Class ChangeType (1.18.2)


Specifies the type of change action

Values: CHANGE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Not used. CREATED (1): New Entitlement was created. PRICE_PLAN_SWITCHED (3): Price plan associated with an Entitlement was changed. COMMITMENT_CHANGED (4): Number of seats committed for a commitment Entitlement was changed. RENEWED (5): An annual Entitlement was renewed. SUSPENDED (6): Entitlement was suspended. ACTIVATED (7): Entitlement was activated. CANCELLED (8): Entitlement was cancelled. SKU_CHANGED (9): Entitlement was upgraded or downgraded for ex. from Google Workspace Business Standard to Google Workspace Business Plus. RENEWAL_SETTING_CHANGED (10): The settings for renewal of an Entitlement have changed. PAID_SUBSCRIPTION_STARTED (11): Use for Google Workspace subscription. Either a trial was converted to a paid subscription or a new subscription with no trial is created. LICENSE_CAP_CHANGED (12): License cap was changed for the entitlement. SUSPENSION_DETAILS_CHANGED (13): The suspension details have changed (but it is still suspended). TRIAL_END_DATE_EXTENDED (14): The trial end date was extended. TRIAL_STARTED (15): Entitlement started trial.