View blockchain node details

This page describes how to view details about a Blockchain Node Engine node using the console or an API call.

Using the console

To view details about a node in the UI:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Blockchain Node Engine page.

    Go to Blockchain Node Engine

  2. The Nodes list page is displayed by default.

  3. Click a node name. The Node details page is displayed.

View node details

The Node details page displays detailed information about the selected node.

You can do the following on this page:

  • Open the APIs & Services Credentials page.
  • Copy an item to the clipboard.
  • Open the Metrics Explorer page.

Blockchain Node Engine Node details user interface

Category Description
Node info
Endpoints Lists the endpoint URLs of your endpoints that were created when you created your blockchain node. The endpoint URL is required to use the blockchain node.
API keys Provides a link to the API keys page for the API key you created in Create an API key. An API key is required to use the blockchain node.
Location The geographical location you selected in Create a blockchain node.
Metrics View metrics using the Metrics Explorer regarding the health of the blockchain node.

Using an API

To list details related to a blockchain node with ListBlockchainNodes, send the following request:

curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \\


If the node has been created, you will see a response like the following Ethereum example:

      "name": "projects/my-project-id/locations/us-central1/blockchainNodes/my-node",
      "createTime": "2023-04-21T19:26:16.293078Z",
      "updateTime": "2023-04-21T19:57:36.769661Z",
      "labels": {
        "my-label-key": "my-label-value"
      "blockchainType": "ETHEREUM",
      "connectionInfo": {
        "ipInfo": {
          "rpcIpv4Address": ""
        "endpointInfo": {
          "jsonRpcApiEndpoint": "",
          "websocketsApiEndpoint": ""
      "ethereumDetails": {
        "network": "MAINNET",
        "nodeType": "FULL",
        "executionClient": "GETH",
        "consensusClient": "LIGHTHOUSE",
        "apiEnableAdmin": false,
        "apiEnableDebug": false,
        "additionalEndpoints": {
          "beaconApiEndpoint": "",
          "beaconPrometheusMetricsApiEndpoint": ""
      "state": "RUNNING"

If you send the above command immediately after sending the command to create the node, the value of state will be CREATING. You can use the URL to set up your infrastructure; however, the node is not usable until the state changes to RUNNING.

Make a note of the endpoint URL from the response so you can use it in Using blockchain nodes.

Node states

Node instances will have various states based on the lifecycle of the node.

State Description
CREATING During this state, the node instance is being created and is not usable. While the endpoints are shown, they are not accessible. This stage lasts up to 45 minutes.

During this state, the node will be accessible. Note that after initial creation, the node will need to sync with the blockchain. Until syncing is complete, you may get incomplete results from various RPC calls.

  • Ethereum Full nodes: ~10 hours to sync. To check sync status, make a call to eth_syncing.
  • Ethereum Archive nodes: ~12 hours to sync. To check sync status, query the metrics endpoint.
  • Polygon Full nodes: ~6 hours to sync. Note that for the first ~1 hour while Heimdall is syncing, API requests will throw 503 errors. It then takes another ~5 hours for Bor to sync. To check sync status, make a call to eth_syncing.
  • Solana Non-voting RPCnodes: ~1 hour to sync. Note that while syncing, API requests will throw 503 errors.
  • DELETING During this state, the node is actively being deleted and cannot be used. This can take up to 30 minutes.
    ERROR This state indicates that an unexpected error has occurred. Delete the node and try again. If the issue persists, please contact support.