Configure the OpenStack Cloud Provider for Kubernetes

This guide explains how to configure the OpenStack Cloud Provider for Kubernetes in your Google Distributed Cloud cluster. The OpenStack Cloud Provider must be configured to expose Kubernetes Services using the OpenStack LBaaS.


This guide assumes that you have a Google Distributed Cloud cluster running in your OpenStack environment with a setup similar to what is explained in the Deploy Distributed Cloud on OpenStack guide. Please follow that guide first before trying these steps.

Google Distributed Cloud installed on OpenStack.

Configure the provider

The following section assumes that you are starting from a terminal window in your local workstation.

  1. Source the OpenStack client configuration (openrc) file. You can download it from the OpenStack WebUI.

    source PATH_TO_OPENRC_FILE/openrc
  2. Create the configuration file for the OpenStack Kubernetes Cloud Provider.

    cat > cloud.conf << EOF
    # this is for using a self-signed cert if your using a CA then comment this line
    # and point to the CA certificate using the "ca-file" arg
    # this is generally the public network on OpenStack
    # this should be private network subnet where vip is allocated for the ABM nodes

    Replace the following:

    • OS_AUTH_URL, OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD: These variables should be already set in the environment by source-ing the openrc file. Thus, they will be automatically picked up.
    • PUBLIC_NETWORK_ID: This is the publicly accessible network in your OpenStack deployment from which Floating IPs are allocated. It is from this network the LoadBalancer IPs for the Kubernetes services will be assigned. You can use a command similar to this one to fetch this IP from your OpenStack environment.
    • ABM_NETWORK_SUBNET_ID: This is the subnet on the private network in your OpenStack deployment from which IPs are allocated for the VMs running Google Distributed Cloud. You can use a command similar to this one to fetch this IP from your OpenStack environment.
  3. Fetch the public floating IP address of the abm-ws VM.

    export OPENSTACK_IPS=$(openstack floating ip list --tags=abm_ws_floatingip -f json)
    export FLOATING_IP=$(jq -c '.[]."Floating IP Address"' <<< $OPENSTACK_IPS | tr -d '"')
  4. Copy the cloud.conf file into the abm-ws VM in OpenStack.

    scp ./cloud.conf ubuntu@$FLOATING_IP:~
  5. Log in securely into the abm-ws VM via SSH and log in as a root user. The root user as configured by the Terraform scripts is abm.

    ssh ubuntu@$FLOATING_IP
    sudo -u abm -i
  6. Copy the cloud.conf files into the $HOME directory of the root user.

    cp /home/ubuntu/cloud.conf $HOME
  7. Create a Kubernetes Secret with the configuration.

    # make sure the kubectl client is pointing towards your Anthos on bare metal cluster
    export KUBECONFIG=~/bmctl-workspace/CLUSTER_NAME/CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig
    # store the provider configurations as a Kubernetes secret
    kubectl create secret -n kube-system generic cloud-config --from-file=cloud.conf
  8. Install the OpenStack Cloud Provider for Kubernetes.

    # create the necessary roles for the OpenStack provider
    kubectl apply -f
    # create the required role-bindings for the OpenStack provider
    kubectl apply -f
    # create the OpenStack controller manager
    kubectl apply -f

Validate the OpenStack integration

  1. Deploy the sample Point-Of-Sales application.

    kubectl apply -f
  2. Verify if the application pods are running.

    kubectl get pods

    Expected output:

    NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    api-server-7db4777f7f-zflk5   1/1     Running   0          74s
    inventory-58c6fb5568-dqk2x    1/1     Running   0          74s
    payments-68d5d65d5c-5mjl6     1/1     Running   0          74s
  3. Exposed the application via a service of type LoadBalancer.

    kubectl apply -f
  4. Try accessing the service from a browser.

    # wait for the external IP to be assigned
    kubectl get service api-server-lb
    NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE
    api-server-lb   LoadBalancer   80:32378/TCP   4m12s

    Point-Of-Sales application accessed using the EXTERNAL-IP.

    Point-Of-Sales application running on Google Distributed Cloud exposed via a LoadBalancer in OpenStack.

    You can notice a new OpenStack Load Balancer being created in OpenStack by visiting the OpenStack WebUI.

    LoadBalancer's provisioned by the Google Distributed Cloud viewd from the OpenStack UI