Interface LogService (2.0.0)

public interface LogService

LogService allows callers to request the logs for an application using supplied filters. Logs are returned in an Iterable that yields RequestLogs, which contain request-level information and optionally AppLogLine objects containing the application logs from the request.

Static Fields


public static final int DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_FETCH

The number of items that each underlying RPC call will retrieve by default.

Field Value
Type Description


fetch(LogQuery query)

public abstract Iterable<RequestLogs> fetch(LogQuery query)

Retrieve logs for the current application with the constraints provided by the user as parameters to this function. Acts synchronously.

Name Description
query LogQuery

A LogQuery object that contains the various query parameters that should be used in the LogReadRequest. If versions and majorVersionIds are both empty, fetch will retrieve logs for the current running version.

Type Description

An Iterable that contains a set of logs matching the requested filters.