Collect GitLab logs

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This parser extracts fields from GitLab JSON logs, normalizes them into the Unified Data Model (UDM), and enriches the data with additional context. It handles various GitLab event types, focusing on user actions, resource access, and security results, while also processing network and application-related information. The parser also performs logic based on roles and actions within GitLab, categorizing events and assigning appropriate severities.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have a Google SecOps instance.
  • Ensure that you have privileged access to GitLab.

Configure a feed in Google SecOps to ingest the GitLab logs

  1. Go to SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add new.
  3. In the Feed name field, enter a name for the feed (for example, GitLab Logs).
  4. Select Webhook as the Source type.
  5. Select Gitlab as the Log type.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Optional: specify values for the following input parameters:
    • Split delimiter: the delimiter that is used to separate log lines, such as \n.
    • Asset namespace: the asset namespace.
    • Ingestion labels: the label applied to the events from this feed.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review the feed configuration in the Finalize screen, and then click Submit.
  10. Click Generate Secret Key to generate a secret key to authenticate this feed.
  11. Copy and store the secret key. You cannot view this secret key again. If needed, you can regenerate a new secret key, but this action makes the previous secret key obsolete.
  12. On the Details tab, copy the feed endpoint URL from the Endpoint Information field. You need to specify this endpoint URL in your client application.
  13. Click Done.

Create an API key for the webhook feed

  1. Go to Google Cloud console > Credentials.

    Go to Credentials

  2. Click Create credentials, and then select API key.

  3. Restrict the API key access to the Google Security Operations API.

Specify the endpoint URL

  1. In your client application, specify the HTTPS endpoint URL provided in the webhook feed.
  2. Enable authentication by specifying the API key and secret key as part of the custom header in the following format:

    X-goog-api-key = API_KEY
    X-Webhook-Access-Key = SECRET

    Recommendation: Specify the API key as a header instead of specifying it in the URL. If your webhook client doesn't support custom headers, you can specify the API key and secret key using query parameters in the following format:


Replace the following:

  • ENDPOINT_URL: the feed endpoint URL.
  • API_KEY: the API key to authenticate to Google Security Operations.
  • SECRET: the secret key that you generated to authenticate the feed.

Configure a webhook in GitLab for Google SecOps

  1. Open your web browser and go to the GitLab project for which you want to configure the webhook.
  2. In your project, go to Settings > Webhooks.
  3. Click Add new webhook.
  4. In the URL field, paste the Google SecOps Endpoint URL.
  5. Click Add custom header.
  6. Type X-Webhook-Access-Key in the Header Name field.
  7. For the Header Value field, copy the Secret Key generated during Google SecOps Feed configuration.
  8. Click Add custom header.
  9. Type X-goog-api-key in the Header Name field.
  10. For the Header Value field, copy the API Key generated during Google SecOps Feed configuration. Note: For enhanced security, generate a secret token and add it to both the GitLab webhook configuration and the corresponding Google SecOps Feed configuration. This helps verify the authenticity of incoming webhooks.
  11. Choose the GitLab events that should trigger the webhook. For example, you might select Push events to send data to Google SecOps every time code is pushed to the repository. Carefully consider which events are relevant to your security monitoring needs. Too many events can lead to unnecessary load.
  12. To better understand the webhooks purpose, give it a meaningful name, such as Google SecOps Webhook.
  13. Ensure the Enable SSL verification checkbox is selected. This is crucial for secure communication.
  14. Click Add webhook to save your configuration.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
author_id principal.user.userid Converted to string.
author_name principal.user.email_addresses If the value matches an email address regex.
author_name principal.user.user_display_name If the value does not match an email address regex. principal.resource.attribute.labels Added as a label with key "as".
details.add principal.resource.attribute.labels Added as a label with key "add". principal.user.role_name The raw log field value. principal.user.attribute.roles.type Set to "ADMINISTRATOR" if is "Owner", "SERVICE_ACCOUNT" if is "Developer", "Maintainer", or "Reporter", and "TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" if is "Guest".
details.custom_message security_result.description The raw log field value.
details.custom_message.action security_result.summary The raw log field value.
details.entity_path target.file.full_path The raw log field value.
details.target_id Converted to string.
entity_path target.file.full_path The raw log field value.
entity_type target.resource.attribute.labels Added as a label with key "Entity Type".
event_type metadata.product_event_type The raw log field value.
insertId metadata.product_log_id The raw log field value.
ip_address principal.ip, principal.asset.ip The raw log field value.
jsonPayload.action additional.fields Added as a field with key "action" and string value.
jsonPayload.controller additional.fields Added as a field with key "controller" and string value.
jsonPayload.correlation_id principal.asset_id Prefixed with "id: ".
jsonPayload.cpu_s additional.fields Added as a field with key "cpu_s" and string value.
jsonPayload.details.custom_message.protocol network.application_protocol Set to "UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL" if the value is "web", otherwise converted to uppercase. Also added as an additional field with key "Application Protocol" if the value is "web".
jsonPayload.mem_total_bytes additional.fields Added as a field with key "mem_total_bytes" and string value.
jsonPayload.meta_caller_id additional.fields Added as a field with key "Caller Id" and string value.
jsonPayload.meta_client_id target.user.userid The raw log field value.
jsonPayload.meta_feature_category additional.fields Added as a field with key "Feature Category" and string value.
jsonPayload.meta_remote_ip principal.ip, principal.asset.ip The raw log field value, parsed as a JSON array and merged into the IP fields.
jsonPayload.meta_user principal.user.userid Used as a fallback if jsonPayload.username is empty.
jsonPayload.method network.http.method The raw log field value.
jsonPayload.path target.process.file.full_path The raw log field value. Converted to string.
jsonPayload.remote_ip principal.ip, principal.asset.ip The raw log field value.
jsonPayload.request_urgency additional.fields Added as a field with key "Request Urgency" and string value.
jsonPayload.severity security_result.severity Set to "INFORMATIONAL" if the value is "INFO", "ERROR" if the value is "ERROR", and "MEDIUM" if the value is "NOTICE".
jsonPayload.status network.http.response_code Converted to integer if not "ACTIVE". network.http.user_agent The raw log field value.
jsonPayload.username principal.user.userid The raw log field value.
jsonPayload.worker_id principal.application The raw log field value.
labels.instance_name principal.hostname, principal.asset.hostname The raw log field value, used if the message contains "Removing user".
logName security_result.category_details The raw log field value.
message security_result.summary The raw log field value, used if jsonPayload.severity is "ERROR".
protoPayload.@type additional.fields Added as a field with key "protoPayload type" and string value.
protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail principal.user.email_addresses, principal.user.userid The raw log field value.
protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalSubject additional.fields Added as a field with key "authenticationInfo principalSubject" and string value.
protoPayload.authenticationInfo.serviceAccountKeyName additional.fields Added as a field with key "authenticationInfo serviceAccountKeyName" and string value.
protoPayload.authorizationInfo target.resource.attribute.labels, security_result.action Values within this field are added as labels with keys prefixed with "authenticationInfo". The security_result.action is set to "ALLOW" if a value within granted is true, and "BLOCK" if false. Nested fields like resourceAttributes are also added as labels with keys prefixed with "authenticationInfo_resourceAttributes".
protoPayload.methodName additional.fields Added as a field with key "protoPayload methodName" and string value.
protoPayload.request.@type additional.fields Added as a field with key "Request Type" and string value.
protoPayload.request.resource target.resource.attribute.labels Added as a label with key "Request resource".
protoPayload.requestMetadata.callerIp additional.fields Added as a field with key "requestMetadata callerIp" and string value.
protoPayload.requestMetadata.callerSuppliedUserAgent additional.fields Added as a field with key "requestMetadata callerSuppliedUserAgent" and string value.
protoPayload.serviceName additional.fields Added as a field with key "serviceName" and string value.
protoPayload.status.code additional.fields Added as a field with key "protoPayload status code" and string value.
protoPayload.status.message additional.fields, target.user.email_addresses, target.user.userid Added as a field with key "protoPayload status message" and string value. If an email address can be extracted from the message, it's added to target.user.email_addresses and target.user.userid.
receiveTimestamp metadata.event_timestamp, timestamp Parsed as the event timestamp.
resource.labels.project_id target.resource.attribute.labels Added as a label with key "Project id". The raw log field value.
resource.type Set to "GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM" if the value matches "gce".
security_result.action security_result.action Derived from protoPayload.authorizationInfo.granted.
security_result.category_details security_result.category_details Merged with logName.
security_result.description security_result.description Derived from jsonPayload.details.custom_message.
security_result.severity security_result.severity Derived from severity or jsonPayload.severity.
security_result.summary security_result.summary Derived from jsonPayload.details.custom_message.action or jsonPayload.message.
severity security_result.severity Set to "INFORMATIONAL" if the value is "INFO", "ERROR" if the value is "ERROR", and "MEDIUM" if the value is "NOTICE".
sourceLocation principal.resource.attribute.labels Values within this field are added as labels.
target_details target.resource.attribute.labels Added as a label with key "Target Details".
target_type target.resource.attribute.labels Added as a label with key "target type".
timestamp timestamp The raw log field value. Set based on the presence of principal and target fields. Defaults to "GENERIC_EVENT" if no specific condition is met. Possible values are "USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT", "USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS", "USER_UNCATEGORIZED". Set to "GITLAB". Set to "GITLAB".



  • Mapped "custom_message.action" to "security_result.summary".
  • Mapped "ip_address" to "principal.ip".
  • Mapped "applicationProtocol" to "network.application_protocol".
  • Mapped "details.author_name"" to "principal.user.email_addresses"
  • Mapped "author_id" to "principal.user.userid".
  • Mapped "target_id" to "".
  • Mapped "details.entity_path" to "target.file.full_path".
  • Mapped "event_type" to "product_event_type".
  • Mapped "target_type", "entity_type" and "target_details" to "resource.attribute.labels".


  • Mapped the fields starting with "db_" to "additional_fields".
  • Mapped the fields starting with "redis_" to "additional_fields".
  • Mapped "severity" or "jsonPayload.severity" to "security_result.severity" when the value is either "ERROR" or "NOTICE".
  • Mapped "jsonPayload.correlation_id" to "principal.asset_id".
  • Mapped "unmapped fields of jsonPayload" to "additional_fields".
  • Mapped "jsonPayload.worker_id" to "principal.application".
  • Mapped "jsonPayload.method" to "network.http.method".
  • Mapped "" to "".
  • Mapped "jsonPayload.status" to "network.http.response_code".
  • Mapped "" to "".
  • Mapped "resource.type" to "".
  • Mapped "jsonPayload.meta_user" to "target.user.userid".
  • Mapped "jsonPayload.username" to "principal.user.userid".
  • Mapped "jsonPayload.remote_ip" to "principal.ip".
  • Mapped "" to "network.http.user_agent".
  • Mapped "jsonPayload.meta_client_id" to "target.user.userid".
  • Mapped "jsonPayload.path" to "target.process.file.full_path".
  • Mapped "protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail" to "principal.user.email_addresses".
  • Mapped additional fields in "protoPayload" to "additional.fields".
  • Provided a conditional check that required mapping is present before mapping the "metadata.event_type".


  • Mapped "" to "principal.resource.attribute.labels" and "principal.user.role_name".
  • Set "principal_role.type" to "ADMINISTRATOR" for logs having "" equals to "Owner".
  • Set "principal_role.type" to "SERVICE_ACCOUNT" for logs having "" set to either "Developer", "Maintainer", or "Reporter".
  • Set "principal_role.type" to "TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" for logs having "" equals to "Guest".
  • Mapped "jsonPayload.details.add" to "principal.resource.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "jsonPayload.entity_type" to "target.resource.attribute.labels".


  • Newly created parser.

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