Class RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient (2.28.0)

Service for the regionInstanceGroupManagers resource.


Instances of this class created via copy-construction or copy-assignment always compare equal. Instances created with equal std::shared_ptr<*Connection> objects compare equal. Objects that compare equal share the same underlying resources.


Creating a new instance of this class is a relatively expensive operation, new objects establish new connections to the service. In contrast, copy-construction, move-construction, and the corresponding assignment operations are relatively efficient as the copies share all underlying resources.

Thread Safety

Concurrent access to different instances of this class, even if they compare equal, is guaranteed to work. Two or more threads operating on the same instance of this class is not guaranteed to work. Since copy-construction and move-construction is a relatively efficient operation, consider using such a copy when using this class from multiple threads.


RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient(RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient const &)

Copy and move support

Name Description
RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient const &

RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient(RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient &&)

Copy and move support

Name Description
RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient &&

RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient(std::shared_ptr< RegionInstanceGroupManagersConnection >, Options)

Name Description
connection std::shared_ptr< RegionInstanceGroupManagersConnection >
opts Options


operator=(RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient const &)

Copy and move support

Name Description
RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient const &
Type Description
RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient &

operator=(RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient &&)

Copy and move support

Name Description
RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient &&
Type Description
RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient &


AbandonInstances(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified instances to be immediately removed from the managed instance group.

Abandoning an instance does not delete the instance, but it does remove the instance from any target pools that are applied by the managed instance group. This method reduces the targetSize of the managed instance group by the number of instances that you abandon. This operation is marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances have not yet been removed from the group. You must separately verify the status of the abandoning action with the listmanagedinstances method. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted. You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

Name of the managed instance group.

region_instance_group_managers_abandon_instances_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest const &

The RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

AbandonInstances(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified instances to be immediately removed from the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
region_instance_group_managers_abandon_instances_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

AbandonInstances(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::AbandonInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified instances to be immediately removed from the managed instance group.

Abandoning an instance does not delete the instance, but it does remove the instance from any target pools that are applied by the managed instance group. This method reduces the targetSize of the managed instance group by the number of instances that you abandon. This operation is marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances have not yet been removed from the group. You must separately verify the status of the abandoning action with the listmanagedinstances method. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted. You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::AbandonInstancesRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

AbandonInstances(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::AbandonInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified instances to be immediately removed from the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::AbandonInstancesRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

AbandonInstances(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Flags the specified instances to be immediately removed from the managed instance group.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

ApplyUpdatesToInstances(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest const &, Options)

Apply updates to selected instances the managed instance group.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request, should conform to RFC1035.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

The name of the managed instance group, should conform to RFC1035.

region_instance_group_managers_apply_updates_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest const &

The RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

ApplyUpdatesToInstances(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest const &, Options)

Apply updates to selected instances the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
region_instance_group_managers_apply_updates_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

ApplyUpdatesToInstances(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ApplyUpdatesToInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Apply updates to selected instances the managed instance group.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ApplyUpdatesToInstancesRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

ApplyUpdatesToInstances(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ApplyUpdatesToInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Apply updates to selected instances the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ApplyUpdatesToInstancesRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

ApplyUpdatesToInstances(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Apply updates to selected instances the managed instance group.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

CreateInstances(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Creates instances with per-instance configurations in this regional managed instance group.

Instances are created using the current instance template. The create instances operation is marked DONE if the createInstances request is successful. The underlying actions take additional time. You must separately verify the status of the creating or actions with the listmanagedinstances method.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

The name of the region where the managed instance group is located. It should conform to RFC1035.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

The name of the managed instance group. It should conform to RFC1035.

region_instance_group_managers_create_instances_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest const &

The RegionInstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

CreateInstances(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Creates instances with per-instance configurations in this regional managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
region_instance_group_managers_create_instances_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

CreateInstances(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::CreateInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Creates instances with per-instance configurations in this regional managed instance group.

Instances are created using the current instance template. The create instances operation is marked DONE if the createInstances request is successful. The underlying actions take additional time. You must separately verify the status of the creating or actions with the listmanagedinstances method.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::CreateInstancesRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

CreateInstances(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::CreateInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Creates instances with per-instance configurations in this regional managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::CreateInstancesRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

CreateInstances(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Creates instances with per-instance configurations in this regional managed instance group.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

DeleteInstanceGroupManager(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, Options)

Deletes the specified managed instance group and all of the instances in that group.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

Name of the managed instance group to delete.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

DeleteInstanceGroupManager(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, Options)

Deletes the specified managed instance group and all of the instances in that group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

DeleteInstanceGroupManager(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeleteInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &, Options)

Deletes the specified managed instance group and all of the instances in that group.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeleteInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

DeleteInstanceGroupManager(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeleteInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &, Options)

Deletes the specified managed instance group and all of the instances in that group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeleteInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

DeleteInstanceGroupManager(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Deletes the specified managed instance group and all of the instances in that group.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

DeleteInstances(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified instances in the managed instance group to be immediately deleted.

The instances are also removed from any target pools of which they were a member. This method reduces the targetSize of the managed instance group by the number of instances that you delete. The deleteInstances operation is marked DONE if the deleteInstances request is successful. The underlying actions take additional time. You must separately verify the status of the deleting action with the listmanagedinstances method. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted. You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

Name of the managed instance group.

region_instance_group_managers_delete_instances_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest const &

The RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

DeleteInstances(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified instances in the managed instance group to be immediately deleted.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
region_instance_group_managers_delete_instances_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

DeleteInstances(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeleteInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified instances in the managed instance group to be immediately deleted.

The instances are also removed from any target pools of which they were a member. This method reduces the targetSize of the managed instance group by the number of instances that you delete. The deleteInstances operation is marked DONE if the deleteInstances request is successful. The underlying actions take additional time. You must separately verify the status of the deleting action with the listmanagedinstances method. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted. You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeleteInstancesRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

DeleteInstances(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeleteInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified instances in the managed instance group to be immediately deleted.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeleteInstancesRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

DeleteInstances(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Flags the specified instances in the managed instance group to be immediately deleted.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

DeletePerInstanceConfigs(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerDeleteInstanceConfigReq const &, Options)

Deletes selected per-instance configurations for the managed instance group.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request, should conform to RFC1035.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

The name of the managed instance group. It should conform to RFC1035.

region_instance_group_manager_delete_instance_config_req_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerDeleteInstanceConfigReq const &

The RegionInstanceGroupManagerDeleteInstanceConfigReq for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

DeletePerInstanceConfigs(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerDeleteInstanceConfigReq const &, Options)

Deletes selected per-instance configurations for the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
region_instance_group_manager_delete_instance_config_req_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerDeleteInstanceConfigReq const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

DeletePerInstanceConfigs(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeletePerInstanceConfigsRequest const &, Options)

Deletes selected per-instance configurations for the managed instance group.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeletePerInstanceConfigsRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

DeletePerInstanceConfigs(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeletePerInstanceConfigsRequest const &, Options)

Deletes selected per-instance configurations for the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::DeletePerInstanceConfigsRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

DeletePerInstanceConfigs(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Deletes selected per-instance configurations for the managed instance group.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

GetInstanceGroupManager(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, Options)

Returns all of the details about the specified managed instance group.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

Name of the managed instance group to return.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetInstanceGroupManager(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::GetInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &, Options)

Returns all of the details about the specified managed instance group.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::GetInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

InsertInstanceGroupManager(std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager const &, Options)

Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request.

After the group is created, instances in the group are created using the specified instance template. This operation is marked as DONE when the group is created even if the instances in the group have not yet been created. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances with the listmanagedinstances method. A regional managed instance group can contain up to 2000 instances.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

instance_group_manager_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager const &

The InstanceGroupManager for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

InsertInstanceGroupManager(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager const &, Options)

Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

InsertInstanceGroupManager(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::InsertInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &, Options)

Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request.

After the group is created, instances in the group are created using the specified instance template. This operation is marked as DONE when the group is created even if the instances in the group have not yet been created. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances with the listmanagedinstances method. A regional managed instance group can contain up to 2000 instances.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::InsertInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

InsertInstanceGroupManager(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::InsertInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &, Options)

Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::InsertInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

InsertInstanceGroupManager(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Creates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

ListRegionInstanceGroupManagers(std::string const &, std::string const &, Options)

Retrieves the list of managed instance groups that are contained within the specified region.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListRegionInstanceGroupManagers(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ListRegionInstanceGroupManagersRequest, Options)

Retrieves the list of managed instance groups that are contained within the specified region.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ListRegionInstanceGroupManagersRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListErrors(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, Options)

Lists all errors thrown by actions on instances for a given regional managed instance group.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request. This should conform to RFC1035.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

The name of the managed instance group. It must be a string that meets the requirements in RFC1035, or an unsigned long integer: must match regexp pattern: (?:a-z?)|1-9{0,19}.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceManagedByIgmError >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListErrors(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ListErrorsRequest, Options)

Lists all errors thrown by actions on instances for a given regional managed instance group.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ListErrorsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceManagedByIgmError >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListManagedInstances(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, Options)

Lists the instances in the managed instance group and instances that are scheduled to be created.

The list includes any current actions that the group has scheduled for its instances. The orderBy query parameter is not supported. The pageToken query parameter is supported only if the group's listManagedInstancesResults field is set to PAGINATED.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

The name of the managed instance group.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstancesResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ListManagedInstances(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ListManagedInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Lists the instances in the managed instance group and instances that are scheduled to be created.

The list includes any current actions that the group has scheduled for its instances. The orderBy query parameter is not supported. The pageToken query parameter is supported only if the group's listManagedInstancesResults field is set to PAGINATED.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ListManagedInstancesRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstancesResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ListPerInstanceConfigs(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, Options)

Lists all of the per-instance configurations defined for the managed instance group.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request, should conform to RFC1035.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

The name of the managed instance group. It should conform to RFC1035.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::PerInstanceConfig >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListPerInstanceConfigs(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ListPerInstanceConfigsRequest, Options)

Lists all of the per-instance configurations defined for the managed instance group.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ListPerInstanceConfigsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::PerInstanceConfig >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

PatchInstanceGroupManager(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager const &, Options)

Updates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request.

This operation is marked as DONE when the group is patched even if the instances in the group are still in the process of being patched. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances with the listmanagedinstances method. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules. If you update your group to specify a new template or instance configuration, it's possible that your intended specification for each VM in the group is different from the current state of that VM. To learn how to apply an updated configuration to the VMs in a MIG, see Updating instances in a MIG.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

The name of the instance group manager.

instance_group_manager_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager const &

The InstanceGroupManager for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

PatchInstanceGroupManager(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager const &, Options)

Updates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
instance_group_manager_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::InstanceGroupManager const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

PatchInstanceGroupManager(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::PatchInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &, Options)

Updates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request.

This operation is marked as DONE when the group is patched even if the instances in the group are still in the process of being patched. You must separately verify the status of the individual instances with the listmanagedinstances method. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules. If you update your group to specify a new template or instance configuration, it's possible that your intended specification for each VM in the group is different from the current state of that VM. To learn how to apply an updated configuration to the VMs in a MIG, see Updating instances in a MIG.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::PatchInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

PatchInstanceGroupManager(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::PatchInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &, Options)

Updates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::PatchInstanceGroupManagerRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

PatchInstanceGroupManager(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Updates a managed instance group using the information that you specify in the request.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

PatchPerInstanceConfigs(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerPatchInstanceConfigReq const &, Options)

Inserts or patches per-instance configurations for the managed instance group. serves as a key used to distinguish whether to perform insert or patch.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request, should conform to RFC1035.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

The name of the managed instance group. It should conform to RFC1035.

region_instance_group_manager_patch_instance_config_req_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerPatchInstanceConfigReq const &

The RegionInstanceGroupManagerPatchInstanceConfigReq for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

PatchPerInstanceConfigs(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerPatchInstanceConfigReq const &, Options)

Inserts or patches per-instance configurations for the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
region_instance_group_manager_patch_instance_config_req_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerPatchInstanceConfigReq const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

PatchPerInstanceConfigs(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::PatchPerInstanceConfigsRequest const &, Options)

Inserts or patches per-instance configurations for the managed instance group. serves as a key used to distinguish whether to perform insert or patch.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::PatchPerInstanceConfigsRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

PatchPerInstanceConfigs(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::PatchPerInstanceConfigsRequest const &, Options)

Inserts or patches per-instance configurations for the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::PatchPerInstanceConfigsRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

PatchPerInstanceConfigs(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Inserts or patches per-instance configurations for the managed instance group.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

RecreateInstances(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified VM instances in the managed instance group to be immediately recreated.

Each instance is recreated using the group's current configuration. This operation is marked as DONE when the flag is set even if the instances have not yet been recreated. You must separately verify the status of each instance by checking its currentAction field; for more information, see Checking the status of managed instances. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted. You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

Name of the managed instance group.

region_instance_group_managers_recreate_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest const &

The RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

RecreateInstances(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified VM instances in the managed instance group to be immediately recreated.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
region_instance_group_managers_recreate_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

RecreateInstances(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::RecreateInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified VM instances in the managed instance group to be immediately recreated.

Each instance is recreated using the group's current configuration. This operation is marked as DONE when the flag is set even if the instances have not yet been recreated. You must separately verify the status of each instance by checking its currentAction field; for more information, see Checking the status of managed instances. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted. You can specify a maximum of 1000 instances with this method per request.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::RecreateInstancesRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

RecreateInstances(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::RecreateInstancesRequest const &, Options)

Flags the specified VM instances in the managed instance group to be immediately recreated.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::RecreateInstancesRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

RecreateInstances(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Flags the specified VM instances in the managed instance group to be immediately recreated.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

Resize(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::int32_t, Options)

Changes the intended size of the managed instance group.

If you increase the size, the group creates new instances using the current instance template. If you decrease the size, the group deletes one or more instances. The resize operation is marked DONE if the resize request is successful. The underlying actions take additional time. You must separately verify the status of the creating or deleting actions with the listmanagedinstances method. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

Name of the managed instance group.

size std::int32_t

Number of instances that should exist in this instance group manager.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

Resize(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::int32_t, Options)

Changes the intended size of the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
size std::int32_t
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

Resize(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ResizeRequest const &, Options)

Changes the intended size of the managed instance group.

If you increase the size, the group creates new instances using the current instance template. If you decrease the size, the group deletes one or more instances. The resize operation is marked DONE if the resize request is successful. The underlying actions take additional time. You must separately verify the status of the creating or deleting actions with the listmanagedinstances method. If the group is part of a backend service that has enabled connection draining, it can take up to 60 seconds after the connection draining duration has elapsed before the VM instance is removed or deleted.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ResizeRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

Resize(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ResizeRequest const &, Options)

Changes the intended size of the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::ResizeRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

Resize(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Changes the intended size of the managed instance group.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

SetInstanceTemplate(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest const &, Options)

Sets the instance template to use when creating new instances or recreating instances in this group.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

The name of the managed instance group.

region_instance_group_managers_set_template_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest const &

The RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

SetInstanceTemplate(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest const &, Options)

Sets the instance template to use when creating new instances or recreating instances in this group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
region_instance_group_managers_set_template_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

SetInstanceTemplate(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::SetInstanceTemplateRequest const &, Options)

Sets the instance template to use when creating new instances or recreating instances in this group.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::SetInstanceTemplateRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

SetInstanceTemplate(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::SetInstanceTemplateRequest const &, Options)

Sets the instance template to use when creating new instances or recreating instances in this group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::SetInstanceTemplateRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

SetInstanceTemplate(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Sets the instance template to use when creating new instances or recreating instances in this group.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

SetTargetPools(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest const &, Options)

Modifies the target pools to which all new instances in this group are assigned.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

Name of the managed instance group.

region_instance_group_managers_set_target_pools_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest const &

The RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

SetTargetPools(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest const &, Options)

Modifies the target pools to which all new instances in this group are assigned.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
region_instance_group_managers_set_target_pools_request_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

SetTargetPools(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::SetTargetPoolsRequest const &, Options)

Modifies the target pools to which all new instances in this group are assigned.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::SetTargetPoolsRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

SetTargetPools(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::SetTargetPoolsRequest const &, Options)

Modifies the target pools to which all new instances in this group are assigned.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::SetTargetPoolsRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

SetTargetPools(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Modifies the target pools to which all new instances in this group are assigned.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

UpdatePerInstanceConfigs(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerUpdateInstanceConfigReq const &, Options)

Inserts or updates per-instance configurations for the managed instance group. serves as a key used to distinguish whether to perform insert or patch.

Name Description
project std::string const &

Project ID for this request.

region std::string const &

Name of the region scoping this request, should conform to RFC1035.

instance_group_manager std::string const &

The name of the managed instance group. It should conform to RFC1035.

region_instance_group_manager_update_instance_config_req_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerUpdateInstanceConfigReq const &

The RegionInstanceGroupManagerUpdateInstanceConfigReq for this request.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

UpdatePerInstanceConfigs(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerUpdateInstanceConfigReq const &, Options)

Inserts or updates per-instance configurations for the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
project std::string const &
region std::string const &
instance_group_manager std::string const &
region_instance_group_manager_update_instance_config_req_resource google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::RegionInstanceGroupManagerUpdateInstanceConfigReq const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

UpdatePerInstanceConfigs(google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::UpdatePerInstanceConfigsRequest const &, Options)

Inserts or updates per-instance configurations for the managed instance group. serves as a key used to distinguish whether to perform insert or patch.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::UpdatePerInstanceConfigsRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a [] proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

UpdatePerInstanceConfigs(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::UpdatePerInstanceConfigsRequest const &, Options)

Inserts or updates per-instance configurations for the managed instance group.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::cpp::compute::region_instance_group_managers::v1::UpdatePerInstanceConfigsRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation >

UpdatePerInstanceConfigs(google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &, Options)

Inserts or updates per-instance configurations for the managed instance group.

This method accepts a google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::cpp::compute::v1::Operation > >