Google Cloud PHP shared dependency, providing functionality useful to all components. Client - Class GrpcRequestWrapper (1.59.1)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud PHP shared dependency, providing functionality useful to all components. Client class GrpcRequestWrapper.

The GrpcRequestWrapper is responsible for delivering gRPC requests.


Google \ Cloud \ Core



Name Description
config array

Configuration options. Please see Google\Cloud\Core\RequestWrapperTrait::setCommonDefaults() for the other available options.

↳ authHttpHandler callable

A handler used to deliver Psr7 requests specifically for authentication.

↳ serializer Serializer

A serializer used to encode responses.

↳ grpcOptions array

gRPC specific configuration options passed off to the ApiCore library.


Deliver the request.

Name Description
request callable

The request to execute.

args array

The arguments for the request.

options array

Request options.

↳ requestTimeout float

Seconds to wait before timing out the request. Defaults to 60.

↳ retries int

Number of retries for a failed request. Defaults to 3.

↳ grpcRetryFunction callable

Sets the conditions for whether or not a request should attempt to retry. Function signature should match: function (\Exception $ex) : bool.

↳ grpcOptions array

gRPC specific configuration options.

Type Description