Interface MetricOrBuilder (0.60.0)

public interface MetricOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder





public abstract String getExpression()

A mathematical expression for derived metrics. For example, the metric Event count per user is eventCount/totalUsers.

string expression = 2;

Type Description

The expression.


public abstract ByteString getExpressionBytes()

A mathematical expression for derived metrics. For example, the metric Event count per user is eventCount/totalUsers.

string expression = 2;

Type Description

The bytes for expression.


public abstract boolean getInvisible()

Indicates if a metric is invisible in the report response. If a metric is invisible, the metric will not produce a column in the response, but can be used in metricFilter, orderBys, or a metric expression.

bool invisible = 3;

Type Description

The invisible.


public abstract String getName()

The name of the metric. See the API Metrics for the list of metric names supported by core reporting methods such as runReport and batchRunReports. See Realtime Metrics for the list of metric names supported by the runRealtimeReport method. See Funnel Metrics for the list of metric names supported by the runFunnelReport method.

If expression is specified, name can be any string that you would like within the allowed character set. For example if expression is screenPageViews/sessions, you could call that metric's name = viewsPerSession. Metric names that you choose must match the regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]$.

Metrics are referenced by name in metricFilter, orderBys, and metric expression.

string name = 1;

Type Description

The name.


public abstract ByteString getNameBytes()

The name of the metric. See the API Metrics for the list of metric names supported by core reporting methods such as runReport and batchRunReports. See Realtime Metrics for the list of metric names supported by the runRealtimeReport method. See Funnel Metrics for the list of metric names supported by the runFunnelReport method.

If expression is specified, name can be any string that you would like within the allowed character set. For example if expression is screenPageViews/sessions, you could call that metric's name = viewsPerSession. Metric names that you choose must match the regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]$.

Metrics are referenced by name in metricFilter, orderBys, and metric expression.

string name = 1;

Type Description

The bytes for name.