Create verified Google Workspace and Google Chrome accounts

This page helps you use the Cloud Channel API create email- and domain-verified customers for Google Workspace and Chrome accounts. Verification offers additional account security and unlocks extra features for the account.

For more information on what features you can unlock after verifying an account, see About email-verified and domain-verified accounts.

To create a new verified customer account, use the following POST request.


Google Workspace and Chrome offer two kinds of customers: domain verified and email verified.

Country code restrictions apply. Confirm that the customer's country is approved for resale.

Create domain customers

Domain verified customers have full admin access to their domain. When you create a verified customer, set customerType to domain.

Your JSON request body should resemble the following:

  "customerType": "domain",
  "alternateEmail": "",
  "phoneNumber": "(949) 555-1234",
  "languageCode": "en-US",

A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code and the following information:

  "customerType": "domain",
  "primaryDomain": ""
  "isDomainVerified": true,
  "alternateEmail": "",
  "phoneNumber": "(949) 555-1234",
  "languageCode": "en-US",
  "adminConsoleUri": ""

Create email customers

Email verified customers don't own or manage their domain. Set customerType to team when you create this kind of customer.

Your JSON request body should resemble the following:

  "customerType": "team",
  "alternateEmail": "",
  "phoneNumber": "(949) 555-1234",
  "languageCode": "en-US",

A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code and the following information:

  "customerType": "team",
  "alternateEmail": "",
  "phoneNumber": "(949) 555-1234",
  "languageCode": "en-US",
  "adminConsoleUri": ""