Package types (1.3.0)

API documentation for websecurityscanner_v1.types package.



A CrawledUrl resource represents a URL that was crawled during a ScanRun. Web Security Scanner Service crawls the web applications, following all links within the scope of sites, to find the URLs to test against.


Request for the CreateScanConfig method. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The parent resource name where the scan is created, which should be a project resource name in the format 'projects/{projectId}'.

:type: str


Request for the DeleteScanConfig method. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the ScanConfig to be deleted. The name follows the format of 'projects/{projectId}/scanConfigs/{scanConfigId}'.

:type: str


A Finding resource represents a vulnerability instance identified during a ScanRun.


A FindingTypeStats resource represents stats regarding a specific FindingType of Findings under a given ScanRun.


! Information about a vulnerability with an HTML. .. attribute:: action_uri

! The URI where to send the form when it's submitted.

:type: str


Request for the GetFinding method. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the Finding to be returned. The name follows the format of 'projects/{projectId}/scanConfigs/{scanConfigId}/scanRuns/{scanRunId}/findings/{findingId}'.

:type: str


Request for the GetScanConfig method. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the ScanConfig to be returned. The name follows the format of 'projects/{projectId}/scanConfigs/{scanConfigId}'.

:type: str


Request for the GetScanRun method. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the ScanRun to be returned. The name follows the format of 'projects/{projectId}/scanConfigs/{scanConfigId}/scanRuns/{scanRunId}'.

:type: str


Request for the ListCrawledUrls method. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The parent resource name, which should be a scan run resource name in the format 'projects/{projectId}/scanConfigs/{scanConfigId}/scanRuns/{scanRunId}'.

:type: str


Response for the ListCrawledUrls method. .. attribute:: crawled_urls

The list of CrawledUrls returned.

:type: Sequence[]


Request for the ListFindingTypeStats method. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The parent resource name, which should be a scan run resource name in the format 'projects/{projectId}/scanConfigs/{scanConfigId}/scanRuns/{scanRunId}'.

:type: str


Response for the ListFindingTypeStats method. .. attribute:: finding_type_stats

The list of FindingTypeStats returned.

:type: Sequence[]


Request for the ListFindings method. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The parent resource name, which should be a scan run resource name in the format 'projects/{projectId}/scanConfigs/{scanConfigId}/scanRuns/{scanRunId}'.

:type: str


Response for the ListFindings method. .. attribute:: findings

The list of Findings returned.

:type: Sequence[]


Request for the ListScanConfigs method. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The parent resource name, which should be a project resource name in the format 'projects/{projectId}'.

:type: str


Response for the ListScanConfigs method. .. attribute:: scan_configs

The list of ScanConfigs returned.

:type: Sequence[]


Request for the ListScanRuns method. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The parent resource name, which should be a scan resource name in the format 'projects/{projectId}/scanConfigs/{scanConfigId}'.

:type: str


Response for the ListScanRuns method. .. attribute:: scan_runs

The list of ScanRuns returned.

:type: Sequence[]


Information reported for an outdated library. .. attribute:: library_name

The name of the outdated library.

:type: str


A ScanConfig resource contains the configurations to launch a scan.


Defines a custom error message used by CreateScanConfig and UpdateScanConfig APIs when scan configuration validation fails. It is also reported as part of a ScanRunErrorTrace message if scan validation fails due to a scan configuration error.


A ScanRun is a output-only resource representing an actual run of the scan. Next id: 12


Output only. Defines an error trace message for a ScanRun.


Output only. Defines a warning trace message for ScanRun. Warning traces provide customers with useful information that helps make the scanning process more effective.


Request for the StartScanRun method. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the ScanConfig to be used. The name follows the format of 'projects/{projectId}/scanConfigs/{scanConfigId}'.

:type: str


Request for the StopScanRun method. .. attribute:: name

Required. The resource name of the ScanRun to be stopped. The name follows the format of 'projects/{projectId}/scanConfigs/{scanConfigId}/scanRuns/{scanRunId}'.

:type: str


Request for the UpdateScanConfigRequest method. .. attribute:: scan_config

Required. The ScanConfig to be updated. The name field must be set to identify the resource to be updated. The values of fields not covered by the mask will be ignored.



Information regarding any resource causing the vulnerability such as JavaScript sources, image, audio files, etc.


Information about vulnerable or missing HTTP Headers. .. attribute:: headers

List of vulnerable headers.

:type: Sequence[]


Information about vulnerable request parameters. .. attribute:: parameter_names

The vulnerable parameter names.

:type: Sequence[str]


Information reported for an XSS. .. attribute:: stack_traces

Stack traces leading to the point where the XSS occurred.

:type: Sequence[str]