Integrate Security Command Center with Google SecOps
This document explains how to integrate Security Command Center with Google Security Operations (Google SecOps).
Integration version: 13.0
Before you begin
To use the integration, you need a custom Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and a Google Cloud service account. You can use an existing service account or create a new one.
Create and configure an IAM role
To create and configure a custom IAM role for the integration, complete the following steps:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM Roles page.
Click Create role to create a custom role with permissions required for the integration.
For a new custom role, enter a Title, Description, and unique ID.
Set the Role Launch Stage to General Availability.
Add the following permissions to the created role:
Create and configure an API key
To create the API key, complete the following steps:
In the Google Cloud console, go to APIs & Services > Credentials.
Click Create Credentials.
Select API key. A dialog appears with a generated API key. Copy the API key and store it securely.
To configure the API restriction for the API key, complete the following steps:
Click Restrict key.
Under API restrictions, select Restrict key.
Select Security Command Center API from the API list.
Configure the applicable restrictions.
Click Save to save the API key configuration.
Grant access to the API key
To grant Security Command Center access to your API key, complete the following steps:
In the Google Cloud console, go to IAM & Admin > Service accounts.
Select the service account which you use in the Security Command Center integration.
Click the service account's email address.
Select Grant access.
In the New members field, enter the service account's email address.
Under Security Center, select the
Security Center Viewer
role.Click Save.
Integration parameters
The Security Command Center integration requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
API Root |
Required. The API root of the Security Command Center instance. |
Organization ID |
Optional. The organization ID of to use in the Security Command Center integration. |
Project ID |
Optional. The project ID of the Security Command Center instance. |
Quota Project ID |
Optional. The Google Cloud project ID that you use for
Google Cloud APIs and billing. This parameter requires you to grant
If you don't set a value for this parameter, the integration retrieves the project ID from your Google Cloud service account. |
User's Service Account |
Required. The content of the service account key JSON file. You can configure this parameter or the To configure this parameter, provide the full content of the service account key JSON file that you downloaded when you created a service account. |
Workload Identity Email |
Optional. The client email address of your service account. You can configure this parameter or the If you set this parameter, configure
the To impersonate service accounts with the Workload Identity Federation,
grant the |
Verify SSL |
Required. If selected, the integration validates the SSL certificate when connecting to the Security Command Center server. Selected by default. |
For instructions about how to configure an integration in Google SecOps, see Configure integrations.
You can make changes at a later stage, if needed. After you configure an integration instance, you can use it in playbooks. For more information about how to configure and support multiple instances, see Supporting multiple instances.
For more information about actions, see Respond to pending actions from Your Workdesk and Perform a manual action.
Enrich Assets
Use the Enrich Assets action to enrich assets using information from Security Command Center.
This action runs on all Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
The Enrich Assets action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Asset Resource Names |
Required. A comma-separated list of the assets' resource names to return data. |
Action outputs
The Enrich Assets action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Available |
Entity enrichment table | Available |
JSON result | Available |
Output messages | Available |
Script result | Available |
Case wall table
The Enrich Assets action can return the following table:
Table title: ASSET_ID
Table columns:
- Key
- Value
Entity enrichment table
The Enrich Assets action can enrich the following entities:
The following table shows an example of the google.compute.Instance
Enrichment field name | Source (JSON key) | Applicability |
resourceOwners_KEY |
The resourceOwners_KEY CSV
file. |
When available in the JSON result. |
type |
resourceType |
When available in the JSON result. |
create_time |
createTime |
When available in the JSON result. |
update_time |
updateTime |
When available in the JSON result. |
related_service_accounts |
The resourceProperties/serviceAccounts/email CSV file. |
When available in the JSON result. |
tags |
The resourceProperties/tags/items CSV file. |
When available in the JSON result. |
self_link |
resourceProperties/selfLink |
When available in the JSON result. |
status |
resourceProperties/status |
When available in the JSON result. |
ip_addresses |
The resourcePropertie/networkInterfaces CSV file. |
When available in the JSON result. |
JSON result
The following example shows the JSON result output received when using the Enrich Assets action:
"siemplify_asset_display_name":[4] [5] ""
"asset": {
"name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/assets/ASSET_ID",
"securityCenterProperties": {
"resourceName": "//",
"resourceType": "google.compute.Instance",
"resourceParent": "//",
"resourceProject": "//",
"resourceOwners": {
"serviceAccount": [
"user": [
"resourceDisplayName": "vm-wordpress",
"resourceParentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID",
"resourceProjectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID"
"resourceProperties": {
"shieldedInstanceConfig": "{\"enableIntegrityMonitoring\":true,\"enableSecureBoot\":false,\"enableVtpm\":true}",
"scheduling": "{\"automaticRestart\":true,\"onHostMaintenance\":\"MIGRATE\",\"preemptible\":false,\"provisioningModel\":\"STANDARD\"}",
"labelFingerprint": "rs_6ubxpsZU=",
"creationTimestamp": "2022-02-08T05:00:54.691-08:00",
"networkInterfaces": "[{\"fingerprint\":\"DLL4fFQQkFU\\u003d\",\"name\":\"nic0\",\"network\":\"\",\"networkIP\":\"\",\"stackType\":\"IPV4_ONLY\",\"subnetwork\":\"\"}]",
"name": "vm-wordpress",
"machineType": "",
"serviceAccounts": "[{\"email\":\"\",\"scopes\":[\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"]}]",
"tags": "{\"fingerprint\":\"AG-OvsszYew\\u003d\",\"items\":[\"wordpress\"]}",
"fingerprint": "pJ1DSfT2-oM=",
"labels": "{\"env\":\"test\"}",
"canIpForward": false,
"zone": "",
"cpuPlatform": "Intel Broadwell",
"disks": "[",
"shieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy": "{\"updateAutoLearnPolicy\":true}",
"deletionProtection": false,
"selfLink": "",
"startRestricted": false,
"lastStartTimestamp": "2022-02-08T05:01:05.259-08:00",
"status": "RUNNING",
"securityMarks": {
"name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/assets/ASSET_ID/securityMarks"
"createTime": "2022-02-08T13:00:55.518Z",
"updateTime": "2022-04-27T20:12:50.687Z",
"iamPolicy": {},
"canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_ID/assets/ASSET_ID"
Output messages
The Enrich Assets action can return the following output messages:
Output message | Message description |
The action succeeded. |
Error executing action "Enrich Assets". Reason:
The action failed. Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials. |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Enrich Assets action:
Script result name | Value |
is_success |
True or False |
Get Finding Details
Use the Get Finding Details action to retrieve details about a finding in Security Command Center.
This action doesn't run on Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
The Get Finding Details action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Finding Name |
Required. Finding names to return details. This parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated list. The example for finding names is as follows: organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/sources/SOURCE_ID/findings/FINDING_ID |
Action outputs
The Get Finding Details action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Available |
Output messages | Available |
Script result | Available |
Case wall table
The Get Finding Details action can return the following table:
Table title: Finding Details
Table columns:
- Category
- State
- Severity
- Type
JSON result
The following example shows the JSON result output received when using the Get Finding Details action:
"finding_name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/sources/2678067631293752869/findings/hvX6WwbvFyBGqPbEs9WH9m",
"finding": {
"name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/sources/2678067631293752869/findings/hvX6WwbvFyBGqPbEs9WH9m",
"parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/sources/2678067631293752869",
"resourceName": "//",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"category": "Discovery: Service Account Self-Investigation",
"sourceProperties": {
"sourceId": {
"projectNumber": "PROJECT_ID",
"customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID"
"detectionCategory": {
"technique": "discovery",
"indicator": "audit_log",
"ruleName": "iam_anomalous_behavior",
"subRuleName": "service_account_gets_own_iam_policy"
"detectionPriority": "LOW",
"affectedResources": [
"gcpResourceName": "//"
"evidence": [
"sourceLogId": {
"projectId": "PROJECT_ID",
"resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID",
"timestamp": {
"seconds": "1622678907",
"nanos": 448368000
"insertId": "ID"
"properties": {
"serviceAccountGetsOwnIamPolicy": {
"principalEmail": "",
"projectId": "PROJECT_ID",
"callerIp": "",
"callerUserAgent": "Redlock/GC-MDC/resource-manager/PROJECT_ID Google-API-Java-Client HTTP-Java-Client/1.34.0 (gzip),gzip(gfe)",
"rawUserAgent": "Redlock/GC-MDC/resource-manager/PROJECT_ID Google-API-Java-Client HTTP-Java-Client/1.34.0 (gzip),gzip(gfe)"
"contextUris": {
"mitreUri": {
"displayName": "Permission Groups Discovery: Cloud Groups",
"url": ""
"cloudLoggingQueryUri": [
"displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link",
"url": ";query=timestamp%3D%222021-06-03T00:08:27.448368Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22ID%22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID%22?project=PROJECT_ID"
"securityMarks": {
"name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/sources/SOURCE_ID/findings/FINDING_ID/securityMarks"
"eventTime": "2021-06-03T00:08:27.448Z",
"createTime": "2021-06-03T00:08:31.074Z",
"severity": "LOW",
"canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_ID/sources/SOURCE_ID/findings/FINDING_ID",
"mute": "UNDEFINED",
"findingClass": "THREAT",
"mitreAttack": {
"primaryTactic": "DISCOVERY",
"primaryTechniques": [
"resource": {
"name": "//",
"projectName": "//",
"projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID",
"parentName": "//",
"parentDisplayName": "",
"type": "",
"displayName": "PROJECT_ID"
Output messages
The Get Finding Details action can return the following output messages:
Output message | Message description |
The action succeeded. |
Error executing action "Get Finding Details". Reason: ERROR_REASON |
The action failed. Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials. |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Get Finding Details action:
Script result name | Value |
is_success |
True or False |
List Asset Vulnerabilities
Use the List Asset Vulnerabilities action to list vulnerabilities related to entities in Security Command Center.
This action doesn't run on Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
The List Asset Vulnerabilities action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Asset Resource Names |
Required. Resource names for the assets to return data. This parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated list. |
Timeframe |
Optional. A period to search for the vulnerabilities or misconfigurations. The possible values are as follows:
The default value is |
Record Types |
Optional. The type of the record to return. The possible values are as follows:
The default value is |
Output Type |
Optional. The type of output to return in the JSON result for every asset. The possible values are as follows:
The default value is |
Max Records To Return |
Optional. The maximum number of records to return for every record type. The default value is |
Action outputs
The List Asset Vulnerabilities action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Available |
Output messages | Available |
Script result | Available |
Case wall table
The List Asset Vulnerabilities action can return the following tables:
Table title: ASSET_ID Vulnerabilities
Table columns:
- Category
- Description
- Severity
- Event Time
Table title: ASSET_ID Misconfigurations
Table columns:
- Category
- Description
- Severity
- Event Time
- Recommendation
JSON result
The following example shows the JSON result output received when using the List Asset Vulnerabilities action:
."siemplify_asset_display_name":[1] [2] ""
"vulnerabilities": {
"statistics": {
"critical": 1,
"high": 1,
"medium": 1,
"low": 1,
"undefined": 1
"data": [
"category": "CATEGORY"
"description": "DESCRIPTION"
"cve_id": "CVE_ID"
"event_time": "EVENT_TIME"
"related_references": "RELATED_REFERENCES"
"severity": "SEVERITY"
"misconfigurations": {
"statistics": {
"critical": 1,
"high": 1,
"medium": 1,
"low": 1,
"undefined": 1
"data": [
"category": "CATEGORY"
"description": "DESCRIPTION"
"recommendation": "RECOMMENDATION"
"event_time": "EVENT_TIME"
"severity": "SEVERITY"
Output messages
The List Asset Vulnerabilities action can return the following output messages:
Output message | Message description |
The action succeeded. |
Error executing action "List Asset Vulnerabilities". Reason:
The action failed. Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials. |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the List Asset Vulnerabilities action:
Script result name | Value |
is_success |
True or False |
Use the Ping action to test connectivity to Security Command Center.
This action doesn't run on Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
Action outputs
The Ping action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Not available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Not available |
Output messages | Available |
Script result | Available |
Output messages
The Ping action can return the following output messages:
Output message | Message description |
Successfully connected to the Security Command Center server
with the provided connection parameters! |
The action succeeded. |
Failed to connect to the Security Command Center server! Error
The action failed. Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials. |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Ping action:
Script result name | Value |
is_success |
True or False |
Update finding
Use the Update finding action to update finding in Security Command Center.
This action doesn't run on Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
The Update finding action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Finding Name |
Required. Finding names to update. This parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated list. The example for finding names is as follows: |
Mute Status |
Optional. The mute status for the finding. The possible values are as follows:
State Status |
Optional. The finding state. The possible values are as follows:
Action outputs
The Update finding action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Not available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Not available |
Output messages | Available |
Script result | Available |
Output messages
The Update finding action can return the following output messages:
Output message | Message description |
The action succeeded. |
Error executing action "Update finding". Reason: ERROR_REASON |
The action failed. Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials. |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Update finding action:
Script result name | Value |
is_success |
True or False |
For more detail about how to configure connectors in Google SecOps, see Ingest your data (connectors).
Google Security Command Center - Findings Connector
Use the Google Security Command Center - Findings Connector to retrieve information about findings from Security Command Center.
The dynamic list filter works with categories.
Connector inputs
The Google Security Command Center - Findings Connector requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Product Field Name |
Required. The name of the field where the product name is stored. The default value is The product name primarily impacts mapping. To streamline and improve the mapping process for the connector, the default value resolves to a fallback value that is referenced from the code. Any invalid input for this parameter resolves to a fallback value by default. |
Event Field Name |
Required. The name of the field that determines the event name (subtype). The default value is
Environment Field Name |
Optional. The name of the field where the environment name is stored. If the environment field is missing, the connector uses the default value. |
Environment Regex Pattern |
Optional. A regular expression pattern to run on the value found in the
Use the default value If the regular expression pattern is null or empty, or the environment value is null, the final environment result is the default environment. |
Script Timeout (Seconds) |
Required. The timeout limit, in seconds, for the Python process that runs the current script. The default value is |
API Root |
Required. The API root of the Security Command Center instance. The default value is |
Organization ID |
Optional. The ID of an organization to use in the Security Command Center integration. |
Project ID |
Optional. The project ID of the Security Command Center instance. |
Quota Project ID |
Optional. The Google Cloud project ID that you use for
Google Cloud APIs and billing. This parameter requires you to grant
If you don't set a value for this parameter, the integration retrieves the project ID from your Google Cloud service account. |
User's Service Account |
Required. The content of the service account key JSON file. You can configure this parameter or the To configure this parameter, provide the full content of the service account key JSON file that you have downloaded when you created a service account. |
Workload Identity Email |
Optional. The client email address of your service account. You can configure this parameter or the If you set this parameter, configure
the To impersonate service accounts with the Workload Identity Federation,
grant the |
Finding Class Filter
Optional. The finding classes for the connector to ingest. The possible values are as follows:
If you don't set a value, the connector ingests findings from all classes. The default value is
Lowest Severity To Fetch |
Optional. The lowest severity of the alerts to retrieve. If you don't configure this parameter, the connector ingests alerts with all severity levels. The connector treats alerts
with undefined severity as those with The possible values are as follows:
The default value is
Max Hours Backwards |
Optional. The number of hours prior to now to retrieve findings. This parameter can apply to the initial connector iteration after you enable the connector for the first time, or the fallback value for an expired connector timestamp. The maximum value is The default value is |
Max Findings To Fetch
Optional. The number of findings to process in every connector iteration. The maximum value is The default
value is |
Use dynamic list as a blacklist |
Required. If selected, the connector uses the dynamic list as a blocklist. Not selected by default. |
Verify SSL
Required. If selected, the integration validates the SSL certificate when connecting to the Security Command Center server. Not selected by default. |
Proxy Server Address |
Optional. The address of the proxy server to use. |
Proxy Username |
Optional. The proxy username to authenticate with. |
Proxy Password |
Optional. The proxy password to authenticate with. |
Connector rules
The Google Security Command Center - Findings Connector supports proxies.
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