This page explains how customer billing works and walks you through enrolling for payments and setting up your payment methods.
Cloud Marketplace also generates reports that you can use to reconcile the payments you receive, and to get information about how your customers are deploying your solution. Learn about these reports in Reports for your Cloud Marketplace products.
For questions related to payments, use Partner Support Desk to request assistance, and include the word "Marketplace" in your description. For more information about Partner Support Desk, visit Request assistance with Cloud Marketplace.
Before you begin
- You must be a Project Editor
) for your product's Google Cloud project. To learn about managing access to your project, see Granting, changing and revoking access to resources.
Overview of customer billing
Each month, Google computes how much your customers paid for your products, and what Google owes you. You receive your payouts typically on the 21st of every month. This section describes customer billing and disbursement processes for your Cloud Marketplace products.
When customers use your products, Google calculates billing and payments using the following method:
- Your service reports usage to Cloud Billing.
- Cloud Billing computes the cost based on usage:
- Finds the SKU for that measurement.
- Looks up the price per unit for the SKU.
- Converts the measurement into the pricing unit.
- Calculates the cost by multiplying the pricing unit by the price.
- The cost is added to the customer's invoice.
- Google computes the revenue split and posts your share to your disbursement account. For examples of how Google computes the revenue split, see Sample revenue share calculations. Note: Starting April 21, 2025, Google Cloud Marketplace calculates revenue share percentage for Cloud Marketplace transactions in accordance with the Vendor Net Revenue Schedule, where applicable. For more information, see Overview of the Vendor Net Revenue Schedule.
Google pays you the aggregated amount due from all customers for the month. You don't need to invoice Google Cloud.
To report usage to Cloud Billing, you can use any of the following services:
- A Google Cloud service, such as Compute Engine that measures the life of a virtual machine (VM).
- The subscription engine in Cloud Billing.
- A service from your organization, or a service that you deploy in your customer's Google Cloud project, which reports usage through the Service Control API.
Customer invoices are created on month boundaries in the US and Canadian Pacific Time zone (UTC-8 or UTC-7, depending on daylight saving time). If you use a service from your organization, you must report usage by 6 AM US and Canadian Pacific Time on the first of the month to ensure that the usage appears on the customer invoice for the previous month.
Billing subscriptions
When a customer purchases your product as a subscription, their usage is measured in seconds and they are billed according to the number of seconds the subscription is active. If a customer begins a subscription during the month, they are charged a prorated amount, determined by the number of seconds remaining in the month.
If you set your product's pricing by month, a subscription for your product doesn't have a set price per day because the number of seconds fluctuates from month to month. For example, February has a higher per-day price than March, because February has fewer days while maintaining the same monthly price.
Currency conversions
Google Cloud Marketplace prices are set in USD, but you can charge customers or receive payments in different currencies. We set and use exchange rates when converting customer charges to your Google payments currency. For example, we can use these rates to charge a customer in GBP (converted from USD), and then convert your share to EUR. For details on what currencies we currently support for payment, refer to our list of supported regions and currencies.
Setting up your payments profile
If this is the first time you're integrating with Cloud Marketplace, you must set up your payments profile after your partner agreement is final.
Both of the following must be true for your payments profile:
- The name of the legal entity associated with your payments profile must match that of the legal entity that entered into the Marketplace Vendor Agreement with Google.
- The physical address associated with your payments profile must be within the country where your company was formed or organized.
To set up your payments profile and receive your payments, you have two options:
Create a payments profile directly.
Use another Google Cloud project that already has a payments profile set up for Cloud Marketplace.
You still receive a monthly usage and disbursement report separately for each project. However, the transaction amounts in the Payments page will include amounts from all projects that share the same payments profile. Revenue earned through all projects will be issued into one monthly payment.
Option 1: Create a payments profile directly
On the Payments page, select the region and currency that you receive your payments in (see the list of supported regions and currencies). The region and currency must match the country of your legal entity. After you select your region and currency, click Continue.
On the Payment info page, you must create your payments profile. In the Customer info section, add your business name and contact details, then click Continue to finish signing up for payments.
Add at least one other person as an administrator. If a profile has only one administrator and that person leaves the company, the profile is closed and you do not receive further payments. Refer to Controlling access to payment profiles for details.
If you encounter an error message that says your Google account isn't authorized to use Google Payments, follow the steps at Turn Google Payments on or off to turn on Google Payments for your account.
Next, you must set up a bank account for your payments.
Option 2: Use payment settings from an existing project
On the Payments page, select Yes to having another project manage payments.
After you enter the Project ID, click SUBMIT.
No further action is needed as all settings are now being managed by the project you entered.
Troubleshooting your payment settings
If you encounter the following error messages, take the recommended steps:
Unable to find the resource you requested
: Make sure the Google Cloud project that you selected has access to Producer Portal.OR-AC-02
: Contact your payments admin to request access to the payment profile. By default, the payments admin is the person who initially created the payment profile.OR-BAIH-01
: For assistance with adding your payment method, use the Partner Support Desk to request assistance, and include the word "Marketplace" in your description. For more information about Partner Support Desk, visit Request assistance with Cloud Marketplace.OR-DDUH-01
: You don't have access to Google Payments. To get access, ask your Google Workspace administrator to turn on Google Payments for your account.test deposit failure
orverification pending for too long
: For assistance with adding your payment method, use the Partner Support Desk to request assistance, and include the word "Marketplace" in your description. For more information about Partner Support Desk, visit Request assistance with Cloud Marketplace.
For additional support, use the Partner Support Desk to request assistance. Include the word "Marketplace" and details, including any error messages you've received, in your description. For more information about Partner Support Desk, visit Request assistance with Cloud Marketplace.
Setting up your bank account
To receive your payouts, you must set up a primary bank account. You can add more accounts to your payments profile, but you can only receive payments through your primary bank account.
To set up your bank account:
On the Payments page, click Manage payment methods.
Click Add payment method, and add the details for your bank account.
If you want this payment method to be the primary payment method, select Set as primary payment method.
Click Save. To receive payments, you must verify your bank account by signing in to your bank's website and confirming test deposits made by Google.
If you need to add another bank account, repeat these steps.
You can view the bank accounts that you manage in the Google Payments Center.
Controlling access to payment profiles
You can add more users to the payments profile that you manage. By default, the users you add receive emails about payments. You can also give them access to the Payments page, your payment history, and permissions to edit your payments profile.
Before adding a user, ensure that the user has read access to your product's
Google Cloud project, which they can be granted as a Project Viewer (roles/viewer
). To manage
access to the project, see Granting, changing and revoking access to resources.
To add users to your payment profile:
On the Payments page, click Manage settings.
Under Payments Users, click Manage payments users.
Click Add new user, and enter the contact information for the user.
To choose the user's level of access, expand Permissions, and choose the permissions you want to grant to the user.
To choose the types of emails the user gets, expand Email preferences.
If you want to make the user the primary contact for your organization, select the Primary contact check box.
Add your tax information to your payments profile
If you are in the United States, you must also add your Form W-9 tax information to receive your payments. If you are outside the United States, you must instead add your Form W-8 BEN-E tax information.
On the Payments page, click Manage settings.
Under Payments profile, click United States tax info.
Add or update your appropriate tax form, then click Submit. Your tax information is sent to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for verification.
If you're located in the Asia Pacific region, Cloud Marketplace asks you to provide Singapore tax information, because your payments come from the Google Asia Pacific entity, which is located in Singapore. If you're located in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa, Cloud Marketplace asks you to provide Ireland tax information, because your payments come from the Google Ireland entity.
Viewing your payments
To view your transactions, open the Payments page, and click View transactions. You also get a monthly usage and disbursement report that shows the usage and revenue for your products.
Supported regions and currencies
In Cloud Marketplace, all prices are set in USD, but customers can pay in any of the currencies available for their country. The cost is converted to the customer's currency using the exchange rate active at the time the usage was measured.
For each month's billing, all exchange rates are determined at once. If you have a SKU priced at US$19.99 per month, customers who pay in another currency might see their cost vary from month to month.
The following table displays Cloud Marketplace's supported regions and currencies. If you are paid in a supported currency other than USD, your payment is also subject to the exchange rate active at the time the usage was measured. Google converts the customer's currency to your currency before posting the payout to your disbursement account.
Region | Currency |
Canada | CAD |
Canada | USD |
Finland | EUR |
France | EUR |
Germany | EUR |
Hong Kong | HKD |
India | USD |
Ireland | EUR |
Israel | ILS |
Italy | EUR |
Japan | JPY |
Norway | NOK |
Poland | PLN |
Romania | EUR |
Saudi Arabia | USD |
Sweden | SEK |
Switzerland | CHF |
United Kingdom | GBP |
United States | USD |