Google Cloud setup checklist

Before you run production workloads on Google Cloud, we recommend you configure an initial foundation to support your work. Google Cloud setup helps administrators configure Google Cloud for scalable workloads. The setup process guides you through an interactive procedure that helps you create a foundational architecture with best practices in mind.

To help you align with your business needs, you can quickly deploy a default configuration or make adjustments throughout the setup process. Depending on your preferred deployment workflow, you can deploy your configuration directly from the console, or download and deploy Terraform to integrate with your own Infrastructure as Code (IaC) process.

This document includes steps and background information to help you complete the setup process, which is also available as an interactive guide in the Google Cloud console:

Go to Google Cloud setup

The setup process includes the following phases:

  • Establish your organization, administrators, and billing: Set up the top-level node of your hierarchy, create initial administrator users, and connect your payment method.

  • Create an initial architecture: Select an initial folder and project structure, assign access, configure logging, apply security settings, and set up your network.

  • Deploy your settings: Your initial architecture choices are compiled in Terraform configuration files. You can quickly deploy through the Google Cloud console, or download the files to customize and iterate using your own workflow.

  • Apply monitoring and support settings: Apply recommended monitoring and support settings to bolster your architecture.

Establish your organization, administrators, and billing

Create an initial architecture

Deploy your settings