Storage Resource Utilization reports

This page explains how to view prebuilt Storage Resource Utilization reports in BigQuery.

The Backup and DR Service provides prebuilt Storage Resource Utilization reports that are accessible in BigQuery. You can access these reports after executing the prebuilt script in the same dataset where the logs are being routed through the log sink.

The Storage Resource Utilization report provides details about storage utilization of your resources.

  • Last updated on: The timestamp when the storage resource information was last updated on.
  • Appliance name: The name of the appliance associated with the storage resource.
  • Pool name: The name of the pool.
  • Storage type: The type of storage pool, for example, perf pool, onVault Pool, or primary pool.
  • Total capacity: The total capacity of the storage pool. This isn't applicable for OnVault pools.
  • Used capacity: The consumption of the storage pool.
  • Utilization percentage: The percentage of vDisk and pool volume consumed. This isn't applicable for the OnVault pool.
  • Appliance ID: The ID of the appliance associated with a storage resource.

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