Interface IdTokenProvider (1.32.1)

public interface IdTokenProvider

Interface for an Google OIDC token provider. This type represents a google issued OIDC token.


idTokenWithAudience(String targetAudience, List<IdTokenProvider.Option> options)

public abstract IdToken idTokenWithAudience(String targetAudience, List<IdTokenProvider.Option> options)

Returns a Google OpenID Token with the provided audience field.

Name Description
targetAudience String

List of audiences the issued ID Token should be valid for. targetAudience accepts a single string value (multiple audiences are not supported)

options List<Option>

List of Credential specific options for for the token. For example, an IDToken for a ComputeEngineCredential can return platform specific claims if "ComputeEngineCredentials.ID_TOKEN_FORMAT_FULL" is provided as a list option.

Type Description

IdToken object which includes the raw id_token, expiration and audience.

Type Description

if token creation fails