Google Cloud Retail V2 Client - Class RemoveFacetAction (2.1.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Retail V2 Client class RemoveFacetAction.

Removes an attribute/facet in the request if is present.

  • Rule Condition: Must specify non-empty Condition.query_terms (for search only) or Condition.page_categories (for browse only), but can't specify both.
  • Action Input: attribute name
  • Action Result: Will remove the attribute (as a facet) from the request if it is present. Example: Suppose the query is "shoes", the Condition.query_terms is "shoes" and the attribute name "size", then facet key "size" will be removed from the request (if it is present).

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ Retail \ V2 \ Rule




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ attribute_names array

The attribute names (i.e. facet keys) to remove from the dynamic facets (if present in the request). There can't be more 3 attribute names. Each attribute name should be a valid attribute name, be non-empty and contain at most 80 characters.


The attribute names (i.e. facet keys) to remove from the dynamic facets (if present in the request). There can't be more 3 attribute names.

Each attribute name should be a valid attribute name, be non-empty and contain at most 80 characters.

Type Description


The attribute names (i.e. facet keys) to remove from the dynamic facets (if present in the request). There can't be more 3 attribute names.

Each attribute name should be a valid attribute name, be non-empty and contain at most 80 characters.

Name Description
var string[]
Type Description