Google Cloud Domains V1alpha2 Client - Class ListRegistrationsRequest (0.5.5)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Domains V1alpha2 Client class ListRegistrationsRequest.

Request for the ListRegistrations method.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ Domains \ V1alpha2




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ parent string

Required. The project and location from which to list Registrations, specified in the format projects/*/locations/*.

↳ page_size int

Maximum number of results to return.

↳ page_token string

When set to the next_page_token from a prior response, provides the next page of results.

↳ filter string

Filter expression to restrict the Registrations returned. The expression must specify the field name, a comparison operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, a boolean, or an enum value. The comparison operator should be one of =, !=, >, <, >=, <=, or : for prefix or wildcard matches. For example, to filter to a specific domain name, use an expression like domainName="". You can also check for the existence of a field; for example, to find domains using custom DNS settings, use an expression like dnsSettings.customDns:*. You can also create compound filters by combining expressions with the AND and OR operators. For example, to find domains that are suspended or have specific issues flagged, use an expression like (state=SUSPENDED) OR (issue:*).


Required. The project and location from which to list Registrations, specified in the format projects/*/locations/*.

Type Description


Required. The project and location from which to list Registrations, specified in the format projects/*/locations/*.

Name Description
var string
Type Description


Maximum number of results to return.

Type Description


Maximum number of results to return.

Name Description
var int
Type Description


When set to the next_page_token from a prior response, provides the next page of results.

Type Description


When set to the next_page_token from a prior response, provides the next page of results.

Name Description
var string
Type Description


Filter expression to restrict the Registrations returned.

The expression must specify the field name, a comparison operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, a boolean, or an enum value. The comparison operator should be one of =, !=, >, <, >=, <=, or : for prefix or wildcard matches. For example, to filter to a specific domain name, use an expression like domainName="". You can also check for the existence of a field; for example, to find domains using custom DNS settings, use an expression like dnsSettings.customDns:*. You can also create compound filters by combining expressions with the AND and OR operators. For example, to find domains that are suspended or have specific issues flagged, use an expression like (state=SUSPENDED) OR (issue:*).

Type Description


Filter expression to restrict the Registrations returned.

The expression must specify the field name, a comparison operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, a boolean, or an enum value. The comparison operator should be one of =, !=, >, <, >=, <=, or : for prefix or wildcard matches. For example, to filter to a specific domain name, use an expression like domainName="". You can also check for the existence of a field; for example, to find domains using custom DNS settings, use an expression like dnsSettings.customDns:*. You can also create compound filters by combining expressions with the AND and OR operators. For example, to find domains that are suspended or have specific issues flagged, use an expression like (state=SUSPENDED) OR (issue:*).

Name Description
var string
Type Description