Mainframe Connector reference

Set up Cloud Logging

Mainframe Connector can send JSON formatted log messages containing context information to Cloud Logging. The context includes job name, job ID, job date, step name, and other variables provided by z/OS.

This helps you find logs for specific jobs and create alerts. Additionally, when deploying Mainframe Connector on Cloud Run, Google Kubernetes Engine, or Compute Engine, the logs are collected by Cloud Logging agent and they appear in Logs Explorer.

To configure Mainframe Connector to write to Cloud Logging, set the LOG_PROJECT and LOG_ID environment variables in the JCL that launches the job. For example, LOG_PROJECT=mainframe-connector-proj and LOG_ID=my-mfc. The log name LOG_NAME is derived from LOG_PROJECT and LOG_ID. In this example, it will be projects/mainframe-connector-proj/logs/my-mfc.

The resource type is always global as the log is a user-created log rather than a log from the cloud service. During startup, Mainframe Connector displays a message indicating whether Cloud Logging is configured.

Enable load statistics

The load statistics feature logs every command that you execute using Mainframe Connector in a SQL table. To enable the load statistics feature, create a table using the following command and add the flag --stats_table TABLE_NAME to the cp command, where TABLE_NAME is the name of the SQL table.

    timestamp TIMESTAMP,
    job_id STRING,
    job_name STRING,
    job_date DATE,
    job_time TIME,
    job_step_name STRING,
    job_type STRING,
    source STRING,
    destination STRING,
    job_json STRING,
    rows_read INT64,
    rows_written INT64,
    rows_affected INT64,
    rows_inserted INT64,
    rows_deleted INT64,
    rows_updated INT64,
    rows_unmodified INT64,
    rows_before_merge INT64,
    rows_loaded INT64,
    bq_job_id STRING,
    bq_job_project STRING,
    bq_job_location STRING,
    statement_type STRING,
    query STRING,
    execution_ms INT64,
    queued_ms INT64,
    bytes_processed INT64,
    slot_ms INT64,
    slot_utilization_rate FLOAT64,
    slot_ms_to_total_bytes_ratio FLOAT64,
    shuffle_bytes FLOAT64,
    shuffle_bytes_to_total_bytes_ratio FLOAT64,
    shuffle_spill_bytes FLOAT64,
    shuffle_spill_bytes_to_shuffle_bytes_ratio FLOAT64,
    shuffle_spill_bytes_to_total_bytes_ratio FLOAT64,
    shuffle_spill_gb FLOAT64,
    bq_stage_count INT64,
    bq_step_count INT64,
    bq_sub_step_count INT64,
    bq_stage_summary STRING)
CLUSTER BY job_name, job_id, job_step_name
  description="Log table for mainframe jobs",

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_NAME: the name of the project in which you want to execute the command.
  • DATASET_NAME: the name of the dataset file.
  • TABLE_NAME: the name of the SQL table in which you want to log the details.

Dataset names

You can use the following dataset definition (DD) files in your BQSH JCL procedure. Ensure that all MVS datasets referenced by a DD file uses the fixed block (FB) record format.

DD name Description
COPYBOOK An MVS dataset containing a COBOL copybook for the dataset referenced by an INFILE DD. You can use the copybook DD with a few restrictions. For more information, see COPYBOOK DD usage restrictions.
INFILE An MVS dataset containing a COBOL dataset to be uploaded to Cloud Storage.
KEYFILE An MVS dataset containing a Google Cloud IAM service account JSON keyfile.
OUTFILE An MVS dataset containing a COBOL dataset to be loaded from BigQuery.
QUERY An MVS dataset containing a BigQuery standard SQL query. The QUERY DD is a FB file with a logical record size (LRECL) of 80. This means that every record in the file is 80 bytes long.
STDIN Stream input used to provide shell commands.