Edit or delete an Active Directory policy

This page provides instructions for how to edit or delete an Active Directory policy.

About Active Directory policy settings

You can change Active Directory policy settings depending on the status of the policy.

After you create a volume with an Active Directory policy, the policy status changes to Ready. When the policy status is Ready, you can modify all settings except for the policy name and region.

When a volume uses an Active Directory policy, the policy status changes to In use. When the policy status is In use, you can't change the following settings until all volumes using the policy are deleted and the policy status transitions back to Ready:

  • Domain name

  • Organizational unit

  • NetBIOS name prefix


Changing the NetBIOS name prefix is disruptive to existing volumes which use the policy because it changes the hostname of the SMB Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path, which renders existing client mappings stale. Clients must then remap the volumes using the new UNC path.

Edit an Active Directory policy

In the Google Cloud CLI, edit an Active Directory policy.

  gcloud netapp active-directories update --help

For more information on additional optional flags, see Google Cloud SDK documentation on Active Directory update.

Delete an Active Directory policy

You can only delete an Active Directory policy when the policy status is Ready. When an Active Directory policy attaches to a storage pool, the policy status transitions to In use. You need to use the policy to delete all pools before it can transition back to Ready.

What's next

Read about volume snapshots.