Collect Trend Micro Cloud One logs

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This parser handles syslog and JSON formatted logs from Trend Micro Cloud One. It extracts key-value pairs from LEEF formatted messages, normalizes severity values, identifies principal and target entities (IP, hostname, user), and maps the data into the UDM schema. If the LEEF format is not detected, the parser attempts to process the input as JSON and extract relevant fields accordingly.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have a Google SecOps instance.
  • Ensure that you have privileged access to Trend Micro Cloud One.
  • Ensure that you have a Windows 2012 SP2 or later or Linux host with systemd.
  • If running behind a proxy, ensure firewall ports are open.

Get Google SecOps ingestion authentication file

  1. Sign in to the Google SecOps console.
  2. Go to SIEM Settings > Collection Agents.
  3. Download the Ingestion Authentication File.

Get Google SecOps customer ID

  1. Sign in to the Google SecOps console.
  2. Go to SIEM Settings > Profile.
  3. Copy and save the Customer ID from the Organization Details section.

Install BindPlane Agent

  1. For Windows installation, run the following script: msiexec /i "" /quiet.
  2. For Linux installation, run the following script: sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSlL"
  3. Additional installation options can be found in this installation guide.

Configure BindPlane Agent to ingest Syslog and send to Google SecOps

  1. Access the machine with BindPlane.
  2. Edit the config.yaml file as follows:

        # Replace the below port <5514> and IP ( with your specific values
        listen_address: "" 
            compression: gzip
            # Adjust the creds location below according the placement of the credentials file you downloaded
            creds: '{ json file for creds }'
            # Replace <customer_id> below with your actual ID that you copied
            customer_id: <customer_id>
            # You can apply ingestion labels below as preferred
            log_type: SYSLOG
            raw_log_field: body
                    - udplog
                    - chronicle/chronicle_w_labels
  3. Restart the BindPlane Agent to apply the changes using the following command: sudo systemctl bindplane restart

Configure Syslog from Trend Micro Cloud One

  1. Go to Policies > Common Objects > Other > Syslog Configurations.
  2. Click New > New Configuration > General
  3. Specify values for the following parameters:
    • Name: Unique name that identifies the configuration (for example, Google SecOps BindPlance server).
    • Server Name: Enter the IP address of the BindPlane Agent.
    • Server Port: Enter the port of the BindPlane Agent (for example, 514).
    • Transport: Select UDP.
    • Event Format: Select Syslog.
    • Include time zone in events: Keep unselected.
    • Facility: Type of process with which events will be associated.
    • Agents should forward logs: Select Syslog server.
    • Click Save.

Export system events in Trend Micro Cloud One

  1. Go to Administration > System Settings > Event Forwarding.
  2. Forward System Events to a remote computer (via Syslog) using configuration, select the configuration created in the previous step.
  3. Click Save.

Export security events in Trend Micro Cloud One

  1. Go to Policies.
  2. Click the policy used by the computers.
  3. Go to Settings > Event Forwarding.
  4. Event Forwarding Frequency (from the Agent/Appliance): choose Period between sending of events and select how often the security events will be forwarded.
  5. Event Forwarding Configuration (from the Agent/Appliance): choose Anti-Malware Syslog Configuration and select the configuration created in the previous step.
  6. Click Save.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
act security_result.action If act is "deny" or "block" (case-insensitive), then BLOCK. If act is "pass" or "allow" (case-insensitive), then ALLOW. If act is "update" or "rename" (case-insensitive), then ALLOW_WITH_MODIFICATION. If act is "quarantine" (case-insensitive), then QUARANTINE. Otherwise, UNKNOWN_ACTION.
act security_result.action_details Directly mapped.
cat security_result.category_details Directly mapped.
cn1 target.asset_id Prefixed with "Host Id:" if cn1Label is "Host ID".
desc metadata.description Directly mapped.
dvchost target.asset.hostname Directly mapped.
dvchost target.hostname Directly mapped.
log_type metadata.product_name Directly mapped.
msg security_result.description Directly mapped.
name security_result.summary Directly mapped.
organization target.administrative_domain Directly mapped.
proto additional.fields.key Set to "Protocol" if the proto field cannot be converted to an integer.
proto additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped if the proto field cannot be converted to an integer.
proto network.ip_protocol Mapped using the parse_ip_protocol.include logic, which converts the protocol number to its corresponding name (e.g., "6" becomes "TCP").
product_version metadata.product_version Directly mapped.
sev security_result.severity If sev is "0", "1", "2", "3" or "low" (case-insensitive), then LOW. If sev is "4", "5", "6" or "medium" (case-insensitive), then MEDIUM. If sev is "7", "8" or "high" (case-insensitive), then HIGH. If sev is "9", "10" or "very high" (case-insensitive), then CRITICAL.
sev security_result.severity_details Directly mapped.
src principal.asset.hostname Directly mapped if it's not a valid IP address.
src principal.asset.ip Directly mapped if it's a valid IP address.
src principal.hostname Directly mapped if it's not a valid IP address.
src principal.ip Directly mapped if it's a valid IP address.
TrendMicroDsTenant security_result.detection_fields.key Set to "TrendMicroDsTenant".
TrendMicroDsTenant security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped.
TrendMicroDsTenantId security_result.detection_fields.key Set to "TrendMicroDsTenantId".
TrendMicroDsTenantId security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped.
usrName principal.user.userid Directly mapped. If has_principal is true and has_target is true, then NETWORK_CONNECTION. Else if has_principal is true, then STATUS_UPDATE. Else if has_target is true and has_principal is false, then USER_UNCATEGORIZED. Otherwise, GENERIC_EVENT. Set to AUTHTYPE_UNSPECIFIED if event_type is USER_UNCATEGORIZED. Set to "true" if a principal IP, hostname, or MAC address is extracted. Otherwise, initialized to "false". Set to "true" if a target IP, hostname, or MAC address is extracted. Otherwise, initialized to "false". Same as the top-level event timestamp. Set to "Trend Micro".



  • Newly created parser.

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