Google Cloud Video Live Stream V1 Client - Class NetworkConfig (1.0.0-RC1)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Video Live Stream V1 Client class NetworkConfig.

Defines the network configuration for the pool.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ Video \ LiveStream \ V1 \ Pool




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ peered_network string

peered_network is the network resource URL of the network that is peered to the service provider network. Must be of the format projects/NETWORK_PROJECT_NUMBER/global/networks/NETWORK_NAME, where NETWORK_PROJECT_NUMBER is the project number of the Cloud project that holds your VPC network and NETWORK_NAME is the name of your VPC network. If peered_network is omitted or empty, the pool will use endpoints that are publicly available.


peered_network is the network resource URL of the network that is peered to the service provider network. Must be of the format projects/NETWORK_PROJECT_NUMBER/global/networks/NETWORK_NAME, where NETWORK_PROJECT_NUMBER is the project number of the Cloud project that holds your VPC network and NETWORK_NAME is the name of your VPC network.

If peered_network is omitted or empty, the pool will use endpoints that are publicly available.

Type Description


peered_network is the network resource URL of the network that is peered to the service provider network. Must be of the format projects/NETWORK_PROJECT_NUMBER/global/networks/NETWORK_NAME, where NETWORK_PROJECT_NUMBER is the project number of the Cloud project that holds your VPC network and NETWORK_NAME is the name of your VPC network.

If peered_network is omitted or empty, the pool will use endpoints that are publicly available.

Name Description
var string
Type Description