Class WeeklySchedule (0.4.5)

WeeklySchedule(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A weekly schedule starts a backup at prescribed start times within a day, for the specified days of the week.

The weekly schedule message is flexible and can be used to create many types of schedules. For example, to have a daily backup that starts at 22:00, configure the start_times field to have one element "22:00" and the days_of_week field to have all seven days of the week.


Name Description
start_times MutableSequence[google.type.timeofday_pb2.TimeOfDay]
The times during the day to start a backup. The start times are assumed to be in UTC and to be an exact hour (e.g., 04:00:00). If no start times are provided, a single fixed start time is chosen arbitrarily.
days_of_week MutableSequence[google.type.dayofweek_pb2.DayOfWeek]
The days of the week to perform a backup. If this field is left empty, the default of every day of the week is used.