Collect CyberArk PAM logs

Supported in:

This parser code first extracts fields from CyberArk Privileged Access Manager (PAM) syslog messages using regular expressions. Then, it maps the extracted fields to a unified data model (UDM), enriching the data with additional context and standardizing the event type based on specific criteria.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have a Google Security Operations instance.
  • Ensure that you are using Windows 2016 or later, or a Linux host with systemd.
  • If running behind a proxy, ensure firewall ports are open.

Get Google SecOps ingestion authentication file

  1. Sign in to the Google SecOps console.
  2. Go to SIEM Settings > Collection Agents.
  3. Download the Ingestion Authentication File.

Get Google SecOps customer ID

  1. Sign in to the Google SecOps console.
  2. Go to SIEM Settings > Profile.
  3. Copy and save the Customer ID from the Organization Details section.

Install BindPlane Agent

  1. For Windows installation, run the following script:
    msiexec /i "" /quiet
  2. For Linux installation, run the following script:
    sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSlL"
  3. Additional installation options can be found in this installation guide.

Configure BindPlane Agent to ingest Syslog and send to Google SecOps

  1. Access the machine where BindPlane is installed.
  2. Edit the config.yaml file as follows:

            # Replace the below port <54525> and IP <> with your specific values
            listen_address: "" 
            compression: gzip
            # Adjust the creds location below according the placement of the credentials file you downloaded
            creds: '{ json file for creds }'
            # Replace <customer_id> below with your actual ID that you copied
            customer_id: <customer_id>
            # You can apply ingestion labels below as preferred
            log_type: SYSLOG
            namespace: Cyberark_PAM
            raw_log_field: body
                    - tcplog
                    - chronicle/chronicle_w_labels
  3. Restart the BindPlane Agent to apply the changes:

    sudo systemctl restart bindplane

Configure Syslog Export for CyberArk Vault

  1. Log in to the Vault server.
  2. Open the configuration file dbparm.ini, located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberArk\Vault\Server\dbparm.ini.
  3. Add or modify the following parameters:

    SyslogProtocol=<TCP or UDP>
  4. Save the dbparm.ini file.

  5. Restart the Vault Server:

    net stop CyberArkVault
    net start CyberArkVault

Configure Syslog Export in PVWA

  1. Log in to the PVWA Server.
  2. Open the Web.config file, located at: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\PasswordVault\
  3. Add or modify the following keys:

    <add key="SyslogServer" value="<syslog_server_ip>" />
    <add key="SyslogPort" value="<syslog_server_port>" />
    <add key="SyslogProtocol" value="<TCP or UDP>" />
    <add key="SyslogFormat" value="Syslog" />
  4. Save the changes to the Web.config file.

  5. Restart the IIS service:


Configure Syslog Export in PTA

  1. Access the PTA server using SSH.
  2. Open the file, located at: /opt/cta/config/
  3. Add or modify the following lines:

    syslog.protocol=<TCP or UDP>
  4. Save the file.

  5. Restart the PTA service to apply the changes:

    sudo service pta restart

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
act metadata.description Directly mapped from the act field.
cn1 additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped from the cn1 field when cn1Label is not empty.
cn1Label additional.fields.key Directly mapped from the cn1Label field when cn1 is not empty.
cn2 additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped from the cn2 field when cn2Label is not empty.
cn2Label additional.fields.key Directly mapped from the cn2Label field when cn2 is not empty.
cs1 additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped from the cs1 field when cs1Label is not empty.
cs1Label additional.fields.key Directly mapped from the cs1Label field when cs1 is not empty.
cs2 additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped from the cs2 field when cs2Label is not empty.
cs2Label additional.fields.key Directly mapped from the cs2Label field when cs2 is not empty.
cs3 additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped from the cs3 field when cs3Label is not empty.
cs3Label additional.fields.key Directly mapped from the cs3Label field when cs3 is not empty.
cs4 additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped from the cs4 field when cs4Label is not empty.
cs4Label additional.fields.key Directly mapped from the cs4Label field when cs4 is not empty.
cs5 additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped from the cs5 field when cs5Label is not empty.
cs5Label additional.fields.key Directly mapped from the cs5Label field when cs5 is not empty.
dhost target.hostname Mapped from the dhost field if it's not an IP address. If dhost is empty, it's mapped from shost (IP or hostname).
dhost target.asset.hostname Mapped from the dhost field if it's not an IP address. If dhost is empty, it's mapped from shost (IP or hostname).
dhost target.ip Mapped from the dhost field if it's an IP address.
dhost target.asset.ip Mapped from the dhost field if it's an IP address.
duser target.user.userid Directly mapped from the duser field.
dvc intermediary.ip Mapped from the dvc field if it's an IP address.
externalId metadata.product_log_id Directly mapped from the externalId field.
fname target.file.full_path Directly mapped from the fname field.
name metadata.event_type Used to determine the event_type based on the combination of name, shost, and dhost fields. Possible values: USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD, FILE_READ, USER_LOGIN, FILE_OPEN, FILE_DELETION. If no match is found, and has_principal is true and has_target is false, then event_type is set to STATUS_UPDATE. Otherwise, it defaults to GENERIC_EVENT.
prin_hostname principal.hostname Directly mapped from the prin_hostname field. If empty, it's mapped from shost if shost is not an IP address.
prin_hostname principal.asset.hostname Directly mapped from the prin_hostname field. If empty, it's mapped from shost if shost is not an IP address.
prin_ip principal.ip Directly mapped from the prin_ip field. If empty, it's mapped from shost if shost is an IP address.
prin_ip principal.asset.ip Directly mapped from the prin_ip field. If empty, it's mapped from shost if shost is an IP address.
product metadata.product_name Directly mapped from the product field. Defaults to "PAM" if not present in the log.
reason security_result.description Directly mapped from the reason field.
severity security_result.severity Mapped from the severity field based on the following logic: 1-3: INFORMATIONAL, 4: ERROR, 5: CRITICAL.
shost principal.hostname Mapped to prin_hostname if prin_hostname is empty and shost is not an IP address.
shost principal.asset.hostname Mapped to prin_hostname if prin_hostname is empty and shost is not an IP address.
shost principal.ip Mapped to prin_ip if prin_ip is empty and shost is an IP address.
shost principal.asset.ip Mapped to prin_ip if prin_ip is empty and shost is an IP address.
shost target.hostname Mapped to target.hostname if dhost is empty and shost is not an IP address.
shost target.asset.hostname Mapped to target.hostname if dhost is empty and shost is not an IP address.
shost target.ip Mapped to target.ip if dhost is empty and shost is an IP address.
shost target.asset.ip Mapped to target.ip if dhost is empty and shost is an IP address.
status additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped from the status field.
suser principal.user.userid Mapped from the suser field. If duser is empty, it's considered the target user ID.
time metadata.event_timestamp.seconds Directly mapped from the time field after converting to timestamp format.
time metadata.event_timestamp.nanos Directly mapped from the time field after converting to timestamp format.
vendor metadata.vendor_name Directly mapped from the vendor field. Defaults to "CYBERARK" if not present in the log.
version metadata.product_version Directly mapped from the version field.
metadata.log_type Hardcoded to "CYBERARK_PAM".
extensions.auth.mechanism Set to "USERNAME_PASSWORD" if event_type is "USER_LOGIN".



  • Newly created parser.

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