Method: fhir.Binary-update

Full name: projects.locations.datasets.fhirStores.fhir.Binary-update

Updates the entire contents of a Binary resource.

If the specified resource does not exist and the FHIR store has enableUpdateCreate set, creates the resource with the client-specified ID. It is strongly advised not to include or encode any sensitive data such as patient identifiers in client-specified resource IDs. Those IDs are part of the FHIR resource path recorded in Cloud Audit Logs and Pub/Sub notifications. Those IDs can also be contained in reference fields within other resources.

This method can be used to update a Binary resource either by using one of the accepted FHIR JSON content types, or as a raw data stream. If a resource is updated with this method using the FHIR content type this method's behavior is the same as update. If a resource type other than Binary is used in the request it will be treated in the same way as non-FHIR data.

When a non-FHIR content type is used in the request, a Binary resource will be generated using the ID from the resource path, and the uploaded data will be stored in the content field(DSTU2 and STU3), or the data field(R4). The Binary resource's contentType will be filled in using the value of the Content-Type header, and the securityContext field (not present in DSTU2) will be populated from the X-Security-Context header if it exists. At this time securityContext has no special behavior in the Cloud Healthcare API.

Note: the limit on data ingested through this method is 2 GB. For best performance, use a non-FHIR data type instead of wrapping the data in a Binary resource.

Some of the Healthcare API features, such as exporting to BigQuery or Pub/Sub notifications with full resource content, do not support Binary resources that are larger than 10 MB. In these cases the resource's data field will be omitted. Instead, the "" extension will be present to indicate that including the data is unsupported.

On success, an empty 200 OK response will be returned, or a 201 Created if the resource did not exit. The resource's ID and version are returned in the Location header. Using Prefer: representation=resource is not allowed for this method.

The definition of the Binary REST API can be found at

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



Required. The name of the resource to update.

Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource name:

  • healthcare.fhirResources.update

Request body

The request body contains an instance of HttpBody.

Response body

If successful, the response is a generic HTTP response whose format is defined by the method.

Authorization scopes

Requires one of the following OAuth scopes:


For more information, see the Authentication Overview.