dowgraded after the instance is created.
    Type = Instance.Types.Type.Production,
    Labels = { { "prod-label", "prod-label" } }

// The first cluster to be created within the instance.
Cluster myCluster1 = new Cluster
    // You can choose SSD or HDD storage type here: StorageType.Ssd or StorageType.Hdd.
    // Cluster storage type can not be changed after the instance is created.
    // If not set will default to SSD type.
    DefaultStorageType = StorageType.Ssd,
    LocationAsLocationName = new LocationName(projectId, zone1),
    // Serve Nodes count can only be set if PRODUCTION type instance is being created.
    // Minimum count of 3 serve nodes must be specified.
    // Serve Nodes count can be increased and decreased after an instance is created.
    ServeNodes = 3

// Initialize request argument(s).
CreateInstanceRequest request = new CreateInstanceRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = new ProjectName(projectId),
    Instance = myInstance,
    InstanceId = instanceId,
    // Must specify at lease one cluster.
    // Only PRODUCTION type instance can be created with more than one cluster.
    // Currently all clusters must have the same storage type.
    // Clusters must be set to different locations.
    Clusters = { { "ssd-cluster1", myCluster1 } }

    // Make a request.
    Operation<Instance, CreateInstanceMetadata> createInstanceResponse =
    Console.WriteLine("Waiting for operation to complete...");

    // Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete
    Operation<Instance, CreateInstanceMetadata> completedResponse =
catch (Exception ex)
    Console.WriteLine($"Exception while creating {displayName} instance");


To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Creates a Production Instance with the ID "ssd-instance",
// cluster id "ssd-cluster", 3 nodes and location "us-central1-f".
CreateInstanceRequest createInstanceRequest =
        .addCluster(clusterId, "us-central1-f", 3, StorageType.SSD)
        .addLabel("department", "accounting");
// Creates a production instance with the given request.
try {
  Instance instance = adminClient.createInstance(createInstanceRequest);
  System.out.printf("PRODUCTION type instance %s created successfully%n", instance.getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.err.println("Failed to create instance: " + e.getMessage());
  throw e;


To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Creates a Production Instance with the ID "ssd-instance"
// with cluster id "ssd-cluster", 3 nodes and location us-central1-f

const instanceOptions = {
  clusters: [
      id: clusterID,
      nodes: 3,
      location: 'us-central1-f',
      storage: 'ssd',
  type: 'PRODUCTION', // Optional as default type is PRODUCTION
  labels: {'prod-label': 'prod-label'},

// Create production instance with given options
const [prodInstance, operation] = await instance.create(instanceOptions);
await operation.promise();
console.log(`Created Instance: ${}`);


To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

use Exception;
use Google\ApiCore\ApiException;
use Google\Cloud\Bigtable\Admin\V2\Client\BigtableInstanceAdminClient;
use Google\Cloud\Bigtable\Admin\V2\Cluster;
use Google\Cloud\Bigtable\Admin\V2\CreateInstanceRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Bigtable\Admin\V2\GetInstanceRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Bigtable\Admin\V2\Instance;
use Google\Cloud\Bigtable\Admin\V2\Instance\Type as InstanceType;
use Google\Cloud\Bigtable\Admin\V2\StorageType;

 * Create a production Bigtable instance
 * @param string $projectId The Google Cloud project ID
 * @param string $instanceId The ID of the Bigtable instance to be generated
 * @param string $clusterId The ID of the cluster to be generated
 * @param string $locationId The Bigtable region ID where you want your instance to reside
function create_production_instance(
    string $projectId,
    string $instanceId,
    string $clusterId,
    string $locationId = 'us-east1-b'
): void {
    $instanceAdminClient = new BigtableInstanceAdminClient();

    $projectName = $instanceAdminClient->projectName($projectId);
    $instanceName = $instanceAdminClient->instanceName($projectId, $instanceId);

    $serveNodes = 3;
    $storageType = StorageType::SSD;
    $production = InstanceType::PRODUCTION;
    $labels = ['prod-label' => 'prod-label'];

    $instance = new Instance();


    $cluster = new Cluster();
    $locationName = $instanceAdminClient->locationName($projectId, $locationId);
    $clusters = [
        $clusterId => $cluster
    try {
        $getInstanceRequest = (new GetInstanceRequest())
        printf('Instance %s already exists.' . PHP_EOL, $instanceId);
        throw new Exception(sprintf('Instance %s already exists.' . PHP_EOL, $instanceId));
    } catch (ApiException $e) {
        if ($e->getStatus() === 'NOT_FOUND') {
            printf('Creating an Instance: %s' . PHP_EOL, $instanceId);
            $createInstanceRequest = (new CreateInstanceRequest())
            $operationResponse = $instanceAdminClient->createInstance($createInstanceRequest);
            if (!$operationResponse->operationSucceeded()) {
                print('Error: ' . $operationResponse->getError()->getMessage());
            } else {
                printf('Instance %s created.', $instanceId);
        } else {
            throw $e;


To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

cluster = instance.cluster(
if not instance.exists():
    print("\nCreating an instance")
    # Create instance with given options
    operation = instance.create(clusters=[cluster])
    # Ensure the operation completes.
    print("\nCreated instance: {}".format(instance_id))


To learn how to install and use the client library for Bigtable, see Bigtable client libraries.

To authenticate to Bigtable, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

# instance_id      = "my-instance"
# cluster_id       = "my-cluster"
# cluster_location = "us-east1-b"
puts "Creating a PRODUCTION Instance"
job = bigtable.create_instance(
  display_name: "Sample production instance",
  labels:       { "env": "production" },
  type:         :PRODUCTION # Optional as default type is :PRODUCTION
) do |clusters|
  clusters.add cluster_id, cluster_location, nodes: 3, storage_type: :SSD

instance = job.instance
puts "Created Instance: #{instance.instance_id}"

What's next