Manage certificate maps

A certificate map references one or more certificate map entries that assign specific certificates to specific hostnames. This page describes how to create and manage certificate maps.

For more information, see Certificate maps.

Create a certificate map

You create a certificate map to refer to the certificate map entry associated with your certificate.


To create a certificate map, use the gcloud certificate-manager maps create command:

gcloud certificate-manager maps create CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME

Replace the following:

  • CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME: the name of the certificate map.


To create a certificate map, make a POST request to the certificateMaps.create method:

POST /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/certificateMaps?certificate_map_id=CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the Google Cloud project.
  • CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME: the name of the certificate map.


To create a certificate map, you can use a google_certificate_manager_certificate_map resource.

resource "google_certificate_manager_certificate_map" "default" {
  name        = "${}-certmap1-${random_id.tf_prefix.hex}"
  description = "${local.domain} certificate map"
  labels = {
    "terraform" : true

To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands.

Attach a certificate map to a proxy

After creating and configuring a certificate map with certificate map entries, attach the certificate map to the target proxy. Certificate Manager supports both target HTTPS and target SSL proxies with global scope. For more information about the differences between these proxy types, see Use target proxies.

If you attach a TLS (SSL) certificate to the target proxy and also attach certificates through a certificate map, the proxy uses the certificates referenced in the certificate map and ignores the directly attached certificate.


To attach the certificate map to the target HTTPS proxy, use the gcloud compute target-https-proxies update command:

gcloud compute target-https-proxies update PROXY_NAME \

To attach the certificate map to the target SSL proxy, use the gcloud compute target-ssl-proxies update command:

gcloud compute target-ssl-proxies update PROXY_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • PROXY_NAME: the name of the target proxy.
  • CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME: the name of the certificate map containing certificate map entries that reference the target certificates.


To attach the certificate map to the target HTTPS proxy, make a POST request to the targetHttpsProxies method:

POST /projects/PROJECT_ID/global/targetHttpsProxies/PROXY_NAME/setCertificateMap
  certificateMap: "//",

To attach the certificate map to the target SSL proxy, make a POST request to the targetSslProxies method:

POST /projects/PROJECT_ID/global/targetSslProxies/PROXY_NAME/setCertificateMap
  certificateMap: "//",

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the Google Cloud project.
  • PROXY_NAME: the name of the target proxy.
  • CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME: the name of the certificate map containing certificate map entries that reference the target certificates.

Detach a certificate map from a proxy

Before detaching a certificate map from a proxy, note the following:

  • If any TLS (SSL) certificates are attached directly to the proxy, detaching the certificate map causes the proxy to resume using them.

  • If no TLS (SSL) certificates are attached directly to the proxy, certificate map can't be detached. Attach at least one TLS certificate directly to the proxy before detaching the certificate map.


To detach any attached certificate map from the target HTTPS proxy, use the gcloud compute target-https-proxies update command:

gcloud compute target-https-proxies update PROXY_NAME \

To detach any attached certificate map from the target SSL proxy, use the gcloud compute target-ssl-proxies update command:

gcloud compute target-ssl-proxies update PROXY_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • PROXY_NAME: the name of the target proxy.


To detach any attached certificate map from the target HTTPS proxy, make a POST request to the targetHttpsProxies method:

POST /projects/PROJECT_ID/global/targetHttpsProxies/PROXY_NAME/setCertificateMap
  certificateMap: "",

To detach any attached certificate map from the target SSL proxy, make a POST request to the targetSslProxies method:

POST /projects/PROJECT_ID/global/targetSslProxies/PROXY_NAME/setCertificateMap
  certificateMap: "",

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the Google Cloud project.
  • PROXY_NAME: the name of the target proxy.

Update a certificate map

You can update a certificate map's description and labels.


To update a certificate map, use the gcloud certificate-manager maps update command:

gcloud certificate-manager maps update CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME: the name of the certificate map.
  • DESCRIPTION: the new description for this certificate map.
  • LABELS: a comma-separated list of labels applied to this certificate map.


To update the certificate map, make a PATCH request to the certificateMaps.patch method:

PATCH /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/certificateMaps/CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME?updateMask=labels,description"
  "description": "DESCRIPTION",
  "labels": {

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the Google Cloud project.
  • CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME: the name of the certificate map.
  • DESCRIPTION: the new description for this certificate map.
  • LABEL_KEY: a label key applied to this certificate map.
  • LABEL_VALUE: a label applied to this certificate map.

List certificate maps

You can list, filter, and sort all configured certificate maps of the project.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Certificate Manager page.

    Go to Certificate Manager

  2. On the Certificate Maps tab, see the list of all the configured certificate maps in the selected project.


To list certificate maps, use the gcloud certificate-manager maps list command:

gcloud certificate-manager maps list \
    --filter="FILTER" \
    --page-size="PAGE_SIZE" \
    --limit="LIMIT" \

Replace the following:

  • FILTER: an expression that constrains the returned results to specific values.

    For example, to filter results by the labels and creation time, you can specify: --filter='labels.key:value AND create_time > "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z"'

    For more filtering examples that you can use with Certificate Manager, see Sorting and filtering list results in the Cloud Key Management Service documentation.

  • PAGE_SIZE: the number of results to return per page.

  • LIMIT: the maximum number of results to return.

  • SORT_BY: a comma-delimited list of name fields by which the returned results are sorted. The default sort order is ascending; for descending sort order, prefix the field with a tilde (~).


To list configured certificate maps, make a LIST request to the certificateMaps.list method:

GET /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/certificateMaps?filter=FILTER&pageSize=PAGE_SIZE&sortBy=SORT_BY

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the Google Cloud project.
  • FILTER: an expression that constrains the returned results to specific values.

    For example, to filter results by the labels and creation time, you can specify: --filter='labels.key:value AND create_time > "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z"'

    For more filtering examples that you can use with Certificate Manager, see Sorting and filtering list results in the Cloud Key Management Service documentation.

  • PAGE_SIZE: the number of results to return per page.

  • SORT_BY: a comma-delimited list of name fields by which the returned results are sorted. The default sort order is ascending; for descending sort order, prefix the field with a tilde (~).

View the details of a certificate map

You can view the details of an existing certificate map, such as its creation date-time and last update date-time.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Certificate Manager page.

    Go to Certificate Manager

  2. On the Certificate Maps tab, click the name of the certificate map that contains the map entries. The Certificate map details page shows detailed information about the selected certificate map.


To view the state of a certificate map, use the gcloud certificate-manager maps describe command:

gcloud certificate-manager maps describe CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME

Replace the following:

  • CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME: the name of the certificate map.


To view the details of the certificate map, make a GET request to the certificateMaps.get method:

GET /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/certificateMaps/CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the Google Cloud project.
  • CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME: the name of the certificate map.

Delete a certificate map

Before deleting a certificate map, do the following:


To delete a certificate map, use the gcloud certificate-manager maps delete command:

gcloud certificate-manager maps delete CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME

Replace the following:

  • CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME: the name of the certificate map.


To delete the certificate map, make a DELETE request to the certificateMaps.delete method:

DELETE /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/certificateMaps/CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the Google Cloud project.
  • CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME: the name of the certificate map.

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