The Apache Kafka to Cloud Storage template is a streaming pipeline that ingests text data from Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka and outputs the records to Cloud Storage.
You can also use the Apache Kafka to BigQuery template with self-managed or external Kafka.
Pipeline requirements
- The output Cloud Storage bucket must exist.
- The Apache Kafka broker server must be running and be reachable from the Dataflow worker machines.
- The Apache Kafka topics must exist.
Kafka message format
The Apache Kafka to Cloud Storage template supports reading messages from Kafka in the following formats: CONFLUENT_AVRO_WIRE_FORMAT
and JSON
Output file format
The output file format is the same format as the input Kafka message. For example, if you select JSON for the Kafka message format, JSON files are written to the output Cloud Storage bucket.
The Apache Kafka to Cloud Storage template supports SASL/PLAIN authentication to Kafka brokers.
Template parameters
Required parameters
- readBootstrapServerAndTopic: Kafka Topic to read the input from.
- outputDirectory: The path and filename prefix for writing output files. Must end with a slash. For example,
. - kafkaReadAuthenticationMode: The mode of authentication to use with the Kafka cluster. Use
for no authentication,KafkaAuthenticationMethod.SASL_PLAIN
for SASL/PLAIN username and password,KafkaAuthenticationMethod.SASL_SCRAM_512
for SASL_SCRAM_512 authentication andKafkaAuthenticationMethod.TLS
for certificate-based authentication.KafkaAuthenticationMethod.APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS
should be used only for Google Cloud Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster, it allows to authenticate using application default credentials. - messageFormat: The format of the Kafka messages to read. The supported values are
(Confluent Schema Registry encoded Avro),AVRO_BINARY_ENCODING
(Plain binary Avro), andJSON
. Defaults to: AVRO_CONFLUENT_WIRE_FORMAT. - useBigQueryDLQ: If true, failed messages will be written to BigQuery with extra error information. Defaults to: false.
Optional parameters
- windowDuration: The window duration/size in which data will be written to Cloud Storage. Allowed formats are: Ns (for seconds, example: 5s), Nm (for minutes, example: 12m), Nh (for hours, example: 2h). For example,
. Defaults to: 5m. - outputFilenamePrefix: The prefix to place on each windowed file. For example,
. Defaults to: output. - numShards: The maximum number of output shards produced when writing. A higher number of shards means higher throughput for writing to Cloud Storage, but potentially higher data aggregation cost across shards when processing output Cloud Storage files. Default value is decided by Dataflow.
- enableCommitOffsets: Commit offsets of processed messages to Kafka. If enabled, this will minimize the gaps or duplicate processing of messages when restarting the pipeline. Requires specifying the Consumer Group ID. Defaults to: false.
- consumerGroupId: The unique identifier for the consumer group that this pipeline belongs to. Required if Commit Offsets to Kafka is enabled. Defaults to empty.
- kafkaReadOffset: The starting point for reading messages when no committed offsets exist. The earliest starts from the beginning, the latest from the newest message. Defaults to: latest.
- kafkaReadUsernameSecretId: The Google Cloud Secret Manager secret ID that contains the Kafka username to use with
authentication. For example,projects/<PROJECT_ID>/secrets/<SECRET_ID>/versions/<SECRET_VERSION>
. Defaults to empty. - kafkaReadPasswordSecretId: The Google Cloud Secret Manager secret ID that contains the Kafka password to use with
authentication. For example,projects/<PROJECT_ID>/secrets/<SECRET_ID>/versions/<SECRET_VERSION>
. Defaults to empty. - kafkaReadKeystoreLocation: The Google Cloud Storage path to the Java KeyStore (JKS) file that contains the TLS certificate and private key to use when authenticating with the Kafka cluster. For example,
. - kafkaReadTruststoreLocation: The Google Cloud Storage path to the Java TrustStore (JKS) file that contains the trusted certificates to use to verify the identity of the Kafka broker.
- kafkaReadTruststorePasswordSecretId: The Google Cloud Secret Manager secret ID that contains the password to use to access the Java TrustStore (JKS) file for Kafka TLS authentication For example,
. - kafkaReadKeystorePasswordSecretId: The Google Cloud Secret Manager secret ID that contains the password to use to access the Java KeyStore (JKS) file for Kafka TLS authentication. For example,
. - kafkaReadKeyPasswordSecretId: The Google Cloud Secret Manager secret ID that contains the password to use to access the private key within the Java KeyStore (JKS) file for Kafka TLS authentication. For example,
. - kafkaReadSaslScramUsernameSecretId: The Google Cloud Secret Manager secret ID that contains the Kafka username to use with
authentication. For example,projects/<PROJECT_ID>/secrets/<SECRET_ID>/versions/<SECRET_VERSION>
. - kafkaReadSaslScramPasswordSecretId: The Google Cloud Secret Manager secret ID that contains the Kafka password to use with
authentication. For example,projects/<PROJECT_ID>/secrets/<SECRET_ID>/versions/<SECRET_VERSION>
. - kafkaReadSaslScramTruststoreLocation: The Google Cloud Storage path to the Java TrustStore (JKS) file that contains the trusted certificates to use to verify the identity of the Kafka broker.
- kafkaReadSaslScramTruststorePasswordSecretId: The Google Cloud Secret Manager secret ID that contains the password to use to access the Java TrustStore (JKS) file for Kafka SASL_SCRAM authentication For example,
. - schemaFormat: The Kafka schema format. Can be provided as
is specified, use the schema mentioned in the avro schema file for all messages. IfSCHEMA_REGISTRY
is specified, the messages can have either a single schema or multiple schemas. Defaults to: SINGLE_SCHEMA_FILE. - confluentAvroSchemaPath: The Google Cloud Storage path to the single Avro schema file used to decode all of the messages in a topic. Defaults to empty.
- schemaRegistryConnectionUrl: The URL for the Confluent Schema Registry instance used to manage Avro schemas for message decoding. Defaults to empty.
- binaryAvroSchemaPath: The Google Cloud Storage path to the Avro schema file used to decode binary-encoded Avro messages. Defaults to empty.
- schemaRegistryAuthenticationMode: Schema Registry authentication mode. Can be NONE, TLS or OAUTH. Defaults to: NONE.
- schemaRegistryTruststoreLocation: Location of the SSL certificate where the trust store for authentication to Schema Registry are stored. For example,
. - schemaRegistryTruststorePasswordSecretId: SecretId in secret manager where the password to access secret in truststore is stored. For example,
. - schemaRegistryKeystoreLocation: Keystore location that contains the SSL certificate and private key. For example,
. - schemaRegistryKeystorePasswordSecretId: SecretId in secret manager where the password to access the keystore file For example,
. - schemaRegistryKeyPasswordSecretId: SecretId of password required to access the client's private key stored within the keystore For example,
. - schemaRegistryOauthClientId: Client ID used to authenticate the Schema Registry client in OAUTH mode. Required for AVRO_CONFLUENT_WIRE_FORMAT message format.
- schemaRegistryOauthClientSecretId: The Google Cloud Secret Manager secret ID that contains the Client Secret to use to authenticate the Schema Registry client in OAUTH mode. Required for AVRO_CONFLUENT_WIRE_FORMAT message format. For example,
. - schemaRegistryOauthScope: The access token scope used to authenticate the Schema Registry client in OAUTH mode. This field is optional, as the request can be made without a scope parameter passed. For example,
. - schemaRegistryOauthTokenEndpointUrl: The HTTP(S)-based URL for the OAuth/OIDC identity provider used to authenticate the Schema Registry client in OAUTH mode. Required for AVRO_CONFLUENT_WIRE_FORMAT message format.
- outputDeadletterTable: Fully Qualified BigQuery table name for failed messages. Messages failed to reach the output table for different reasons (e.g., mismatched schema, malformed json) are written to this table.The table will be created by the template. For example,
Run the template
- Go to the Dataflow Create job from template page. Go to Create job from template
- In the Job name field, enter a unique job name.
- Optional: For Regional endpoint, select a value from the drop-down menu. The default
region is
.For a list of regions where you can run a Dataflow job, see Dataflow locations.
- From the Dataflow template drop-down menu, select the Kafka to Cloud Storage template.
- In the provided parameter fields, enter your parameter values.
- Optional: To switch from exactly-once processing to at-least-once streaming mode, select At Least Once.
- Click Run job.
In your shell or terminal, run the template:
gcloud dataflow flex-template run JOB_NAME \ --project=PROJECT_ID \ --region=REGION_NAME \ --template-file-gcs-location=gs://dataflow-templates-REGION_NAME/VERSION/flex/Kafka_to_Gcs_Flex \ --parameters \ outputTableSpec=BIGQUERY_TABLE,\ inputTopics=KAFKA_TOPICS,\ javascriptTextTransformGcsPath=PATH_TO_JAVASCRIPT_UDF_FILE,\ javascriptTextTransformFunctionName=JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION,\ bootstrapServers=KAFKA_SERVER_ADDRESSES
Replace the following:
: the Google Cloud project ID where you want to run the Dataflow jobJOB_NAME
: a unique job name of your choiceREGION_NAME
: the region where you want to deploy your Dataflow job—for example,us-central1
: the version of the template that you want to useYou can use the following values:
to use the latest version of the template, which is available in the non-dated parent folder in the bucket— gs://dataflow-templates-REGION_NAME/latest/- the version name, like
, to use a specific version of the template, which can be found nested in the respective dated parent folder in the bucket— gs://dataflow-templates-REGION_NAME/
: your Cloud Storage table nameKAFKA_TOPICS
: the Apache Kakfa topic list. If multiple topics are provided, you need to escape commas. Seegcloud topic escaping
: the Cloud Storage URI of the.js
file that defines the JavaScript user-defined function (UDF) you want to use—for example,gs://my-bucket/my-udfs/my_file.js
: the name of the JavaScript user-defined function (UDF) that you want to useFor example, if your JavaScript function code is
myTransform(inJson) { /* stuff...*/ }
, then the function name ismyTransform
. For sample JavaScript UDFs, see UDF Examples.KAFKA_SERVER_ADDRESSES
: the Apache Kafka broker server IP address list. Each IP address needs to have the port number that the server is accessible from. For example:
. If multiple addresses are provided, you need to escape commas. Seegcloud topic escaping
To run the template using the REST API, send an HTTP POST request. For more information on the
API and its authorization scopes, see
POST { "launch_parameter": { "jobName": "JOB_NAME", "parameters": { "outputTableSpec": "BIGQUERY_TABLE", "inputTopics": "KAFKA_TOPICS", "javascriptTextTransformGcsPath": "PATH_TO_JAVASCRIPT_UDF_FILE", "javascriptTextTransformFunctionName": "JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION", "bootstrapServers": "KAFKA_SERVER_ADDRESSES" }, "containerSpecGcsPath": "gs://dataflow-templates-LOCATION/VERSION/flex/Kafka_to_Gcs_Flex", } }
Replace the following:
: the Google Cloud project ID where you want to run the Dataflow jobJOB_NAME
: a unique job name of your choiceLOCATION
: the region where you want to deploy your Dataflow job—for example,us-central1
: the version of the template that you want to useYou can use the following values:
to use the latest version of the template, which is available in the non-dated parent folder in the bucket— gs://dataflow-templates-REGION_NAME/latest/- the version name, like
, to use a specific version of the template, which can be found nested in the respective dated parent folder in the bucket— gs://dataflow-templates-REGION_NAME/
: your Cloud Storage table nameKAFKA_TOPICS
: the Apache Kakfa topic list. If multiple topics are provided, you need to escape commas. Seegcloud topic escaping
: the Cloud Storage URI of the.js
file that defines the JavaScript user-defined function (UDF) you want to use—for example,gs://my-bucket/my-udfs/my_file.js
: the name of the JavaScript user-defined function (UDF) that you want to useFor example, if your JavaScript function code is
myTransform(inJson) { /* stuff...*/ }
, then the function name ismyTransform
. For sample JavaScript UDFs, see UDF Examples.KAFKA_SERVER_ADDRESSES
: the Apache Kafka broker server IP address list. Each IP address needs to have the port number that the server is accessible from. For example:
. If multiple addresses are provided, you need to escape commas. Seegcloud topic escaping
For more information, see Write data from Kafka to Cloud Storage with Dataflow.
What's next
- Learn about Dataflow templates.
- See the list of Google-provided templates.