Package types (0.1.0)

API documentation for bigquery_migration_v2alpha.types package.



Request to create a migration workflow resource. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The name of the project to which this migration workflow belongs. Example: projects/foo/locations/bar

:type: str


A request to delete a previously created migration workflow. .. attribute:: name

Required. The unique identifier for the migration workflow. Example: projects/123/locations/us/workflows/1234

:type: str


Provides details for errors, e.g. issues that where encountered when processing a subtask.


Holds information about where the error is located. .. attribute:: line

Optional. If applicable, denotes the line where the error occurred. A zero value means that there is no line information.

:type: int


A request to get a previously created migration subtasks. .. attribute:: name

Required. The unique identifier for the migration subtask. Example: projects/123/locations/us/workflows/1234/subtasks/543

:type: str


A request to get a previously created migration workflow. .. attribute:: name

Required. The unique identifier for the migration workflow. Example: projects/123/locations/us/workflows/1234

:type: str


A request to list previously created migration subtasks. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The migration task of the subtasks to list. Example: projects/123/locations/us/workflows/1234

:type: str


Response object for a ListMigrationSubtasks call. .. attribute:: migration_subtasks

The migration subtasks for the specified task.

:type: Sequence[]


A request to list previously created migration workflows. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The project and location of the migration workflows to list. Example: projects/123/locations/us

:type: str


Response object for a ListMigrationWorkflows call. .. attribute:: migration_workflows

The migration workflows for the specified project / location.

:type: Sequence[]


A subtask for a migration which carries details about the configuration of the subtask. The content of the details should not matter to the end user, but is a contract between the subtask creator and subtask worker.


A single task for a migration which has details about the configuration of the task.


A migration workflow which specifies what needs to be done for an EDW migration.


A single data point in a time series. .. attribute:: interval

The time interval to which the data point applies. For GAUGE metrics, the start time does not need to be supplied, but if it is supplied, it must equal the end time. For DELTA metrics, the start and end time should specify a non-zero interval, with subsequent points specifying contiguous and non-overlapping intervals. For CUMULATIVE metrics, the start and end time should specify a non-zero interval, with subsequent points specifying the same start time and increasing end times, until an event resets the cumulative value to zero and sets a new start time for the following points.



Provides details for errors and the corresponding resources. .. attribute:: resource_info

Required. Information about the resource where the error is located.

:type: google.rpc.error_details_pb2.ResourceInfo


A request to start a previously created migration workflow. .. attribute:: name

Required. The unique identifier for the migration workflow. Example: projects/123/locations/us/workflows/1234

:type: str


A time interval extending just after a start time through an end time. If the start time is the same as the end time, then the interval represents a single point in time.


The metrics object for a SubTask. .. attribute:: metric

Required. The name of the metric. If the metric is not known by the service yet, it will be auto-created.

:type: str


A single strongly-typed value. .. attribute:: bool_value

A Boolean value: true or false.

:type: bool