App Engine community

Welcome to the Google App Engine developer community! There are many ways to get involved in the App Engine developer community, whether you want to learn from other App Engine developers and community resources, contribute to open source projects, or share your own knowledge and experience.

Ask development questions

Ask technical questions on Stack Overflow using the official google-app-engine tag. App Engine team and community members actively monitor this channel and answer questions. Review the most-asked questions before posting a new one. You should ask non-technical questions in the various discussion groups and mailing lists for developers.

File feature requests and defects

You can suggest feature requests and report issues on our public issue tracker. This is a great place for App Engine team members and the developer community to discuss and track implementations of features or resolution of bug fixes, as well as share workarounds and patches to the SDK.

If you're interested in enterprise-level service and support, consider signing up for a support package.

Discuss the platform

We've established discussion groups/mailing lists for developers to discuss the platform and get notified of new release announcements and upcoming downtime.

You can also visit the Google Cloud Slack community to discuss App Engine and other Google Cloud products. If you haven't already joined, use this form to sign up. For App Engine, join the #app-engine channel.

Use and contribute to third-party libraries

There are several third-party projects based on App Engine on the popular code hosting platforms:



Watch videos

The Google Cloud team regularly posts videos about using App Engine on YouTube.

Keep up with the platform