User, agent, and team configuration

Custom roles and permissions

In addition to the 6 default user roles (Admin, Manager, Manager Data, Manager Teams, Manager Admin, Agent), with custom roles & permissions, you can create custom roles with unique sets of permissions assigned. This gives flexibility in deciding which users (or groups of users) have access to specific sections of the CCAI Platform portal, features, and the agent adapter.

You can grant users access to any page contained in the CCAI Platform portal, including the dashboards and settings pages. Permissions for users can be edit, view-only, or restricted to data relevant to the team that they are assigned to.


An agent is a user that is assigned the agent role. Only an agent can answer a call or a chat. You can assign the agent role to a user when you add a user, or by editing an existing user.

For an agent to be able to answer a call or a chat, you must either: (1) Assign the agent directly to a queue, or (2) Assign the agent to a team that is assigned to a queue. For more information, see Add and configure teams and Queue and menu setup.

Feature specifics

What are permissions?

The ability to perform actions within the CCAI Platform portal (including viewing content, editing content, and changing configuration) is governed by permissions. Each individual permission has a name (such as Settings - Users & Teams - Edit User) and covers one action or a small subset of actions. A user must be granted permission in order to do the corresponding action; permissions are defined by the pages and features that provide the actions.

What are roles?

Rather than assigning individual permissions directly to each user, permissions are grouped into roles. You can define one or more roles in your Contact Center AI Platform (CCAI Platform) environment, and then grant permissions to each role.

Each user must be given a role upon creation, and may optionally be assigned up to 9 more additional roles. It is a good practice to create several roles in within your CCAI Platform environment.

General points

  • There is a maximum of 100 custom roles per CCAI Platform instance.

  • There is a maximum of 10 roles per user.

  • When multiple roles are assigned to a user, the highest level of permissions will be granted.

  • When a user doesn't have view or edit access to a page, they will not see the associated section of the CCAI Platform portal.

Default roles

Default roles cannot be edited or renamed. If you want to adjust the permissions in a role, you can create a new role with the necessary permissions.

Types of permissions

View versus edit permissions

For many permissions, you can specify view or edit access.

  • View: Allows the user to view the page.

  • Edit: Always grants view access and allows the user to make changes on the page.

Assigned team only

Some permissions have an assigned teams only option associated with it. When selected, users assigned this role will only be able to access information relevant to the teams they have been assigned to. Refer to Add and configure teams for more information.

This setting is specific to an individual permissions. A user may be given access to assigned teams only for one page permission, but be given access to all for another.

Assigned queues only

Dashboard permissions have an assigned queues only option associated. When selected, users assigned this role will only be able to access information relevant to the selected queues that their team has been assigned to.

This setting is specific to individual permissions. A user may be given access to assigned queues only for one page, but be given access to all data for another.

Assignable roles

Limit which roles a user can assign to other users via the assignable roles feature. An example use case would be to only allow a Supervisor to assign the agent role and ensure no new users are assigned the admin role by the supervisor.

To assign the role:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & Teams > Edit User.

  2. Click Assignable roles.

  3. Select the roles you want the current role to be able to assign to other users.

License types

Within CCAI Platform there are various user license types for billing purposes which include agent, cobrowse agent, manager, and administrator. The following list provides the definitions for which user permissions constitute which type of license. Any custom role that is created will be assigned a license type.

The license type definitions will be the following:

  • Admin: A user with one or more admin permissions.

  • Manager: A user with one or more manager permissions, but no 'Admin' permissions.

  • Agent: A user with only agent permissions.

  • Cobrowse agent: A user with only agent permissions and co-browse permissions.

If a user is assigned multiple different roles that fall into different license type categories, then the highest impact license type is assigned to the user. The impact order is: Admin > Manager > Cobrowse agent > Agent.

In the following table is a breakdown of which permissions are associated with which license type.


License types

CCAI Platform portal configuration

Create a new custom role

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & teams.

  2. Click Roles & permissions.

    Roles & permissions

  3. Click Add roles.

  4. Enter the role name as it will be viewed in this settings page and reports. The character limit is 20.

    Add roles display

  5. Enter the label name as it will show on the Users & teams settings page. The character limit is 16.

  6. Choose a label color. Labels show on the Users & teams page for quick views of role assignments.

  7. Click X to save your color setting.

    Color settings page

    Example view of labels and colors:

    Users and teams page

  8. Assign permissions to the role by checking the box next to the permission.

    Assign permission display

    Refer to Assignable roles, View/Edit permissions, Assigned teams only, and Assigned queues only for permission type details.

  9. Click Save**.

Your new role will show at the bottom of the Roles & permissions page, but can be dragged higher if desired.

Edit a custom role

  1. From the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & Teams.

  2. Click Roles & permissions at the top of the page.

  3. Click the pencil icon next to the role that you want to edit.

  4. After completing your edits, click Save.

Any users with the edited role assigned will need to refresh their web browser or sign out and back in to see the updates.

Delete a custom role

  1. From the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & Teams.

  2. Click Roles & permissions at the top right of the page.

  3. Click the X icon next to your role.

  4. Confirm the deletion of the custom role.

Rearrange role order

The order of the list of roles on the Roles & Permissions settings page dictates the order of the roles in the Edit User dropdown.

Roles dropdown on the Add/Edit User UI:

Add / Edit display

To change the order of the roles:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & teams.

  2. Click Roles & permissions.

  3. Reorder the list by clicking and dragging it to the desired location.

  4. The new order is saved automatically.

Configure the agent experience

As an administrator, you can configure much of the agent's experience when they're using the agent adapter.

Configure agent status settings

On the Operation management page of the CCAI Platform portal, in the Agent status section, you can configure agent status settings, such as:

  • The agent's status on login.

  • The agent's ability to stop receiving new calls and chats.

  • The agent's ability to transfer calls or chats.

  • The agent's ability to receive calls on their mobile phone.

To configure settings in the Agent status section, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Operation Management.

  2. Find the Agent status section.

  3. Configure the settings the way you want them, and then click Save agent status.

Configure call details

On the call display of the CCAI Platform portal, in the Call details section, you can configure call details such as:

  • Call recordings.

  • The agent's ability to leave calls after adding a third party.

  • Call countdown and expiration.

  • Call history.

  • The hold time counter.

To configure settings in the Call details section, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Call.

  2. Go to the Call details section.

  3. Adjust the configuration based on your requirements.

  4. Click Save call details.

Configure the caller experience

As an administrator, you can configure much of the end-user's experience when they call in to your call center.

Configure caller announcements

On the call display of the CCAI Platform portal, in the Caller announcements section, you can configure how incoming calls are handled, including:

  • Caller announcement intervals.

  • Deflection behavior.

  • Wait time behavior.

To configure settings in the Call announcement section, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Call.

  2. Go to the Caller announcements section.

  3. Configure the settings the way you want them, and then click save caller announcements.

Add and configure teams

Teams are a flexible way to organize any number of users. Example uses for teams include:

  • Groups of users who are skilled for a particular function.

  • A team leader and their team members.

  • Users in a certain Location.

  • User grouped by the shift timing.


A team organizes groups of users. You can use teams to assign users to call or chat queues, to control (in conjunction with custom roles & permissions) the types of data that users can access, and for reporting. You can designate a team manager who can control data access for team members.

  • Used to organize a list of users.

  • Users can be assigned to multiple teams.

  • Team managers will have access to monitoring information of the agents on their team and any sub-teams.

  • Agents in the sub-team of a top-level team will be assigned to any queues that the top-level team is assigned to.

    For example, if the top-level team is Support, and the sub-team is L1, and Support is assigned to a queue, L1 will also be assigned and will be offered calls from that queue

  • When using teams to assign agents to a queue, a team manager with an agent role can be assigned to a queue.

CCAI Platform portal configuration

Add a new team

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & teams.

  2. Click Add a team.

  3. Enter a team name. The team name cannot contain colons ":".

  4. Click Add.

View existing users and teams

The user list for any selected team will only display the list of users directly assigned to that team or sub-team. To avoid confusion and not show an agent/user assigned to a sub-team multiple times in any higher-level teams, users only show in the team they are directly assigned to.


  • Top-level team A (450 users) - all 450 agents are assigned to sub-teams, none are directly assigned to team A - user list will show: 0 users

    • Team A-1 (200 users) - user list will show: 200 users

    • Team A-2 (150 users) - user list will show: 150 users

    • Team A-3 (100 users) - user list will show: 0 users

    • Team A-3.1 (90 users) - user list will show: 90 users

    • Team A-3.2 (10 users) - user list will show: 10 users

Edit a team name or team members

  1. Click the pencil icon for the team that you wish to edit.


  2. Edit the team members in the window on the right.

Edit team structure

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & teams.

  2. Click on the pencil icon next to Teams.

  3. Use the key on the left for instructions on how to edit, reorder, and reorganize.

    Edit display

  4. Click Done when your changes are complete.

Add team managers and team members

A team manager that is assigned the manager role can see monitoring data in the dashboards and agent pages. A team manager that is assigned the agent role can be assigned to a queue.

More information about user roles can be found in the default roles documentation.

  1. From users & teams, click on the team name (in the example below, the chosen team is highlighted).

    Add a team display

  2. Click Add team managers in the Manager section, then select users from the available list.

    Tip: Add users as team managers before adding as a team member. Once the user is added as a team member, they will need to be removed to be added as a team manager.

  3. Click Add agents to select agents from the list of available users who have been assigned agent permissions.

  4. Remove a team member or manager by clicking the X adjacent to the user's name.

Add team members from a user list

  1. From users & teams, click on one of the user lists, for example all users, agents, managers, or admins.

  2. Select the checkbox next to the users you would like to add to the team.

  3. Click Add to a team.

    Add a team display

  4. Select the team(s) by marking the checkbox next to the team name.

    Select the teams display

  5. Click Add.

Add and view users

Users can be added individually by following the steps below or can be imported in bulk. When a user is added, they will need to activate their account via email link to complete the process.

For details about each default user role and how to create custom roles, see Default user roles and permissions: Agent, Managers, Admin and Custom roles & permissions.

See Bulk user management for details on adding more than one user at a time.

Add users

Add users display

  1. Go to Settings > Users & Teams.

  2. On the Users & teams settings page, click Add users on the left side of the screen in the Users section.

  3. Enter the email address matching the email address the agent uses to login to the CRM.

  4. Enter the agent's first and last name.

  5. Optional: Add an agent alias. For more information, see Agent aliases.

  6. Optional: If you use an external ID system, enter the ID for reference when needed.

  7. Optional: International Calling: Do not limit dialing to the restricted country codes. Check this box to enable your global phone management settings' international calling configuration. See Phone number management: Allow/Deny international calls.

  8. Required for agent adapter localization: Select the location of the user. Used to dictate default language in the agent adapter and for more clarity in monitoring and reporting. Locations also help the CCAI Platform team with troubleshooting if needed.

  9. Mark the checkboxes for the applicable roles. For more information about roles, see Custom roles & permissions.

  10. (Optional) Set the agent's chat concurrency setting. Enter the maximum amount of chats the agent can handle at one time. This setting overrides the general setting in Chat settings.

  11. Click Save.

Invitation email

Once you click the save button in the create user flow, an email will be sent to the email address specified with an invite link to activate their account.

  • Email subject: Invitation to <Your Company Name> Support. The company name used here is set in Settings > Support center details.

  • Email body: You have been invited to join YOUR COMPANY NAME on the CCAI Platform.

  • Invite Link: Takes the user to the CCAI Platform portal sign in page set up their password or sign in using SSO if enabled. The link doesn't have a defined expiration duration, however, it will be invalidated once it is accepted or a new invitation link has been sent.

View existing users and teams

The user list for any selected team will only display the list of users that are directly assigned to that team or sub-team. To avoid confusion and not show an agent/user assigned to a sub-team multiple times in any higher-level teams, users only show in the team they are directly assigned to.


  • Parent team A (450 users) - all 450 agents are assigned to sub-teams, none are directly assigned to team A - user list will show: 0 users

    • Team A-1 (200 users) - user list will show: 200 users

    • Team A-2 (150 users) - user list will show: 150 users

    • Team A-3 (100 users) - user list will show: 0 users

    • Team A-3.1 (90 users) - user list will show: 90 users

    • Team A-3.2 (10 users) - user list will show: 10 users

The filter dropdown can be used to restrict the users that are displayed.
Filter options include:

  • Unactivated users.

  • Unassigned agents.

Filter display unactivated users

![Filter display unassigned agents][(mage/1632ca1fecccfd.jpg)

Edit users

User information can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon next to the user's name:

Edit user display

Tip: Best practice is to only edit agent information when the agent is not signed in to the CCAI Platform instance. This is due to the agent name changes not being saved if the agent is signed in, the name is changed, and then the agent takes a call or chat.

Deactivate and activate users

Employees in contact centers often need to be removed from systems quickly and also frequently need to be re-added, without losing important data. The CCAI Platform portal allows administrators to deactivate and reactivate users.

CCAI Platform user data details: deactivated and reactivated users

Deactivated user

  • Login

    • Cannot log in to the CCAI Platform portal or agent adapter in the CRM.

    • The user is logged out and placed in offline status.

  • Data

    • Data about this user can be accessed in reports and API data.
  • Assignments

    • User is removed from assigned teams.

    • If assigned individually, the user will be removed from queue assignments.

Reactivated user

  • Login

    • No activation email will be sent.

    • The previous password can be used to login to access the agent adapter in the CRM and the CCAI Platform portal.

  • Data

    • Previous call data still can be accessed in reports and API.
  • Assignments

    • User needs to be re-added to teams.

    • User needs to be re-added to queues if assigned individually.

CCAI Platform portal configuration

Deactivate an individual user

Deactivate a user display

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & Teams.

  2. Search for the name of the user you would like to deactivate.

  3. Mark the checkbox next to the user's name.

  4. Click Deactivate.

  5. Click Deactivate again in the pop-up to confirm the action.

  6. For multiple users, mark the checkbox for more than one user at a time.

Deactivate multiple users

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & Teams.

  2. Click on a user list (ex. All Users, Agents).

  3. Mark the checkbox(s) next to the names of the users you would like to deactivate.

  4. Click Deactivate.

Reactivate individual users

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & Teams.

  2. Search for the name of the user you would like to reactivate.

    OR Click on a user list (ex. All Users, Agents).

  3. Click the checkbox next to Show deactivated.

  4. Click Activate next to the user's name;

    OR Mark the checkbox(s) next to the names of the users you would like to reactivate.

  5. Click Reactivate.

Reactivate multiple users

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Setting > Users & Teams.

  2. Click on a user list (ex. All Users, Agents).

  3. Click the checkbox next to Show deactivated.

  4. Mark the checkbox(s) next to the names of the users you would like to reactivate.

  5. Click Activate.

Filter user lists for deactivated users

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & Teams.

  2. Click on a user list (ex. All Users, Agents).

  3. Click on the filter dropdown and select Deactivated agents.

Default user roles and permissions for agents, managers & administrators

Within CCAI Platform there are 6 pre-defined roles that have assigned permission sets. These roles define the configuration, monitoring, and reporting available to the user. A user can be assigned one or a combination of multiple roles.

Beyond these 6 roles, any combination of permission sets can be configured for custom roles. For more information see Custom roles & permissions.

Role details

Agent and admin roles each have fixed permissions sets, whereas manager roles have fixed permission sets but the content varies based on who the user manages. Users with manager roles must be assigned as team managers in Settings > Users & Team to be able to see configuration and monitoring data about agents.


The agent role is the only role that can access the CCAI Platform agent adapter.

CCAI Platform portal access
  • Agent adapter in the CCAI Platform portal and receives call and chat sessions based on queue assignment.

  • Agent adapter in your CRM.

No Access
  • Settings

  • Monitoring

  • External storage

  • Reports

Actions available
  • Taking inbound calls.

  • Placing outbound calls.

  • Listening to voicemails.

  • Answering escalation calls.


Manager roles are for users assigned as the team manager to one or more teams and access is partially based on the user's assigned teams. Please see Add and configure teams.

CCAI Platform portal access
  • Settings

    • Queue configuration

    • No access

    • Settings configuration

    • Settings - Call and chat, based on team and queue assignment.

  • Data

    • Monitoring

    • Call and chat dashboards: team-specific data only.

    • Agents: team-specific data only.

    • Calls and chats (connected, queued, completed): Team-specific data only.

    • Queue: team-specific data only.

    • External storage: access to call records, chat transcripts, or both, when they are stored in external storage.

    • Reporting

    • Report builder: team-specific data only

No Access
  • Agent adapter in the CCAI Platform portal or CRM

  • Settings - all besides call and chat

Actions available
  • Monitoring call and chat queues, only for queues in which their team members are assigned.

  • Downloading reports with data concerning agent performance, queue performance, call and chat volume - but only for their teams.

  • Creating and editing chat shortcuts.

Manager: Team

Manager roles are for users assigned as the team manager to one or more teams and access is partially based on the user's assigned teams. Please see Add and configure teams.

Users can now edit this role. Any user who is assigned that role will inherit the role permissions. Click the pencil icon to modify the roles.

CCAI Platform portal access
  • Settings

    • Queue configuration

      • Assign agents/teams to queues for assigned teams only.

      • Queue priority.

    • Settings configuration

      • No access.
  • Monitoring

  • Agents: team-specific data only.

  • Calls and chats (connected, queued, completed): team-specific data only.

  • External Storage: Access to call recordings and/or chat transcripts when they are stored in external storage.

  • Queue: team-specific data only.

  • Dashboard access (data for all teams)

    • Calls: team-specific data only.

    • Chats: team-specific data only.

No Access
  • Call/chat adapter in the CCAI Platform portal or CRM
Actions available
  • Monitoring call and chat queues, only for queues in which their team members are assigned

  • Downloading reports with data concerning agent performance, queue performance, call and chat volume - but only for their team/s

  • Creating and editing chat shortcuts

  • Shuffling team and agent assignments between queues based on volume

  • Assigning Agents and teams to queues

  • Configuring priority levels of existing queues (when Priority Routing is enabled)

  • Adding new users and assigning to teams or deactivating users

  • Assigning existing users to teams

Manager: Data

Manager roles are for users assigned as the team manager to one or more teams and access is partially based on the user's assigned teams. Please see Add and configure teams.

Users can now edit this role. Any user who is assigned that role will inherit the role permissions. Simply click the pencil icon to modify the roles.

CCAI Platform portal access
  • Settings

    • Queue configuration

      • Assign agents/teams to queues - assigned teams only

      • Queue priorities

    • Settings Configuration

      • No access
  • Monitoring

    • Agents - team-specific data only.

    • Calls/Chats (connected, queued, completed): team-specific data only.

    • External Storage: Access to call recordings and/or chat transcripts when they are stored in external storage.

    • Queue: team-specific data only.

    • Dashboard access (data for all teams)

      • Calls - team-specific data only.

      • Chats - team-specific data only.

  • Reporting

    • - Report Builder: Full access to all user data
No Access
  • Agent adapter in the CCAI Platform portal or CRM
Actions available
  • Monitoring call and chat queues, only for queues in which their team members are assigned

  • Downloading reports with data concerning agent performance, queue performance, call and chat volume - but only for their team/s

  • Shuffling team and agent assignments between queues based on volume

  • Configuring queues, redirects, and per-queue routing options (doesn't include enabling the features at the environment level)

  • Assigning Agents and teams to queues

Manager: Admin

Manager access is partially based on the user's assigned teams. Please see Add and configure teams.

Users can now edit this role. Any user who is assigned that role will inherit the role permissions. Click the pencil icon to modify the roles.

CCAI Platform portal access
  • Settings

    • Queue Configuration

      • Assign any agents/teams to queues

      • Queue priorities

    • Settings Configuration

      • Agent & team: Full access

      • Target Metrics (within Settings > Operation Management)

  • Data

    • Monitoring

      • Dashboard access (data for all teams)

        • Calls

        • Chats

      • Agents: Full access

      • Calls and chats (connected, queued, completed): Full access

      • External Storage: Access to call recordings and/or chat transcripts when they are stored in external storage.

      • Queue: Full access

  • Reporting

    • Report Builder: Full access to all user data

No access

  • Agent adapter in the CCAI Platform portal and CRM

  • Call and chat settings

  • Developer settings

Actions available
  • Monitoring all call and chat queues

  • Downloading reports with data concerning agent performance, queue performance, call and chat volume for all queues and Agents

  • Shuffling team and agent assignments between queues based on volume

  • Adding new users and assigning to teams and deactivating users

  • Assigning existing users to teams

  • Creating or editing queue structures for any language or channel


Full access to environment settings, queue configuration, monitoring, and reporting.

CCAI Platform portal access
  • Settings

    • Queue configuration

      • Add and edit queues with full access
    • Settings configuration

      • All settings access including Developer Settings

      • Agent & team: Full access

  • Data

    • Monitoring

      • Call and chat dashboard: Full access

      • Agents: Full access

      • Calls and chats (connected, queued, completed): Full access

      • External storage: access to call recordings, chat transcripts, or both, when they are stored in external storage.

      • Queue: Full access

    • Reporting

      • Report builder: Full access to all user data
No access
  • Agent adapter in the CCAI Platform portal and CRM
Actions available
  • Responsible for viewing or managing users on multiple teams, even when not assigned as the team manager

  • Are responsible for monitoring call and chat queues for all queues

  • Are responsible for downloading reports with data concerning agent performance, queue performance, call and chat volume for all users

  • Configuring queues, redirects, and per-queue routing options

  • Responsible for assigning agents to queues

  • Shuffling team and agent assignments between queues based on volume

  • Adding new users and assigning to teams or deactivating users

  • Assigning existing users to teams

  • Creating or editing queue structures for any language or channel

  • Modifying environment wide settings to disable/enable channels, update how Agents are notified of new sessions, hours of operation, messages played to consumers or routing features like enabling Auto Answer or Priority routing

  • Setting up technical integrations

Don't see a role you want? Create your on custom role: Custom roles & permissions.

Import users

Administrators can bulk upload a list of users instead of adding each user individually. If the list contains users who have already been added, they will be excluded from the upload and will not be updated.

CCAI Platform portal configuration

Import a list of users

  1. Go to Settings > Agent & team.

  2. Click Add users.

  3. Click Import list of users.

    Import list of users

  4. Click Download to download the import template.

    Download template display

  5. Paste or enter the user information as outlined in the import file format. Do not edit the column headers as this will cause the import to fail.

  6. Click Add users .

  7. Click the import list of users.

  8. Click Upload the updated file and select the CSV file you just created.

  9. Your file will be scanned for possible errors.

    If no errors are detected, the new users will be imported.

    If there are errors detected click Download errors to download a CSV file with the error reasons. To complete the import without fixing the errors, click Ignore errors.

    Import successful display

    Import errors display

Import file format

The CSV file used for importing users uses a specific set of headers and values for multi-select fields.

  • Email (string): Email address should match with what is used to log in to the CRM.

  • Agent ID (string): If you use an external ID system, enter the ID for reference when needed.

  • First Name (string): The user's first name or given name.

  • Last Name (string): The user's last name or family name.

  • Location (multi-select): The location must match exactly with one of the created locations in operation management to be imported. See Localized languages in the agent adapter and user location entry.

  • Roles (multi-select): Follow the exact format below with multiple entries separated by colons:

    • admin

    • manager

    • agent

    • manager_data

    • manager_team

    • manager_admin

  • Permissions: Should be left blank.

Troubleshooting and best practices

  • Re-download the import template and paste the information in without changing the original column names

  • Ensure all fields are filled with plain text

  • Use "paste special" when bringing data into the CSV file to avoid other formats other than plain text being brought in the CSV file

  • Check to make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces in the column headers and email fields

Admin or manager: Update an agent's status

Agents sometimes do not change their status or log out at the end of their workday. This affects agent adherence reports and can impact call routing. Users with admin or manager roles assigned are able to change an agent's status in the CCAI Platform portal.

Logging out an agent is not considered a standard status change so it requires slightly different steps.

Feature details

  • An agent's status cannot be changed and the Log out agent button will be hidden in the Actions dropdown from the following statuses:

    • In-call

    • In-chat

    • Offline (if the agent is offline, the agent is not shown on the agent page).

  • Managers can only see agents in their assigned teams and any sub-teams they are a manager for on the agents page, so they can only change the status of agents who are on one of their assigned teams.

  • When the agent's workstation is offline, the log out feature will not update an agent's status in the agent list. That is, if the agent does not sign out and shuts down their system, their status will be updated at the time their system becomes active again.

  • The status "Special Task" is only available from the agent page view; agents do not see the "Special Task" status in their view.

CCAI Platform portal steps

Log an agent out

After an agent is logged out or placed in offline status, the sign in dialog will be presented upon their next visit to the sign in screen or the agent adapter.

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to the agents display.

  2. By sorting or searching, locate the agent for whom you wish to perform actions.

  3. Click on the actions icon and select log out agent.

    Log out agents button

  4. Click Logout to confirm the action.

Change an agent's status

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to the agents display.

  2. Locate the agent you wish to perform actions for by sorting or searching.

  3. Click the actions icon for the specific user.

    Change agent status

  4. Select from the list of available default and custom statuses.


Q: Why is the agent I'm trying to log out still showing as logged in?

A: Possible reasons include:

  • If the agent's workstation is offline (they shut it down), then CCAI Platform cannot reach the console and is unable to log the agent out until the system is active again.

  • If the agent is in In-call or In-chat, the log out feature is not available.

Q: How can I change an agent from offline to another status?

A: Agents who are offline do not appear on the agent monitoring display and therefore are unable to have their status changed.

Bulk user management

Bulk user management allows you to use the contents of a CSV file to create or modify large numbers of users simultaneously. Bulk user management features can be found in the CCAI Platform portal by going to Settings > Users & teams.

Feature benefits include:

  • Maintain essential user data (for example, email address and user name).

  • Grant edit permissions for each individual user property; granularly configure which user roles can make updates to each column in the user record when uploading the CSV file. For more information see Bulk user management roles & permissions.

  • Set user roles, activate/deactivate a user, and maintain other properties such as setting chat concurrency and locations.

From the import users display, you can use the template provided to populate the information for your new users or download a CSV file of all your current users that can be updated to modify existing users. For more information see Bulk user management templates.

If your CSV file upload contains errors, a message is displayed indicating how many records contained errors and how many records were uploaded successfully. Click Download Error Log to download a file showing which records contained errors and the specific fields in which the errors are located. For more information see Bulk user management: Resolve errors.

To add and update users see Bulk user management: Upload new or updated users.

To add users individually, see Add and view users.

Bulk user management templates

You can add new users by populating the template provided and uploading the CSV file to import the user data. You can also download a CSV file of all your existing users and modify the file to make changes to those existing user accounts.

You can also upload your own CSV file rather than using one of the templates provided, but the columns in your file must correspond to those in the template and display in the same order. The file must be in CSV file format to be uploaded.

Both of the template files provided contain the following columns in the specified order:

Table 1. Bulk user management template


Column type

Number of columns

Column(s) name

Valid values

Required column










New email




Agent ID


Agent ID




First name


First name




Last name


Last name













  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Empty






  • A string that is a location name

  • Empty (no change)

  • Null (remove current location)



Chat concurrency


Chat concurrency

  • 1 to X (where X is configured value)

  • Empty



Chat concurrency status


Chat concurrency status

  • 0

  • 1

  • Empty





Role: role name A

Role: role name B

Role: role name C


  • 0

  • 1

  • Empty





Team: team name A

Team: team name B

Team: team name C


  • 0

  • 1

  • Empty



Phone number


Direct Inbound Number: 1

Direct Inbound Number: 2

Direct Inbound Number: 3


Phone number in E. 164 format


For the roles and team fields, you must include additional columns to assign the user to multiple roles or teams. Each role or team needs to be entered as a separate column in the CSV file with the format shown in the table above (for example, Role: role name A, Role: role name B). These values must also correspond to roles and teams that already exist in the CCAI Platform portal.

Bulk user management roles and permissions

On the roles & permissions display, administrators can grant edit permissions to a role for each field in the user record. There is a specific permission available for each field in the user record and only fields to which the assigned role has access will be included in the CSV file.

A role must be assigned: Either create users or edit user permissions before the individual field permissions can be set. If the create users permission is set, then the assigned role can add new users but not edit existing users. If the edit user permission is granted, the assigned role can edit existing user records, but cannot create new users. If both permissions are assigned, the role can create new users and edit existing ones.

Based on these permissions, the assigned role will only be able to make changes to the columns in the CSV file if they have edit user permissions and are assigned edit permissions for the corresponding field in the record. If the assigned role does not have the edit permissions for a field, the column will not be included when downloading the CSV file or template.

Bulk user management

Each of the following columns has individual permissions that can be set to allow edit access:

  • Email

  • Agent ID

  • First name and last name

  • Status

  • Location

  • Chat concurrency and chat concurrency status

  • Roles

  • Teams

If the user's assigned role does not include edit permissions, then the user cannot make changes to that field. If the user tries to make changes to a field to which they do not have edit permissions, an error will occur during validation and that record will not be uploaded.

Bulk user management: Upload new or updated users

To upload multiple new users simultaneously, you can either download the sample template provided in the Import Bulk Users section or upload your own CSV file using the columns described above.

If you want to edit existing users, download the Complete List of Users CSV file, make any necessary changes, and then upload the CSV file again.

  1. From the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users & Teams.

  2. On the Users & teams settings display, click the Bulk User Management tab.

    Bulk user management

  3. Click Upload users.

    Upload users

  4. On the import users display, use the buttons in the Step 1: Download Template section to download a file to use for adding or modifying users.

    Import users display

  5. To add new users, click Template to download a sample CSV file that you can populate with the information for the users being added.

  6. To modify existing users, click Complete list of users to download the information for all current users as a CSV file. You can then make any necessary changes to modify existing users in this file.

  7. Once the CSV file has been updated, proceed to the Step 3: Upload CSV section and either drag-and-drop the updated CSV file into the space provided or click Browse your files to manually select the file to upload.

    Browse CSV files

  8. Click Process in Step 4. The CCAI Platform portal will validate the CSV file and return to the bulk user management display.

  9. If the file is successfully validated, the users will be added or modified as requested and email notifications will be sent to any users with the manage user lists permissions indicating the changes that were made.

  10. If any fields in the file fail validation, an error message is displayed indicating the number of errors and how many records were updated successfully. Click Download error log to view a list of errors, or click Retry to attempt to validate the file again.

See Resolve errors for more information on potential sources of errors and how to resubmit your updated CSV file.

Resolve errors

If your file upload contains errors, a message is displayed indicating how many records contained errors and how many records were uploaded successfully. Click Download error log to download a file showing which records contained errors and the specific fields in which the errors are located.

File upload errors

The error log will list the reason for the error and indicate which row and column in which the error occurred. The Error Log will also contain any warnings, such as your assigned role not having the necessary permissions to edit a specific column.

Table 2. Sample error log results

Error Column Row
Role name A must exist in the CCAI Platform Platform 9
Team name A must exist in the CCAI Platform Platform 19
The email must be unique 1 25
First name must not be empty 3 190
Last name must not be empty 4 195
Status must be Active, Inactive, or empty 5 89
Location must match the existing location in the CCAI Platform or be Null 6 20
Chat concurrency must be within 1 to X range 7 78
Role Name A must be 0, 1, or empty 9 22
Team name A must be 0, 1, or empty 19 165

Make any necessary changes to your CSV file to resolve the errors from the log. Once the errors have been resolved, upload the CSV file again for validation using the same method described in the previous section.

If there are no errors, the file will process successfully. If errors still remain in your file, download the new Error Log and repeat this process.

Agent aliases

Contact Center AI Platform lets an agent substitute an alias for their real name when communicating with end-users. Administrators can configure agent aliases manually or with a bulk upload. An agent can configure their own alias if they have permissions. Administrators can also add an agent alias attribute to a chat shortcut. For more information, see [Chat shortcuts][chat-shortcuts].

Agent aliases are displayed to end-users only with the mobile and web SDKs. Agent aliases are not used in reporting.

Add an agent alias to a user

To add an agent alias to a user, follow these steps:

  1. Click Menu, and then click Settings > Users and teams.

  2. In the All users pane, in the row for the user that you want to add an agent alias to, click More, and then click Edit user. The Edit a user dialog appears.

  3. In the Alias (Optional) field, enter the agent alias, and then click Update.

Do a bulk import of agent aliases

To do a bulk import of agent aliases, follow these steps:

  1. Click Menu, and then click Settings > Users and teams.

  2. Click Bulk user management, and then click Upload users. The Import users pane appears.

  3. Click Template. The bulk_user_manage_template.csv template downloads to your computer.

  4. Open bulk_user_manage_template.csv.

  5. In the Alias column of the template, enter an agent alias for each user that requires one.

  6. Save and close bulk_user_manage_template.csv.

  7. In the Import users pane, browse for bulk_user_manage_template.csv on your computer or drag the file into the pane.

  8. Click Process.

For more information, see Bulk user management templates

Let agents create their own aliases

You can grant agents permissions to create their own aliases.

To grant an agent permissions to create their own alias, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users and teams.

  2. Click the roles and permissions tab.

  3. In the agent row, click Visibility. The edit role display appears.

  4. In the user profile row, click expand.

  5. Select the agent alias checkbox, and then click Update.

Bulk user management API

Bulk User Management API allows you to use the contents of a json file to create or modify several users in one operation.

There is no limit to the number of records that can be uploaded, but it is recommended that requests are performed in smaller batches.

This process can also be performed in the CCAI Platform portal by following the instructions in the Bulk user management.

Roles and permissions

  • Use the Apps API by creating an api_user.

  • The api_user does not have roles and permissions, so all api_users can perform bulk_user management.

  • You cannot set granular permissions when utilizing api_user, so the api_user will have access to all user fields.

Add an API credential

  1. Go to Settings > Developer Settings > API Credential management.

  2. Click + Add API Credential. An Add API Credential message will open.

  3. Enter the desired Name.

  4. Click Create.

Bulk User Management API is a 2 step process

  1. Upload a json file.

  2. Request processing.

Upload the json file


Upload the json file






content-type: multipart/form-data

  "id" : {job_id} #optional. Required in case of PUT method.
  "file": {json file}





  "id": 12345, # job_id
  "status": "created"
  "link": ""

Retrieve json template (if necessary)










2 {
3 "email":"",
4 "new_email"",
5 "agent_number":"A-001",
6 "first_name":"John",
7 "last_name":"aa",
8 "status":"Active",
9 "location":"Mexico",
10 "max_chat_limit":2,
11 "max_chat_limit_enabled":0,
12 "roles": [
13 {"name":"Admin","value": 0 },
14 {"name":"Manager","value": 1 },
15 {"name":"Agent","value": 0 },
16 {"name":Developer","value": 1 }
17 ]
18 },
19 ...

Request processing of the current json file


Request processing of current json file






1 {
2    "id": 12345  # job_id
3 }



1 Link:


1{2 "id": 12345 # job_id3 "status": "valid_scheme",4 "link": ""5}

Get a status check


Get a status check






Path variable - job_id


    "id": 12345,
    "created_at": "2022-01-07T06:40:34.000Z",
    "process_requested_at": "2022-01-07T06:45:34.000Z",
    "filename": "100row.json",
    "total_rows": 100,
    "affected_rows": 52,
    "failed_rows": 0,
    "status": "in_progress",
    "uploaded_user_name": null,
    "proceed_user_name": null,
    "uploaded_api_user_name": "api_user_name_1",
    "proceed_api_user_name": "api_user_name_2",
    "scheme_errors": []
    "update_errors": []

Retrieve updated job list


Get update job list






  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 20



Link: <next link>
Total: 12345
Per-Page: 201


        "id": 12345,
        "created_at": "2022-01-07T06:21:10.000Z",
        "process_requested_at": "2022-01-07T06:22:25.000Z",
        "filename": "100row.json",
        "total_rows": 100,
        "affected_rows": 52,
        "failed_rows": 0,
        "status": "in_progress",
        "uploaded_user_name": null,
        "proceed_user_name": null,
        "uploaded_api_user_name": "api_user_name_1",
        "proceed_api_user_name": "api_user_name_2",
        "scheme_errors": [],
        "update_errors": []


The output is sorted in reverse order of job_id so that the most recent data comes first.

Retrieve scheme error logs


Get scheme error logs






Path variable - job_id


content-type: application/json

    "message": "Must be a valid email",
    "column": 1,
    "row": null
    "message": "Non-empty string",
    "column": 10,
    "row": 10

Retrieve errors


Get update error logs






Path variable - job_id


content-type: application/json

1[2 {3 "message": "Must be a valid email",4 "column": 1,5 "row": null,6 "error_type": "warning"7 },8 {9 "message": "Non-empty string",10 "column": 10,11 "row": 10,12 "error_type": "error"13 } 14]