Collect WatchGuard Fireware logs

Supported in:


This parser extracts WatchGuard Fireware logs in JSON or key-value (KV) format, transforming them into UDM. It handles "Traffic" and "Event" logs differently, using grok and kv filters to extract fields and map them to UDM, with specific logic for various msg_id values and event names, handling network protocols, user actions, security results, and other relevant details. It also processes a second group of syslog entries, extracting similar information and mapping it to the UDM format.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have a Google SecOps instance.
  • Ensure that you have privileged access to Watchguard.
  • Ensure that you have a Windows 2012 SP2 or later or Linux host with systemd.
  • If running behind a proxy, ensure firewall ports are open.

Get Google SecOps ingestion authentication file

  1. Sign in to the Google SecOps console.
  2. Go to SIEM Settings > Collection Agents.
  3. Download the Ingestion Authentication File.

Get Google SecOps customer ID

  1. Sign in to the Google SecOps console.
  2. Go to SIEM Settings > Profile.
  3. Copy and save the Customer ID from the Organization Details section.

Install BindPlane Agent

  1. For Windows installation, run the following script: msiexec /i "" /quiet.
  2. For Linux installation, run the following script: sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSlL"
  3. Additional installation options can be found in this installation guide.

Configure BindPlane Agent to ingest Syslog and send to Google SecOps

  1. Access the machine where BindPlane is installed.
  2. Edit the config.yaml file as follows:

        # Replace the below port <54525> and IP ( with your specific values
        listen_address: "" 
            compression: gzip
            # Adjust the creds location below according the placement of the credentials file you downloaded
            creds: '{ json file for creds }'
            # Replace <customer_id> below with your actual ID that you copied
            customer_id: <customer_id>
            # You can apply ingestion labels below as preferred
            log_type: SYSLOG
            namespace: testNamespace
            raw_log_field: body
                    - tcplog
                    - chronicle/chronicle_w_labels
  3. Restart BindPlane Agent to apply the changes using the following command: sudo systemctl bindplane restart

Add Syslog server configuration to Watchguard

  1. Sign in to Watchguard UI.
  2. Select System > Logging.
  3. Click Syslog Server tab.
  4. Select Send log messages to these syslog servers checkbox.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Specify values for the input parameters in the Syslog Server dialog:

    • IP Address: type the server IP address.
    • Port: change the default syslog server port (514), type a different port for your server.
    • Log Format: select Syslog from the drop-down.
    • Optional: Description: type a description for the server (for example, Google SecOps export).
    • Optional: The time stamp: select the check box to include the date and time that the event occurs on your Firebox in the log message details.
    • Optional: The serial number of the device select the checkbox to include the serial number of the Firebox in the log message details.
    • Syslog facility: for each type of log message, select a priority from the drop-down (for example, high-priority syslog messages, such as alarms, select Local0).
    • Optional: Restore Defaults: to restore the default settings.
  7. Click Save.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
action security_result.action_details The value of action from the raw log is assigned to security_result.action_details.
action target.labels.value The value of action from the raw log is assigned to target.labels.value, with target.labels.key being "Action over resource".
arg target.file.full_path The value of arg from the raw log is assigned to target.file.full_path.
app_cat_id about.labels.value The value of app_cat_id from the raw log is assigned to about.labels.value, with about.labels.key being "app_cat_id".
app_cat_name target.application Used in combination with app_name to form the value of target.application (e.g., "Google - Web services").
app_id about.labels.value The value of app_id from the raw log is assigned to about.labels.value, with about.labels.key being "app_id".
app_name target.application Used in combination with app_cat_name to form the value of target.application (e.g., "Google - Web services").
cats security_result.category_details The value of cats from the raw log is assigned to security_result.category_details.
cert_issuer network.tls.server.certificate.issuer The value of cert_issuer from the raw log is assigned to network.tls.server.certificate.issuer.
cert_subject network.tls.server.certificate.subject The value of cert_subject from the raw log is assigned to network.tls.server.certificate.subject.
cn network.tls.server.certificate.subject The value of cn from the raw log is assigned to network.tls.server.certificate.subject.
conn_action security_result.action_details The value of conn_action from the raw log is assigned to security_result.action_details.
content_type Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
description metadata.description The value of description derived from the raw log is assigned to metadata.description.
dhcp_type network.dhcp.type The value of dhcp_type from the raw log is mapped to the corresponding DHCP type in network.dhcp.type (e.g., "REQUEST", "ACK").
dst_host target.hostname The value of dst_host from the raw log is assigned to target.hostname.
dst_ip target.ip The value of dst_ip from the raw log is assigned to target.ip.
dst_mac target.mac The value of dst_mac from the raw log is assigned to target.mac.
dst_port target.port The value of dst_port from the raw log is assigned to target.port.
dst_user target.user.user_display_name The value of dst_user from the raw log is assigned to target.user.user_display_name.
dstname target.administrative_domain The value of dstname from the raw log is assigned to target.administrative_domain.
duration Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
elapsed_time Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
endpoint intermediary.labels.value The value of endpoint from the raw log is assigned to intermediary.labels.value, with intermediary.labels.key being "Gateway-Endpoint".
event_name principal.application The value of event_name from the raw log is assigned to principal.application.
firewall_id intermediary.asset_id The value of firewall_id from the raw log is prepended with "Firewall ID : " and assigned to intermediary.asset_id.
firewall_name principal.asset_id The value of firewall_name from the raw log is prepended with "Firewall: " and assigned to principal.asset_id.
firewallname intermediary.hostname The value of firewallname from the raw log is assigned to intermediary.hostname.
firewallname principal.hostname The value of firewallname from the raw log is assigned to principal.hostname.
fqdn_dst_match Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
geo Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
geo_dst target.location.country_or_region The value of geo_dst from the raw log is assigned to target.location.country_or_region.
geo_src principal.location.country_or_region The value of geo_src from the raw log is assigned to principal.location.country_or_region.
host Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
ike_policy security_result.rule_id The value of ike_policy from the raw log is assigned to security_result.rule_id.
ike_policy_version security_result.rule_version The value of ike_policy_version from the raw log is assigned to security_result.rule_version.
intermediary_host intermediary.hostname The value of intermediary_host from the raw log is assigned to intermediary.hostname.
ipaddress Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
ipsec_policy Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
ipsec_policy_version Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
keyword Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
line Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
log_message metadata.description The value of log_message from the raw log is assigned to metadata.description when other more specific descriptions are not available.
log_reason security_result.summary The value of log_reason from the raw log is assigned to security_result.summary.
log_type metadata.log_type The value of log_type from the raw log is assigned to metadata.log_type. Always set to "WATCHGUARD".
msg security_result.summary The value of msg from the raw log is assigned to security_result.summary.
msg_id metadata.product_event_type The value of msg_id from the raw log is assigned to metadata.product_event_type.
new_action security_result.action_details Used with conn_action to form the value of security_result.action_details (e.g., "ProxyReplace: IP protocol - HTTPS-Client.DPI-Off").
op network.http.method The value of op from the raw log is assigned to network.http.method.
path target.url The value of path from the raw log is assigned to target.url.
pid Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
policy_name The value of policy_name from the raw log is assigned to
policy_name security_result.rule_name The value of policy_name from the raw log is assigned to security_result.rule_name.
policyname_label.value security_result.rule_labels.value The value of policy_name from the raw log is assigned to security_result.rule_labels.value, with security_result.rule_labels.key being "PolicyName".
prin_host principal.hostname The value of prin_host from the raw log is assigned to principal.hostname.
proc_id Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
protocol network.ip_protocol The value of protocol from the raw log, converted to uppercase, is assigned to network.ip_protocol. Special handling for "EXTERNAL ICMP" which is mapped to "ICMP".
proxy_act security_result.rule_id The value of proxy_act from the raw log is assigned to security_result.rule_id.
proxy_act security_result.rule_name The value of proxy_act from the raw log is assigned to security_result.rule_name.
query_name The value of query_name from the raw log is assigned to
query_type network.dns.questions.type The value of query_type from the raw log is assigned to network.dns.questions.type. Special handling for numeric query types and mapping to standard DNS query types.
rc Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
reason security_result.summary The value of reason from the raw log is assigned to security_result.summary.
record_type network.dns.answers.type The value of record_type from the raw log is mapped to the corresponding DNS record type in network.dns.answers.type.
redirect_action Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
reputation additional.fields.value.string_value The value of reputation from the raw log is assigned to additional.fields.value.string_value, with additional.fields.key being "reputation".
response Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
response_code network.dns.response_code The value of response_code from the raw log is mapped to the corresponding DNS response code in network.dns.response_code.
route_type Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
rule_name security_result.rule_name The value of rule_name from the raw log is assigned to security_result.rule_name.
rcvd_bytes network.received_bytes The value of rcvd_bytes from the raw log is assigned to network.received_bytes.
sent_bytes network.sent_bytes The value of sent_bytes from the raw log is assigned to network.sent_bytes.
server_ssl Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
severity Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
sig_vers network.tls.server.certificate.version The value of sig_vers from the raw log is assigned to network.tls.server.certificate.version.
signature_cat additional.fields.value.string_value The value of signature_cat from the raw log is assigned to additional.fields.value.string_value, with additional.fields.key being "signature_cat".
signature_id additional.fields.value.string_value The value of signature_id from the raw log is assigned to additional.fields.value.string_value, with additional.fields.key being "signature_id".
signature_name additional.fields.value.string_value The value of signature_name from the raw log is assigned to additional.fields.value.string_value, with additional.fields.key being "signature_name".
sni network.tls.client.server_name The value of sni from the raw log is assigned to network.tls.client.server_name.
src_ctid Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
src_host principal.hostname The value of src_host from the raw log is assigned to principal.hostname.
src_ip principal.ip The value of src_ip from the raw log is assigned to principal.ip.
src_ip_nat Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
src_mac principal.mac The value of src_mac from the raw log is assigned to principal.mac.
src_port principal.port The value of src_port from the raw log is assigned to principal.port.
src_user principal.user.user_display_name The value of src_user from the raw log is assigned to principal.user.user_display_name.
src_user_name principal.user.user_display_name The value of src_user_name from the raw log is assigned to principal.user.user_display_name.
src_vpn_ip principal.ip The value of src_vpn_ip from the raw log is assigned to principal.ip.
srv_ip Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
srv_port Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
ssl_offload Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
tcp_info Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
time metadata.event_timestamp.seconds, timestamp.seconds The value of time from the raw log is parsed and used to populate metadata.event_timestamp.seconds and timestamp.seconds.
time1 metadata.event_timestamp.seconds, timestamp.seconds The value of time1 from the raw log is parsed and used to populate metadata.event_timestamp.seconds and timestamp.seconds.
tls_profile about.labels.value The value of tls_profile from the raw log is assigned to about.labels.value, with about.labels.key being "tls_profile".
tls_version Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
user_name principal.user.userid, principal.user.user_display_name The value of user_name from the raw log is assigned to principal.user.userid or principal.user.user_display_name depending on the context.
user_type Not mapped Not mapped to the IDM object in the provided UDM examples.
(N/A) intermediary.resource.type Always set to "ACCESS_POLICY".
(N/A) metadata.product_name Always set to "Fireware".
(N/A) metadata.vendor_name Always set to "Watchguard".
(N/A) security_result.action Determined by parser logic based on disposition. Can be "ALLOW" or "BLOCK".
(N/A) extensions.auth.type Set to "AUTHTYPE_UNSPECIFIED" for user login/logout events, and "VPN" for network events related to VPNs.
(N/A) network.application_protocol Determined by parser logic based on msg_id and event_name. Can be "DNS", "DHCP", "HTTP", or "HTTPS".
(N/A) network.dns.questions.type Set to 1 for "A" record queries.
(N/A) target.labels.key Set to "Action over resource" when action is mapped to target.labels.value.
(N/A) intermediary.labels.key Set to "Firewall Member Name" when prin_host is mapped to intermediary.labels.value.
(N/A) intermediary.labels.key Set to "Gateway-Endpoint" when endpoint is mapped to intermediary.labels.value.
(N/A) principal.labels.key Set to "Gateway" when gateway is mapped to principal.labels.value.
(N/A) target.labels.key Set to "Gateway" when gateway is mapped to target.labels.value.
(N/A) principal.labels.key Set to "state" when status is mapped to principal.labels.value.
(N/A) target.labels.key Set to "Gateway Status" when status is mapped to target.labels.value.
(N/A) additional.fields.key Set to "signature_name", "signature_cat", "signature_id", or "reputation" when the corresponding values are mapped from the raw log.



  • Modified a Grok pattern to parse new fields.
  • Modified few Grok pattern to parse new patterns of "identified_log".
  • Added a new Grok pattern to parse "identified_log" having "msg_id" value as "1600-0066".


  • Mapped "signature_name" to "additional.fields" for logs having "msg_id" equal to "3000-0150".
  • Mapped "signature_id", "signature_cat" to "additional.fields".


  • Modified few Grok patterns to parse new fields.
  • Mapped "firewallname" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.intermediary.hostname".
  • Mapped "firewall_id" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.intermediary.asset_id".
  • Mapped "prin_host" to "event.idm.read_only_udm.intermediary.labels"


  • Removed redundant code.
  • Mapped "signature_name" to "additional.fields".


  • Bug-fix:
  • Modified the "date" filter to support the following formats "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss".


  • Bug-fix:
  • Changed mapping for the field "src_vpn_ip" from "principal.ip" to "target.ip" for event "Received DPD message from target host through gateway".


  • Enhancement - Added Grok patterns to handle unparsed logs with event 'dnsmasq', 'dhcpd', 'iked', 'admd'.


  • Enhancement - Added grok to handle unparsed logs.
  • Mapped "dst_port" to target.port.
  • Mapped "src_port" to principal.port.
  • Mapped "rcvd_bytes" to network.received_bytes.
  • Mapped "geo_src" to principal.location.country_or_region.
  • Mapped "geo_dst" to target.location.country_or_region.
  • Mapped "prin_host" to "principal.hostname".
  • Added conditional check for "dhcp_type", "intermediary_host", "protocol"
  • For "msg_id" equal to "1600-0066"
  • Added grok pattern for "msg_id" equal to "1600-0066".
  • Mapped "description" to "metadeta.description".
  • For "msg_id" equal to "2DFF-0000"
  • Mapped "proxy_act" to "security_result.rule_name".


  • Enhancement - Mapped firewall name to "principal.asset_id" for the logs containing Member1.
  • Modified "event_type" from "SERVICE_MODIFICATION" to "NETWORK_CONNECTION".
  • Mapped "src_user" to "principal.user.email_addresses" if it' an Email, else mapped it to "principal.user.user_display_name".


  • Enhancement -
  • Added grok to handle unparsed log with event_name 'firewall'.
  • Reduced GENERIC_EVENT type.


  • Enhancement - Mapped 'reason' field to 'security_result.action_details'.
  • Added grok to handle unparsed log with event_name 'firewall'.
  • Added additional conditional blocks to parse logs with event_name 'loggerd', 'sigd', 'sessiond', 'admd', 'iked'.


  • Bug-fix:
  • Mapped path given in the http header from 'target.file.full_path' to 'target.url' instead.


  • Enhancement - Parsed logs with events related to "firewall", "http-proxy", "https-proxy".

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