Ethereum RPC API

Ethereum API Methods

Blockchain RPC offers 100 requests per second per project along with a quota of 1 million requests per day. Some Ethereum methods are resource intensive and therefore count as more than one request. The following table indicates how much each method counts against your quota. For example, the debug_traceBlockByHash call has a multiplier of 50 which means that each call counts as 50 requests. The Beacon Node API is not supported.

Note that Ethereum mainnet is backed by clusters of Erigon archive nodes and Ethereum Holesky testnet is backed by clusters of Geth full nodes. The method support is similar but differs as indicated. Additionally, if a method is not listed below it is not supported. We will be adding support for additional methods in future releases.

Method Calls Request multiplier Mainnet Testnet
eth_blockNumber 1
eth_call 1
eth_chainId 1
eth_estimateGas 1
eth_feeHistory 1
eth_gasPrice 1
eth_getBalance 1
eth_getBlockByHash 1
eth_getBlockByNumber 1
eth_getBlockReceipts 1
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash 1
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber 1
eth_getCode 10
eth_getLogs 50
eth_getProof 50
eth_getStorageAt 1
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex 1
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex 1
eth_getTransactionByHash 1
eth_getTransactionCount 1
eth_getTransactionReceipt 1
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex 1
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex 1
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash 1
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber 1
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas 1
eth_subscribe 1
eth_syncing 1
eth_unsubscribe 1
eth_sendRawTransaction 1
net_listening 1
net_peerCount 1
net_version 1
txpool_inspect 50
txpool_status 50
web3_clientVersion 1
web3_sha3 1
trace_block 50
trace_call 50
trace_replayBlockTransactions 100
trace_replayTransaction 100
trace_transaction 50
debug_getBadBlocks 50
debug_storageRangeAt 50
debug_traceBlock 50
debug_traceBlockByHash 50
debug_traceBlockByNumber 50
debug_traceCall 50
debug_traceTransaction 50