Hierarchical advanced settings for agent/flow/page/fulfillment/parameter. Settings exposed at lower level overrides the settings exposed at higher level. Overriding occurs at the sub-setting level. For example, the playbackInterruptionSettings at fulfillment level only overrides the playbackInterruptionSettings at the agent level, leaving other settings at the agent level unchanged.
DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel.
Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter.
JSON representation |
{ "audioExportGcsDestination": { object ( |
Fields | |
audioExportGcsDestination |
If present, incoming audio is exported by Dialogflow to the configured Google Cloud Storage destination. Exposed at the following levels: - Agent level - Flow level |
speechSettings |
Settings for speech to text detection. Exposed at the following levels: - Agent level - Flow level - Page level - Parameter level |
dtmfSettings |
Settings for DTMF. Exposed at the following levels: - Agent level - Flow level - Page level - Parameter level. |
loggingSettings |
Settings for logging. Settings for Dialogflow History, Contact Center messages, StackDriver logs, and speech logging. Exposed at the following levels: - Agent level. |
Google Cloud Storage location for a Dialogflow operation that writes or exports objects (e.g. exported agent or transcripts) outside of Dialogflow.
JSON representation |
{ "uri": string } |
Fields | |
uri |
Required. The Google Cloud Storage URI for the exported objects. A URI is of the form: |
Define behaviors of speech to text detection.
JSON representation |
{ "endpointerSensitivity": integer, "noSpeechTimeout": string, "useTimeoutBasedEndpointing": boolean, "models": { string: string, ... } } |
Fields | |
endpointerSensitivity |
Sensitivity of the speech model that detects the end of speech. Scale from 0 to 100. |
noSpeechTimeout |
Timeout before detecting no speech. A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with ' |
useTimeoutBasedEndpointing |
Use timeout based endpointing, interpreting endpointer sensitivity as seconds of timeout value. |
models |
Mapping from language to Speech-to-Text model. The mapped Speech-to-Text model will be selected for requests from its corresponding language. For more information, see Speech models. An object containing a list of |
Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency).
JSON representation |
{ "enabled": boolean, "maxDigits": integer, "finishDigit": string, "interdigitTimeoutDuration": string, "endpointingTimeoutDuration": string } |
Fields | |
enabled |
If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance). |
maxDigits |
Max length of DTMF digits. |
finishDigit |
The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence. |
interdigitTimeoutDuration |
Interdigit timeout setting for matching dtmf input to regex. A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with ' |
endpointingTimeoutDuration |
Endpoint timeout setting for matching dtmf input to regex. A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with ' |
Define behaviors on logging.
JSON representation |
{ "enableStackdriverLogging": boolean, "enableInteractionLogging": boolean, "enableConsentBasedRedaction": boolean } |
Fields | |
enableStackdriverLogging |
Enables Google Cloud Logging. |
enableInteractionLogging |
Enables DF Interaction logging. |
enableConsentBasedRedaction |
Enables consent-based end-user input redaction, if true, a pre-defined session parameter |