Monitor active queries

This page describes how to monitor and troubleshoot the queries that are active in your database. Active queries are long-running queries on your database that can affect performance. Monitoring these queries can help identify causes of system latency and high CPU usage.

You can view active queries on the Query insights dashboard. These queries are displayed by the transaction start time. If there is a large number of queries running, the results may be limited to a subset of total queries due to the memory constraints the system enforces on the data collection.

View active queries

To view your active queries, do the following:

  1. Create a custom role and add the databaseinsights.monitoringViewer Identity and Access Management (IAM) permission.

  2. Add this role for each user that is viewing active queries.

  3. In the Google Cloud console, open the AlloyDB page.

    Go to AlloyDB

  4. Click the name of a cluster to open its Overview page.

  5. Select the Query insights tab. The Query insights dashboard shows details about the selected cluster.

  6. Click the Active query view tab. The tab contains a summary of active queries running along with the top 50 longest running transactions.

    You can filter the information by either of the following:

    • Database: filters query load on a specific database or all databases.
    • User: filters query load from a specific database user or all of the users.

    Summary scorecard of all normalized active queries: provides an overview of all the active queries by displaying the total connections based on the following parameters:

    • Distribution of active connections categorized by connection state.
    • Distribution of active connections based on different wait event types.
    • Distribution of transaction durations for queries that are not in an idle state.

    Longest running transactions: provides an overview of the top 50 running queries in the active and idle in transaction state based on descending execution time.

You can view a list of top fifty normalized active queries on the Query insights dashboard.

A normalized active query removes sensitive data, and returns a digest. Two queries that are identical except for WHERE-clause values have the same digest. For example, consider the following three example queries:

  • select * from my_table where id = 1;
  • select * from my_table where id = 2;
  • select * from my_table where id = 100;

The normalized version of these queries is the following digest:

select * from my_table where id = ?;

A query that runs in different sessions is displayed as different entries on the dashboard.

View top longest running transactions

The following table describes the columns of the Longest running transactions table on the Query insights dashboard:

Column name Description
Process ID Process ID is the unique identifier of the database connection.
Query Normalized SQL query text.
Status The current status of the connection. Status values include active and idle in transaction.
Session duration The duration of current session (in seconds).
Transaction duration The duration of current transaction (in seconds).
Query duration The duration of current active Query (in seconds). Query duration of queries in the idle in transaction state are 0 as they are not actively running.
Wait event type The occurring wait event type during query execution.
Wait event The occurring wait event during query execution.
Database Database name on which this connection is running.
Application name Application name on which this connection is running.
User name Name of the database user connected to the database.
Client address Specific IP address of the client that sent a query.
Action Contains a link for terminating a transaction.

The display is refreshed every 60 seconds automatically.

Terminate a query or transaction

To terminate a query or a transaction, you must have the databaseinsights.operationsAdmin role. For more information, see IAM basic and predefined roles reference.

A transaction can contain multiple queries. To identify which of the queries are active at the moment, see the Query column in the Longest running transaction table.

To terminate a query or transaction, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the query in the Longest running transaction table.
  2. Scroll right to the Action column.
  3. Click Terminate connection.
  4. In the Terminate connection window, click Confirm.

    The page refreshes after initiating termination. If termination fails, it is silent and the query continues showing up in the Active Query list. If termination is successful, the query no longer displays in the list.

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