Configure Cloud Quotas dimensions

Cloud Quotas dimensions represent different ways of measuring resource usage in Google Cloud. Dimensions are typically a region, zone, Google Cloud user, or product attribute.

The Cloud Quotas API represents dimensions as key-value pairs. The key is the dimension name (for example, region). The value is the assigned value for the dimension (for example, a region such as us-central1).

For example, Compute Engine measures VM use by using different dimensions. The region dimension measures the number of VMs you have in a given region. Compute Engine also has a number of product attribute dimensions, including gpu_family. The gpu_family dimension measures the number of GPUs of a given family in your Google Cloud project.

View dimensions

You can view the dimensions for quotas and system limits by looking in the Google Cloud console, using the Google Cloud CLI, querying the REST API, or through client libraries. To view dimensions that you haven't specified a value for, use the gcloud CLI. Also use the gcloud CLI to view dimensions for quotas and system limits that don't have regional or zonal dimensions if your project doesn't already use the associated resource. This section shows how to view dimensions by using the console and by using the gcloud CLI.


  1. Go to the Quotas & System Limits page:

    Go to Quotas & System Limits

    The table on this page displays dimensions in the Dimensions column.

  2. If you don't see the Dimensions column, take the following steps. Otherwise, skip this step.

    1. Click Column display options.
    2. Select Dimensions.
    3. Click OK. The Dimensions column appears in the table.
  3. To filter the results, enter a property name or value in the field next to Filter.

    • To filter by product, begin entering the product name and select from the list that appears.
    • To filter by dimension, enter your dimension using the following format: dimension_name:dimension_value. For example, to see quotas and system limits defined for the us-central1 region, enter: region:us-central.

Understand blank dimensions

Sometimes the Dimensions column is empty. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • The quota or system limit value is the default value and applies for all dimensions. For some quotas and system limits, the console shows a line that lists the default quota or system limit value for reference. Because the default applies to all dimension values, the Dimensions column is blank. Look at the Name column to identify these entries. The Name column indicates these entries with the word "default" in parenthesis at the end of the quota or system limit name.

    For example, the quota SetIamPolicyRequestsPerMinutePerProject is defined on the region dimension. The console shows a reference entry, and an entry for each region. In the Name column, the reference entry is listed as "SetIAMPolicy requests per minute per region (default)." For this entry, the Dimensions column is empty.

  • No dimensions apply. For example, the Compute Engine quota NETWORKS-per-project isn't associated with a region, zone, or product attribute, so there are no dimensions to display.


You can use the gcloud CLI to view dimensions for a single quota or system limit, or for all quotas and system limits associated with a given product. Viewing dimensions for a single quota or system limit is usually faster than viewing dimensions for all quotas and system limits associated with a product. The response to a query for a single quota is typically about 200 lines. The response to a query for a product can exceed 2,000 lines.

View dimensions for a single quota or system limit with gcloud

To view dimensions for a single quota or system limit using the gcloud CLI, run the following command in your terminal:

gcloud beta quotas info describe QUOTA_ID --project=PROJECT_ID --service=SERVICE_ID

Replace the following:

  • QUOTA_ID: the ID for the quota or system limit. If you don't know your quota ID, choose one of the following options:

    1. Find it by using the console as described in Find your quota ID.
    2. View all dimensions for the product associated with the quota or system limit you're interested in. This command doesn't require the quota ID. See the section View dimensions for a product with gcloud CLI.
  • PROJECT_ID: The ID of your Google Cloud project. To find your project ID, choose one of the following options:

    1. To find your project ID by using the console, see Identifying projects.
    2. If you set your current project as your default project in the gcloud CLI configuration, find your project ID get by running the following gcloud command in your terminal:
      gcloud config get-value project
  • SERVICE_ID: the service ID of the product associated with the quota or system limit. For example, if the quota is for Compute Engine A2 CPUs, the service ID is

View dimensions for a product with gcloud CLI

To view dimensions for a single quota or system limit using the gcloud CLI, run the following command in your terminal:

gcloud beta quotas info list --project=PROJECT_ID --service=SERVICE_ID

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: The ID of your Google Cloud project. To find your project ID, choose one of the following options:

    1. To find your project ID by using the console, see Identifying projects.
    2. If you set your current project as your default project in the gcloud CLI configuration, find your project ID get by running the following gcloud command in your terminal:
      gcloud config get-value project
  • SERVICE_ID: the service ID of the product associated with the quota or system limit. For example, if the quota is for Compute Engine A2 CPUs, the service ID is

Dimension precedence

Some use cases for the Cloud Quotas API have complex dimension setups. Quotas can be configured at a more granular level than just regions and zones. You can accomplish this granularity when you use service-specific dimensions. For example, the gpu_family and network_id are service-specific dimensions in the Compute Engine service. Dimensions are defined by each individual service and each service might have a different set of service-specific dimensions.

When working with either location dimensions or service-specific dimensions, the following precedence is applied:

  1. A quota preference configuration with all location and service-specific dimensions specified takes precedence over any other configuration.

  2. Configurations that specify location dimensions only take precedence over configurations containing only service-specific dimensions.

Combining dimensions

In a quota preference configuration, you can combine dimensions in the following ways:

  1. The configuration may contain both location dimensions and service-specific dimensions. This is the highest order in precedence.

  2. The configuration may only contain location dimensions. This configuration applies to all service-specific dimensions, except the ones explicitly configured with method 1.

  3. The configuration may only contain service-specific dimensions. This configuration applies to all locations except those explicitly configured with method 1 or 2.

  4. If the configuration contains any service-specific dimensions, it must contain all service-specific dimensions.

  5. You can have configurations without any dimensions. Such configurations apply to all locations and all service-specific dimensions, except the ones explicitly configured.