public final class TabularClassificationPredictionResult extends GeneratedMessageV3 implements TabularClassificationPredictionResultOrBuilder
Prediction output format for Tabular Classification.
Protobuf type
Inherited Members<ListT>makeMutableCopy(ListT)<ListT>makeMutableCopy(ListT,int)<T>emptyList(java.lang.Class<T>)
Static Fields
public static final int CLASSES_FIELD_NUMBER
Field Value |
Type | Description |
int | |
public static final int SCORES_FIELD_NUMBER
Field Value |
Type | Description |
int | |
Static Methods
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult getDefaultInstance()
public static final Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor()
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult.Builder newBuilder()
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult.Builder newBuilder(TabularClassificationPredictionResult prototype)
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream input)
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseFrom(byte[] data)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
data | byte[]
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseFrom(byte[] data, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseFrom(ByteString data)
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseFrom(ByteString data, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseFrom(CodedInputStream input)
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseFrom(InputStream input)
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseFrom(InputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseFrom(ByteBuffer data)
public static TabularClassificationPredictionResult parseFrom(ByteBuffer data, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static Parser<TabularClassificationPredictionResult> parser()
public boolean equals(Object obj)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
obj | Object
public String getClasses(int index)
The name of the classes being classified, contains all possible values of
the target column.
repeated string classes = 1;
Parameter |
Name | Description |
index | int
The index of the element to return.
Returns |
Type | Description |
String | The classes at the given index.
public ByteString getClassesBytes(int index)
The name of the classes being classified, contains all possible values of
the target column.
repeated string classes = 1;
Parameter |
Name | Description |
index | int
The index of the value to return.
Returns |
Type | Description |
ByteString | The bytes of the classes at the given index.
public int getClassesCount()
The name of the classes being classified, contains all possible values of
the target column.
repeated string classes = 1;
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | The count of classes.
public ProtocolStringList getClassesList()
The name of the classes being classified, contains all possible values of
the target column.
repeated string classes = 1;
public TabularClassificationPredictionResult getDefaultInstanceForType()
public Parser<TabularClassificationPredictionResult> getParserForType()
public float getScores(int index)
The model's confidence in each class being correct, higher
value means higher confidence. The N-th score corresponds to
the N-th class in classes.
repeated float scores = 2;
Parameter |
Name | Description |
index | int
The index of the element to return.
Returns |
Type | Description |
float | The scores at the given index.
public int getScoresCount()
The model's confidence in each class being correct, higher
value means higher confidence. The N-th score corresponds to
the N-th class in classes.
repeated float scores = 2;
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | The count of scores.
public List<Float> getScoresList()
The model's confidence in each class being correct, higher
value means higher confidence. The N-th score corresponds to
the N-th class in classes.
repeated float scores = 2;
Returns |
Type | Description |
List<Float> | A list containing the scores.
public int getSerializedSize()
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | |
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | |
protected GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
public final boolean isInitialized()
public TabularClassificationPredictionResult.Builder newBuilderForType()
protected TabularClassificationPredictionResult.Builder newBuilderForType(GeneratedMessageV3.BuilderParent parent)
protected Object newInstance(GeneratedMessageV3.UnusedPrivateParameter unused)
public TabularClassificationPredictionResult.Builder toBuilder()
public void writeTo(CodedOutputStream output)