View Gemini logs

This document describes how you can enable the collection and storage of Gemini for Google Cloud activity, including the following:

  • Gemini for Google Cloud prompts and response logs, such as user input, contextual information, and responses.
  • Gemini for Google Cloud metadata logs, such as telemetry metadata and lines of code accepted by the user.

Gemini for Google Cloud doesn't collect or send to Cloud Logging any other user interactions the user might have had with Gemini for Google Cloud, including written feedback. The collected data is sent to Cloud Logging for storage. You can review this data by searching for log entries with the resource type

This feature does not log prompts or responses within Gemini in Vertex AI. To enable logs for Gemini in Vertex AI, see Enable Data Access audit logs.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles control the ability for a principal to access logs. You can grant predefined roles to principals, or you can create custom roles. For more information about required permissions, see Access control.

By default, Cloud Logging encrypts customer content stored at rest. Data stored in log buckets by Logging is encrypted using key-encryption keys, a process known as envelope encryption. Access to your logging data requires access to those key-encryption keys, which Google manages for you without any actions on your part.

Your organization might have regulatory, compliance-related, or advanced encryption requirements that our default encryption at rest doesn't provide. To meet your organization's requirements, instead of Google managing the encryption keys that protect your data, you can manage your keys.

For specific information about customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) usage, including advantages, and limitations, see Customer-managed encryption keys.


The log data recorded by Gemini in Google Cloud doesn't include user interactions with the following products:
  • Gemini in BigQuery
  • Gemini in Looker
  • Gemini in Google Security Operations
  • Gemini pane in the Google Cloud console for Database Center

Before you begin

Enable Gemini for Google Cloud logging

Contact Google Cloud Support or your Google Cloud representative with the project ID for which you want to enable Gemini for Google Cloud logging, Gemini for Google Cloud metadata logging, or both.

View Gemini for Google Cloud user logs and metadata logs

To view Gemini for Google Cloud user logs and metadata logs, do one of the following:

Google Cloud console

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Explorer page:

    Go to Logs Explorer

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. In the toolbar, select a Google Cloud console project.
  3. In the toolbar, expand the All resources menu and select the resource Cloud AI Companion Instance.

Google Cloud CLI

Run the following command:

gcloud logging read "" --project PROJECT_ID  --limit 3

Gemini for Google Cloud logs

A LogEntry is the basic unit of data in Cloud Logging. The following sections provide lists of fields found in the LogEntry for a Gemini for Google Cloud platform event, such as user requests and Gemini for Google Cloud responses.

User requests

The following table shows a list of fields found in a user request log entry.

Field Values and notes
LogEntry.resource.type Gemini for Google Cloud resource type:
LogEntry.resource.labels.resource_container Unique ID of the Resource Container where Gemini for Google Cloud was used.
LogEntry.resource.labels.location Location where Gemini for Google Cloud was used.
LogEntry.resource.labels.instance_id Unique ID of the resource where Gemini for Google Cloud was used.
LogEntry.labels.method Can be one of the following, depending on what invoked logEntry:

CompleteTask: for example, a chat request from Gemini Code Assist or other Gemini for Google Cloud service.

GenerateCode: for example, a request to generate code, such as with a code transformation request within Gemini Code Assist.

CompleteCode: for example, a request to complete code when working in the IDE, such as with inline suggestions within Gemini Code Assist.
LogEntry.labels.product Gemini for Google Cloud service name. If the Gemini for Google Cloud product is Gemini Code Assist, then this value is code_assist. If the Gemini for Google Cloud product is Gemini Cloud Assist, then this value is cloud_assist. Otherwise, this value is unknown.
LogEntry.labels.request_id A unique identifier to correlate a request to a response log entry.
LogEntry.labels.user_id The identifier of the user that initiated this request.
LogEntry.jsonPayload The payload of the log entry.
LogEntry.logName Identifies the log.

The following sample shows an example log entry for a chat prompt event.

  "insertId": "654581e30003b19e340bbd96",
  "resource": {
    "type": "",
    "labels": {
        instance_id: "default"
        location: "global"
        resource_container: "my-project-id"
  "timestamp": "2023-11-03T23:27:31.242078Z",
  "labels": {
    "product": "code_assist",
    "request_id": "4ea1e265-ea5d-4d11-b3c8-39bad9c96326"
    "user_id": ""
  "jsonPayload" : {
    @type: ""
      input: {
        messages: [{
          author: "USER"
          content: "What are some best practices to save cost on my Google Cloud bill?"
        preamble: ""
  "logName": "projects/my-project-id/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2023-11-03T23:27:31.255648319Z"
  "severity": "INFO"

The following sample shows an example RequestLog entry for automatic inline code suggestion prompts and prompt Gemini for Google Cloud in a code file.

Prompt data for inline code suggestions uses the codeCompletionRequest object (as shown in the following example), while manually-triggered generation uses codeGenerationRequest.

  "insertId": "654581e30003b19e340bbd96",
  "resource": {
    "type": "",
    "labels": {
        instance_id: "default"
        location: "global"
        resource_container: "my-project-id"
  "timestamp": "2023-11-03T23:27:31.242078Z",
  "labels": {
    "product": "code_assist",
    "request_id": "4ea1e265-ea5d-4d11-b3c8-39bad9c96326"
    "user_id": ""
  "jsonPayload" : {
    @type: ""
    "codeCompletionRequest": {
      "input_data_context": {
        "additional_context": {
          "files": [
              "language": "go",
              "path": "{/path/to/../current-file.go",
              "segments": [
                  "content": "...Prefix Text..."
                  "content": "...Suffix Text..."
              "state": ["EDITED"]
              "language": "go",
              "path": "/path/to/../recent-file.go",
              "segments": [
                  "content": "...File Text..."
              "state": ["RECENTLY_OPENED"]
  "logName": "projects/my-project-id/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2023-11-03T23:27:31.255648319Z"
  "severity": "INFO"

Gemini for Google Cloud responses

The following table shows Gemini for Google Cloud response fields and descriptions.

Field Values and notes
LogEntry.resource.type Gemini for Google Cloud resource type:
LogEntry.resource.labels.resource_container Unique ID of the Resource Container where Gemini for Google Cloud was used.
LogEntry.resource.labels.location Location where Gemini for Google Cloud was used.
LogEntry.resource.labels.instance_id Unique ID of the resource where Gemini for Google Cloud was used.
LogEntry.labels.method Can be one of the following, depending on what invoked logEntry:

CompleteTask: for example, a chat request from Gemini Code Assist or other Gemini for Google Cloud service.

GenerateCode: for example, a request to generate code, such as with a code transformation request within Gemini Code Assist.

CompleteCode: for example, a request to complete code when working in the IDE, such as with inline suggestions within Gemini Code Assist.
LogEntry.labels.product Gemini for Google Cloud service name. If the Gemini for Google Cloud product is Gemini Code Assist, then this value is code_assist. If the Gemini for Google Cloud product is Gemini Cloud Assist, then this value is cloud_assist. Otherwise, this value is unknown.
LogEntry.labels.request_id A unique identifier to correlate a request to a response log entry.
LogEntry.labels.user_id The identifier of the user that initiated this request.
LogEntry.jsonPayload The payload of the log entry. Any source citations used to generate the response are included in this object as attribution_context.
LogEntry.logName Identifies the log.

Gemini for Google Cloud metadata logs

For the metadata logs to be generated, the Gemini Code Assist extension telemetry setting must be enabled for both VS Code and IntelliJ extensions. Additionally, for VS Code, the global telemetry collection setting must also be enabled.

Gemini for Google Cloud metadata logs follow the same structure as Gemini for Google Cloud logs but specify different fields. The following table shows a list of fields found in a user request log entry:

Field Values and notes
LogEntry.@type Gemini for Google Cloud metadata resource type:
LogEntry.labels.method For metadata logs, this label value is Export.Metrics.
LogEntry.labels.product Gemini for Google Cloud service name. If the Gemini for Google Cloud product is Gemini Code Assist, then this value is code_assist. If the Gemini for Google Cloud product is Gemini Cloud Assist, then this value is cloud_assist. Otherwise, this value is unknown.
LogEntry.labels.user_id The identifier of the user that initiated this request.
LogEntry.jsonPayload Indicates either a codeExposure event or code.Acceptance event. A codeExposure event indicates an exposure of a code suggestion to a user. A code.Acceptance event indicates there was some acceptance event by the user, such as typeover, tab, or full acceptance.
LogEntry.jsonPayload.clientName The IDE name, such as CloudCodeVscode.
LogEntry.jsonPayload.clientVersion The IDE version number.
LogEntry.jsonPayload.codeAcceptance For VS Code and IntelliJ IDEs only, indicates there was some acceptance event by the user, such as typeover, tab, or full acceptance. Also includes the following fields:
  • linesCount: the total number of lines of code accepted by the user.
  • commentLinesCount: the number of comment lines in the code accepted by the user. This property only appears if Gemini Code Assist is able to determine how many of the accepted lines are comment lines.
  • originalRequestId: an identifier linking a codeExposure event to zero or more codeAcceptance events. This can be used to calculate acceptance rate and lines of code accepted measures.
  • programmingLanguage: programming language of the accepted code, such as python.
LogEntry.jsonPayload.codeExposure For VS Code and IntelliJ IDEs only, indicates there was exposure of a code suggestion to a user. Also includes the following fields:
  • programmingLanguage: programming language of the exposure, such as python.
  • originalRequestId: an identifier linking a codeExposure event to zero or more codeAcceptance events. This can be used to calculate acceptance rate and lines of code accepted measures.
LogEntry.jsonPayload.chatExposure Indicates there was exposure of a chat response to a user. Also includes the following field:
  • originalRequestId: an identifier linking a chatExposure event to zero or more codeAcceptance or and codeExposure events. This can be used to calculate acceptance rate and lines of code accepted measures.

The following sample shows an example codeExposure log entry:

  insertId: "whfrqgc1gj"
  jsonPayload: {
    @type: ""
    clientName: "CloudCodeVscode"
    clientVersion: "1.93.1"
    codeExposure: {
      originalRequestId: "cac019824a0b25ba"
      programmingLanguage: "python"
  requestId: "0c5178fe-446f-4ab6-b996-520dec100cf8"
  labels: {
    method: "Export.Metrics"
    product: "code_assist"
    user_id: ""
  logName: "projects/my-project-id/logs/"
  receiveTimestamp: "2025-02-03T23:34:35.662837985Z"
  resource: {
    labels: {
      instance_id: "default"
      location: "global"
      resource_container: "my-project-id"
  type: ""
  severity: "INFO"
  timestamp: "2025-02-03T23:34:35.021564463Z"

The following sample shows an example codeAcceptance log entry:

  insertId: "whfrqgc1gk"
  jsonPayload: {
    @type: ""
    clientName: "CloudCodeVscode"
    clientVersion: "1.93.1"
    codeAcceptance: {
      linesCount: 2
      originalRequestId: "cac019824a0b25ba"
      programmingLanguage: "python"
    requestId: "ddf11040-c315-452e-b7cd-928c3f97984e"
  labels: {
    method: "Export.Metrics"
    product: "code_assist"
    user_id: ""
  logName: "projects/my-project-id/logs/"
  receiveTimestamp: "2025-02-03T23:34:37.632662272Z"
  resource: {
    labels: {
      instance_id: "default"
      location: "global"
      resource_container: "my-project-id"
    type: ""
  severity: "INFO"
  timestamp: "2025-02-03T23:34:36.778692483Z"

The following sample shows an example chatExposure log entry:

  insertId: "3diaj2c208"
  jsonPayload: {
    @type: ""
    clientName: "CloudCodeVscode"
    clientVersion: "1.93.1"
    chatExposure: {
      originalRequestId: "cac019824a0b25ba"
  requestId: "0c5178fe-446f-4ab6-b996-520dec100cf8"
  labels: {
    method: "Export.Metrics"
    product: "code_assist"
    user_id: ""
  logName: "projects/my-project-id/logs/"
  receiveTimestamp: "2025-02-03T23:34:35.662837985Z"
  resource: {
    labels: {
      instance_id: "default"
      location: "global"
      resource_container: "my-project-id"
  type: ""
  severity: "INFO"
  timestamp: "2025-02-03T23:34:35.021564463Z"

Calculate code acceptance rate

To calculate the acceptance rate using Gemini Code Assist metadata logs, find the total number of unique IDs from events with codeAcceptance.originalRequestId and divide it by the total number of unique IDs from events with codeExposure.originalRequestId. You can further refine this calculation by programming language and by user using the respective metadata log event fields.

Calculate lines of code accepted

To calculate lines of code accepted, find the maximum value for codeAcceptance.linesCount for a unique codeAcceptance.originalRequestId. Then, add the linesCount value for all final codeAcceptance events for each originalRequestId to calculate the total lines of code accepted. You can further refine this calculation by programming language and by user using the respective metadata log event fields.

What's next