Use a Cloud HSM key with pkcs11-tool

This guide provides sample pkcs11-tool commands to use a Cloud HSM key on Debian 11 (Bullseye) using the PKCS #11 library. The commands included in these instructions might require changes based on your OS or Linux distribution.

Before you begin

Before continuing, complete the steps in Using a Cloud HSM key with OpenSSL.

Use symmetric encryption and decryption

The following sections show you how to encrypt and decrypt using a symmetric encryption key, OpenSSL, and pkcs11-tool.


  1. Create a Cloud HSM raw symmetric encryption key. To create a Cloud HSM key, set the Protection level to HSM while creating a new key.

  2. Make note of the raw symmetric encryption algorithm that you choose for the key. Each algorithm has its own requirements for padding, initialization vectors, and additional authenticated data.

  3. Create an input file that contains the data that you want to encrypt.


To encrypt a text file, run the following command:

pkcs11-tool --module PATH_TO_LIBKMSP11_SO --encrypt \
    --mechanism MECHANISM \
    --slot 0 \
    --label HSM_KEY_NAME \
    --input-file INPUT_TEXT_FILE_PATH \
    --output-file ENCRYPTED_TEXT_FILE_PATH

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_LIBKMSP11_SO: the path to the PKCS#11 module—for example, /usr/local/lib/
  • MECHANISM: the mechanism to be used, based on the key algorithm—for example, AES-CBC-PAD.
  • HSM_KEY_NAME: the name of the Cloud HSM key to use for encryption.
  • INITIALIZATION_VECTOR: the value of the initialization vector to be used as part of the encryption.
  • INPUT_TEXT_FILE_PATH: the path to the input file you want to encrypt.
  • ENCRYPTED_TEXT_FILE_PATH: the path where you want to save the encrypted text file.


To decrypt a text file, run the following command:

pkcs11-tool --module PATH_TO_LIBKMSP11_SO --decrypt \
    --mechanism MECHANISM \
    --slot 0 \
    --label HSM_KEY_NAME \
    --input-file ENCRYPTED_TEXT_FILE_PATH \
    --output-file DECRYPTED_TEXT_FILE_PATH

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_LIBKMSP11_SO: the path to the PKCS#11 module—for example, /usr/local/lib/
  • MECHANISM: the mechanism to be used, based on the key algorithm—for example, ECDSA.
  • HSM_KEY_NAME: the name of the Cloud HSM key that was used to encrypt the file that you want to decrypt.
  • INITIALIZATION_VECTOR: the value of the initialization vector to be used as part of the encryption.
  • ENCRYPTED_TEXT_FILE_PATH: the path to the file you want to decrypt.
  • DECRYPTED_TEXT_FILE_PATH: the path where you want to save the decrypted text file.

Use asymmetric encryption and decryption

The following sections show you how to encrypt and decrypt using an asymmetric encryption key, OpenSSL, and pkcs11-tool.


  1. Create a Cloud HSM Asymmetric Decryption key and download its public key.

  2. Create an input file with some text.

    echo Hello World! >> input.txt


To encrypt a text file, run the following command:

openssl pkeyutl -in INPUT_TEXT_FILE_PATH -encrypt -pubin \
    -inkey PUBLIC_KEY \
    -pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep \
    -pkeyopt rsa_oaep_md:sha256 \
    -pkeyopt rsa_mgf1_md:sha256 > ENCRYPTED_TEXT_FILE_PATH

Replace the following:

  • INPUT_TEXT_FILE_PATH: the path to the input file you want to encrypt.
  • PUBLIC_KEY: the path to the public key.
  • ENCRYPTED_TEXT_FILE_PATH: the path where you want to save the encrypted text file.


To decrypt a text file, run the following command:

pkcs11-tool --module PATH_TO_LIBKMSP11_SO \
    --decrypt --mechanism RSA-PKCS-OAEP --slot 0 --hash-algorithm=sha256 \
    --mgf MGF1-SHA256 --label HSM_KEY_NAME --type privkey \

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_LIBKMSP11_SO: the path to the PKCS#11 module (path/to/
  • HSM_KEY_NAME: the name of the Cloud HSM key which corresponds to the public key used to encrypt the text file.
  • ENCRYPTED_TEXT_FILE_PATH: the path to the file you want to decrypt.
  • OUTPUT_TEXT_FILE_PATH: the path where you want to save the decrypted output.

Sign and Verify

The following sections show you how to sign and verify using an asymmetric signing key and pkcs11-tool.


  1. Create a Cloud HSM Asymmetric Sign key.

  2. Create a file with the hashed input data you want to sign.


To sign a text file, run the following command:

pkcs11-tool --module PATH_TO_LIBKMSP11_SO --sign \
   --mechanism MECHANISM \
   --slot 0 \
   --label HSM_KEY_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_LIBKMSP11_SO: the path to the PKCS#11 module, for example path/to/
  • HSM_KEY_NAME: the name of the Cloud HSM key that you want to use for signing.
  • MECHANISM: the mechanism to be used, based on the key algorithm. For example, ECDSA.
  • INPUT_TEXT_FILE_PATH: the path to the input file you want to sign.
  • OUTPUT_SIGNATURE_FILE_PATH: the path where you want to save the signature file.


To verify a signature file, run the following command:

pkcs11-tool --module PATH_TO_LIBKMSP11_SO --verify \
   --mechanism MECHANISM \
   --slot 0 \
   --label HSM_KEY_NAME \
   --signature-file SIGNATURE_FILE_PATH

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_LIBKMSP11_SO: the path to the PKCS#11 module, for example path/to/
  • HSM_KEY_NAME: the name of the Cloud HSM key that was used to generate the signature that you want to verify.
  • MECHANISM: the mechanism to be used, based on the key algorithm. For example, ECDSA.
  • INPUT_TEXT_FILE_PATH: the path to the file that was previously signed.
  • SIGNATURE_FILE_PATH: the path to the signature file.