The following table is a collection of some common error messages surfaced in Looker, explanations of their underlying causes and where they occur, and troubleshooting resources. The errors appear according to how frequently they are reported to Looker Support, in descending order, starting with the greatest number of support requests at the top.
The Location column indicates where in Looker the error message is displayed, and includes the following options (some errors can appear in more than one location in the product):
IDE = LookML validator/IDE
Ex = Explore
SQL = SQL Runner
LD = LookML dashboard
D = Dashboard
S = Schedules
Error message | Location | Possible Causes | Troubleshooting Resources |
Variable not found (?).
Inaccessible view (?). (?) is not accessible in explore (?). Check for missing joins in explore (?).
Unknown or inaccessible field (?). Check for typos or append a timeframe to the name if the field is type time.
Any of the possible causes listed for the error Inaccessible view (?). (?) is not accessible in explore (?). Check for missing joins in explore (?). may apply, plus the following:
Unknown view (?).
Unknown view (?). View does not exist in model (?). Check for typos or missing include statements.
Unknown field (?) in filter
Measures with Looker aggregations (sum, average, min, max, list types) may not reference other measures.
IDE | A measure is referenced inside the SQL definition of another aggregate-type measure. | |
Unknown view (?). View (?) does not exist in model (?). Check for typos or missing include statements in (?).
IDE | A view is not included in a model file, or it is included but is misspelled. | |
Can't construct persistent derived table (?), connection (?) could not be registered
IDE Ex |
Unknown or excluded suggest_dimension (?) in field (?)
A view named (?) has been defined multiple times. Each view in a model must have a unique name.
IDE | Views with identical names are referenced in the same model, including views imported into the project. View names must be unique in a model. |
view parameter reference
This include does not match any files
SQL Dialect does not support Symmetric Aggregates with percentiles, field ignored.
Ex |
The database dialect does not support measures of type: median or type: percentile with symmetric aggregates.
Cannot use native derived table (?) with bind_all_filters outside of its source explore (?)
IDE Ex |
A native derived table (NDT) with a bind_all_filters parameter is joined to one or more Explores other than the Explore defined in the explore_source parameter.
Using bind_all_filters
Measures of type count do not use the sql parameter. Use count_distinct to count by something other than the primary key, or remove the sql parameter.
A sql parameter is used in a measure of type: count . Count type measures perform a count by the primary key declared in the view file and do not require a sql parameter.
An explore named (?) has been defined multiple times. Each explore in a model must have a unique name.
Unknown view '(?)' --> Did you '- include: (?)' in (?).model.lookml?
Unknown field '(?)'
IDE Ex |
Cannot use (?) as access filter since any user can edit their own value.
Ex |
A user attribute with the User Access option set to Edit is used in an Explore's access_filter parameter.
label_from_parameter of (?) must refer to a parameter.
IDE Ex |
Cannot use user-editable attribute (?) for access_grant (?)
IDE Ex |
A user attribute with the User Access option set to Edit is used in a model file's access_grant parameter.
datagroup (?) has a sql_trigger. This is not allowed in models with a parameterized connection.
IDE | A database connection is using user attributes for database login credentials, and the PDT overrides column is not configured for a separate database user for PDT processes. | |
relationship missing, assumed to be many_to_one.
A join's relationship is not defined. When a relationship is not specified, Looker assumes a many-to-one relationship by default.
relationship parameter reference
No distribution_style specified in persistent derived table (?). Using default distribution style (?).
A Redshift connection PDT doesn't have a distribution_style parameter specified in its derived_table definition. When there isn't a distribution_style specified, Looker defaults to ALL .
distribution_style parameter reference
always_filter: unknown filter field '(?)'
The location field type requires both sql_latitude and sql_longitude.
A field of type: location is missing either the sql_latitude or the sql_longitude subparameter. Location type fields require both.
location field type reference
Missing required sql_step in create_process of derived table '(?)'.
create_process parameter reference
Can't construct aggregate table (?), temporary schema for (?) is unset.
IDE Ex | The Persistent Derived Tables setting is not set for the connection on the Connection Settings page in the Admin panel, and/or there is no temp database schema specified in the Temp Database setting. | |
Can't construct aggregate table (?), connection (?) could not be registered.
IDE Ex | The Temp Database setting is not set on the connection's Connection Settings page in the Admin panel, or Looker does not have the appropriate permissions to the temp database specified in the Temp Database setting. | |
Unknown view (?) referenced by explore (?)
The location field type does not use the sql parameter. Please use sql_latitude and sql_longitude instead.
A sql parameter is used in a field of type: location . Location type fields require sql_latitude and sql_longitude subparameters instead of the sql parameter.
location field type reference
A list_field must be defined for measures of type list.
IDE Ex |
To generate a list from a field, the field must be specified for a measure of type: list .
list field type reference
Query failed with unexpected exception (?)
Looker is having trouble connecting to your database.
Ex SQL | A connection's max connection pool limit has been reached, and queued queries have timed out after the connection pool timeout window has elapsed. | |
SQL Error in incremental PDT: Query execution failed
Ex D S | The underlying schema has changed for one or more tables that were referenced in an SQL-based incremental PDT. | Incremental PDT fails to build after schema change |
Missing dates/values for '(?)' were not filled.
Ex |
Filling in missing dates and values |
filters: ` is not supported for measures of non-aggregate type '(?)'
IDE Ex |
A filters parameter was used with any measure type other than the following: count , sum , average , and count_distinct .
Unknown source explore (?) in lookml test (?) declaration.
filter_expression: is not supported for measures of non-aggregate type '(?)'
IDE Ex |
A filters_expression parameter was used with any measure type other than the following: count , sum , average , or count_distinct .
Field references an aggregate but is specified as a dimension. If you want to use aggregations such as sum, average, count, use a measure type instead.
IDE Ex |
A dimension references a measure or another aggregation in its sql parameter
Cannot specify both sql_table_name and derived_table for view (?)
A view has both sql_table_name and derived_table parameters defined. A view can only reference one table — either an existing schema in the database connection with sql_table_name , or a new table with derived_table .
Persistent Native Derived Table for view (?) has an explore source (?) that has access filters. Persisting this table may result in unexpected behavior.
A persisted NDT is based on an Explore with an access_filter parameter that references user attributes.
Unknown or unexpected parameter "(?)" in (?).
Could not find the constant
IDE | A constant is referenced from an imported project in an importing project, and is only defined in the imported project. Constants can only be referenced in the projects in which they are defined. The constant needs to be redefined in the manifest file. | Using constants in files from an imported project |
Multiple primary key definitions for view '(?)': '(?)' and '(?)'
More than one primary key exists in a view file. Either more than one dimension is specified as a primary key with primary_key: yes , or an extending view specifies a new dimension as a primary key with primary_key: yes .
Persistent Native Derived Table for view (?) references user attributes. Persisting this table may result in unexpected behavior.
A persisted NDT or an aggregate awareness table is based on an explore with an access_filter or sql_always_where parameter referencing user attributes.
No map layer named (?) is defined. Must be one of countries, uk_postcode_areas, us_counties_fips, us_states, us_zipcode_tabulation_areas
A dimension references a map layer with map_layer_name when there is no map layer defined in all models in which the field's view is included. For example, a view is included in multiple models, but the map layer is defined in only one model.
Persistent derived table (?) should include at least one index
A PDT or an aggregate table definition includes an index in which a PDT or an aggregate table column has not been specified.
The x database encountered an error while running this query.
Ex SQL |
The database cannot locate a column that is referenced by a field's sql parameter. This can be caused by one of the following conditions:
Common SQL error troubleshooting tips in Looker (Community post) |
Render job (?) failed [orphaned job]
S | The Looker instance was unavailable during the time that the scheduled job ran. This can happen during version updates and scheduled maintenance. | Google maintenance policy for Looker-hosted services |