public enum ProfileEventType
The enum represents types of client events for a candidate profile.
Name | Description |
Bookmark | The profile is bookmarked. |
Impression | Send this event when a [ProfileEvent.profiles][] was sent as a part of a result set for a CTS API call and was rendered in the end user's UI (that is, the [ProfileEvent.recruiter][]). |
Unspecified | Default value. |
View | The VIEW event records the action of a candidate's profile being viewed by an end user. This is critical to tracking product metrics and should be sent for every profile VIEW that happens in your system, whether the event is associated with an API call (for example, a recruiter making a request for a result set and clicking on a profile) or not (a recruiter using the system to view profile details without making a request). For a VIEW events associated with API calls, the [ClientEvent.request_id][] should be populated. If the VIEW is not associated with an API call, [request_id][] should not be populated. This event requires a valid recruiter and one valid ID in profiles. |