Version history

Version 2.13.0, released 2022-04-26

New features

  • Add connection and description field to finding's list of attributes (commit a6bcaf5)
  • Add next_steps field to finding's list of attributes (commit 8d16471)
  • Add iam_binding field to findings attributes. It represents particular IAM bindings, which captures a member's role addition, removal, or state (commit b341824)

Version 2.12.0, released 2022-03-14

New features

  • Add BigQuery export APIs that help you enable writing new/updated findings from Security Command Center to a BigQuery table in near-real time. You can then integrate the data into existing workflows and create custom analyses. You can enable this feature at the organization, folder, and project levels to export findings based on your requirements (commit 4a00750)

Documentation improvements

  • Update documentation for the Finding resource field "project_display_name" (commit 09ff129)
  • Update documentation for the Mute fields on Findings (commit 09ff129)

Version 2.11.0, released 2022-02-07

New features

  • Release the access field in the v1 finding proto, which represents an access event tied to the finding (commit 7013d13)

Documentation improvements

  • Added more clarification around what event_time means on a v1 finding (commit 7013d13)

Version 2.10.0, released 2021-12-07

  • Commit 1cda659: feat: Added a new API method UpdateExternalSystem, which enables updating a finding w/ external system metadata. External systems are a child resource under finding, and are housed on the finding itself, and can also be filtered on in Notifications, the ListFindings and GroupFindings API

Version 2.9.0, released 2021-11-18

Version 2.8.0, released 2021-11-10

  • Commit 9292121: feat: Added resource type and display_name field to the FindingResult, and supported them in the filter for ListFindings and GroupFindings. Also added display_name to the resource which is surfaced in NotificationMessage

Version 2.7.0, released 2021-10-12

  • Commit e1080c9:
    • feat: Added vulnerability field to the finding
    • feat: Added type field to the resource which is surfaced in NotificationMessage

Version 2.6.0, released 2021-09-01

  • Commit ac367e2: feat: Regenerate all APIs to support self-signed JWTs

Version 2.5.0, released 2021-08-10

  • Commit f8b1856:
    • feat: add finding_class and indicator fields in Finding

Version 2.4.0, released 2021-06-22

  • Commit 16f75f9: docs: update currently supported Finding filter fields.

Version 2.3.0, released 2021-05-26

Version 2.2.0, released 2021-02-08

  • Commit d6c34ac:
    • feat: added field severity to findings in v1 API
    • Clients will now see a new field, severity, on findings. They will also be able to filter and group by severity on ListFinding and GroupFinding API calls.

Version 2.1.0, released 2020-11-10

  • Commit 0790924: fix: Add gRPC compatibility constructors
  • Commit 0ca05f5: chore: Regenerate all APIs using protoc 3.13 and Grpc.Tools 2.31
  • Commit 3cc0bc8: docs: Clarified that event_time can also be considered as the "update time" for a Finding. It also captures when a Finding was updated. The previous wording could've been interpreted as only the creation time.
  • Commit ccb9c33: fix: correct securitycenter grpc_service_configs
  • Commit 6bde7a3: docs: Regenerate all APIs with service comments in client documentation
  • Commit f83bdf1: fix: Apply timeouts to RPCs without retry
  • Commit d545bad: Specify allowed fields for UpdateNotificationConfig
  • Commit 4c52b95: feat: Add Resource to the v1 NotificationMessage, which contains resource-related fields associated to the Finding notification. docs: Adjusted wording from Cloud SCC to Security Command Center, and updated filtering docs for List APIs.
  • Commit 947a573: docs: Regenerate all clients with more explicit documentation

Version 2.0.0, released 2020-03-19

No API surface changes compared with 2.0.0-beta02, just dependency and implementation changes.

Version 2.0.0-beta02, released 2020-03-12

Version 2.0.0-beta01, released 2020-02-18

This is the first prerelease targeting GAX v3. Please see the breaking changes guide for details of changes to both GAX and code generation.

Version 1.1.0, released 2019-12-10

Version 1.0.0, released 2019-07-10

Initial GA release.