
PyPI History

2.47.1 (2024-07-08)

Bug Fixes

  • [google-cloud-container] Deprecate “EXPERIMENTAL” option for Gateway API (this value has never been supported) (#12856) (6bbe99f)

  • Allow Protobuf 5.x (#12865) (7f9dedb)

2.47.0 (2024-06-10)


  • A new field accelerators is added to message .google.container.v1.UpdateNodePoolRequest (0d738fa)

  • A new field additive_vpc_scope_dns_domain is added to message .google.container.v1.DNSConfig (0d738fa)

  • A new field containerd_config is added to message .google.container.v1.NodeConfig (0d738fa)

  • A new field containerd_config is added to message .google.container.v1.NodeConfigDefaults (0d738fa)

  • A new field containerd_config is added to message .google.container.v1.UpdateNodePoolRequest (0d738fa)

  • A new field desired_containerd_config is added to message .google.container.v1.ClusterUpdate (0d738fa)

  • A new field desired_node_kubelet_config is added to message .google.container.v1.ClusterUpdate (0d738fa)

  • A new field desired_node_pool_auto_config_kubelet_config is added to message .google.container.v1.ClusterUpdate (0d738fa)

  • A new field enable_nested_virtualization is added to message .google.container.v1.AdvancedMachineFeatures (0d738fa)

  • A new field hugepages is added to message .google.container.v1.LinuxNodeConfig (0d738fa)

  • A new field node_kubelet_config is added to message .google.container.v1.NodeConfigDefaults (0d738fa)

  • A new field node_kubelet_config is added to message .google.container.v1.NodePoolAutoConfig (0d738fa)

  • A new field satisfies_pzi is added to message .google.container.v1.Cluster (0d738fa)

  • A new field satisfies_pzs is added to message .google.container.v1.Cluster (0d738fa)

  • A new message ContainerdConfig is added (0d738fa)

  • A new message HugepagesConfig is added (0d738fa)

  • A new method_signature parent is added to method ListOperations in service ClusterManager (0d738fa)

  • A new value CADVISOR is added to enum Component (0d738fa)

  • A new value ENTERPRISE is added to enum Mode (0d738fa)

  • A new value KUBELET is added to enum Component (0d738fa)

  • A new value MPS is added to enum GPUSharingStrategy (0d738fa)

  • Enable REST transport for google/container/v1 (0d738fa)


  • A comment for field desired_private_cluster_config in message .google.container.v1.ClusterUpdate is changed (0d738fa)

  • A comment for field in_transit_encryption_config in message .google.container.v1.NetworkConfig is changed (0d738fa)

2.46.0 (2024-05-29)


  • A new message HugepagesConfig is added (e0c6241)


  • A comment for field desired_in_transit_encryption_config in message .google.container.v1beta1.ClusterUpdate is changed (e0c6241)

  • A comment for field desired_private_cluster_config in message .google.container.v1beta1.ClusterUpdate is changed (e0c6241)

2.45.0 (2024-03-27)


  • [google-cloud-container] add several fields to manage state of (7a82f6f)

  • [google-cloud-container] add several fields to manage state of database encryption update (#12513) (7a82f6f)

2.44.0 (2024-03-22)


  • [google-cloud-container] add optional secondary_boot_disk_update_strategy field to NodePool API (f88a75d)

  • allow existing clusters to enable multi-networking (f88a75d)

2.43.0 (2024-03-07)


  • [google-cloud-container] add API to enable/disable secret manager csi component on GKE clusters (#12421) (30d38b5)

  • Add API to enable/disable secret manager csi component on GKE clusters (358ef49)

  • Add secondary boot disks field to NodePool API (358ef49)

2.42.0 (2024-03-04)


  • add API to enable Provisioning Request API on existing nodepools (43e63be)

  • add secondary boot disks field to NodePool API (43e63be)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: Exclude google-auth 2.24.0 and 2.25.0 (43e63be)


  • Update comment for field enable_confidential_storage in message google.container.v1beta1.NodeConfig (43e63be)

2.41.0 (2024-02-22)


  • [google-cloud-container] added configuration for the StatefulHA addon to the AddonsConfig (38daeac)

  • add API to enable Provisioning Request API on existing nodepools (d652877)

  • Promoted enable_confidential_storage to GA (behind allowlist) (d652877)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: [Many APIs] Require google-api-core>=1.34.1 (#12305) (2aa7f17)

  • fix ValueError in test__validate_universe_domain (38daeac)

2.40.0 (2024-02-06)


  • new AddonsConfig field stateful_ha_config (e5788c2)

  • new message StatefulHAConfig (e5788c2)

Bug Fixes

  • Add google-auth as a direct dependency (f3db074)

  • Add staticmethod decorator to _get_client_cert_source and _get_api_endpoint (f3db074)

  • Resolve AttributeError ‘Credentials’ object has no attribute ‘universe_domain’ (f3db074)


  • Autopilot.conversion_status is now OUTPUT_ONLY (e5788c2)

  • update Autopilot.conversion_status comment with behavior (e5788c2)

2.39.0 (2024-02-01)


  • Allow users to explicitly configure universe domain (#12239) (8004d15)

2.38.0 (2024-01-22)


  • Add fields desired_in_transit_encryption_config and in_transit_encryption_config (c25ed93)


  • Remove Not GA comments for GetOpenIDConfig and GetJSONWebKeys (c25ed93)

2.37.0 (2024-01-04)


  • [google-cloud-container] Add autoscaled node pool upgrade strategy (#12135) (1729080)

2.36.0 (2023-12-07)


  • Add support for python 3.12 (b96013d)

  • Introduce compatibility with native namespace packages (b96013d)

Bug Fixes

  • Require proto-plus >= 1.22.3 (b96013d)

  • Use retry_async instead of retry in async client (b96013d)

2.35.0 (2023-11-29)


  • [google-cloud-container] add Provisioning Request API (#12030) (c858b5a)

  • add enable_relay field to AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig (90eea69)

  • Add enable_relay field to AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig (a12d82f)

  • Enable Enterprise Flag to allow configuring Advanced Vuln Insights (a12d82f)


  • [google-cloud-container] improve API documentation for Binary Authorization (#12049) (a927596)

2.34.0 (2023-11-16)


  • Add AutopilotConversionStatus (21c6d43)

  • Add Provisioning Request API (21c6d43)


  • Improve NodePool documentation (21c6d43)

2.33.0 (2023-11-02)


  • add a new cluster field for the cluster tier of GKE clusters (63668fe)

  • add CompleteConvertToAutopilot API to commit Autopilot conversion operation (80b7a92)

  • add ResourceManagerTags API to attach tags on the underlying Compute Engine VMs of GKE Nodes (80b7a92)

  • added EnterpriseConfig (63668fe)

  • v1beta1: adding a field to allow turn the DPv2 node to node encryption feature on or off (80b7a92)


2.32.0 (2023-09-30)


  • add SecurityPostureConfig Enterprise vuln mode to allow customers to enable Advanced Vulnerability Scanning for their clusters (#413) (0280a30)


2.31.0 (2023-08-28)


  • Add machine_type, disk_type, disk_size_gb fields to UpdateNodePoolRequest (a1e508c)

  • Add support for NodeConfig Update (a1e508c)

  • Publicize tpu topology in v1 API (a1e508c)

2.30.0 (2023-08-11)


  • v1beta1: Add preview support for monitoring a cluster’s pods for compliance with a provided Binary Authorization platform policy via Binary Authorization Continuous Validation (#405) (c5806de)

2.29.0 (2023-08-09)


  • Add APIs for GKE OOTB metrics packages (#403) (834872a)

2.28.0 (2023-07-24)


  • v1beta1: Add enable_multi_networking to NetworkConfig (02c497e)

  • v1beta1: Add policy_name to PlacementPolicy message within a node pool (02c497e)

  • v1beta1: Add support for AdditionalPodNetworkConfig and AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig (02c497e)

  • v1beta1: Add support for HostMaintenancePolicy (02c497e)

2.27.0 (2023-07-19)


  • Add a Pod IP Utilization API (b5dfb67)

  • Add advanced_datapath_observability_config to monitoring_config (b5dfb67)

  • Add Multi-networking API (5c5cc4f)

  • Add policy_name to PlacementPolicy message within a node pool (5c5cc4f)

2.26.0 (2023-07-04)


  • v1beta1: Add InsecureKubeletReadonlyPortEnabled in NodeKubeletConfig and AutoProvisioningNodePoolDefaults (be6b0ab)

  • v1beta1: Add KUBE_DNS option to DNSConfig.cluster_dns (be6b0ab)

  • v1beta1: Add a Pod IP Utilization API (be6b0ab)

  • v1beta1: Add Tier 1 cluster-level API network_performance_config (be6b0ab)

  • v1beta1: Publicize tpu topology (be6b0ab)

Bug Fixes

  • Add async context manager return types (#385) (074edd4)

2.25.0 (2023-06-29)


  • Add KUBE_DNS option to DNSConfig.cluster_dns (91b001a)

  • Add Tier 1 cluster-level API network_performance_config (91b001a)

2.24.0 (2023-06-13)


  • Add API for GPU driver installation config (d6da309)

  • Add SecurityPostureConfig API field to allow customers to enable GKE Security Posture capabilities for their clusters (d6da309)

  • Add workloadPolicyConfig API field to allow customer enable NET_ADMIN capability for their autopilot clusters (d6da309)

2.23.0 (2023-06-06)


  • Add a API field to enable FQDN Network Policy on clusters (52d1480)

  • Add CheckAutopilotCompatibility API to get autopilot compatibility issues for a given standard cluster (52d1480)

  • Turn on public visibility for best effort provision (52d1480)

2.22.0 (2023-06-01)


  • Add SoleTenantConfig API (f3126af)

  • Cluster resizes will now have their own operation type (RESIZE_CLUSTER) instead of reusing REPAIR_CLUSTER; they will start using this in the near future (f3126af)

  • Support fleet registration via cluster update (f3126af)


  • Clarified release channel defaulting behavior for create cluster requests when release channel is unspecified (f3126af)

  • Operation.self_link and Operation.target_link given examples (f3126af)

  • Operation.Type is now documented in detail (f3126af)

2.21.0 (2023-04-15)


  • Add support for updating additional pod IPv4 ranges for Standard and Autopilot clusters (#367) (533b4f9)

2.20.0 (2023-04-11)


  • Add support for updating additional pod IPv4 ranges for Standard and Autopilot clusters (#365) (c9c29c4)

2.19.0 (2023-04-06)


  • Add support for disabling pod IP cidr overprovision. This feature requires special allowlisting for the projects. (56f65fa)

  • Add update support for accelerator config (56f65fa)

2.18.0 (2023-03-28)


  • Add a new fleet registration feature to v1beta1, v1 (#360) (0bfdffe)


2.17.4 (2023-02-28)


2.17.3 (2023-02-03)


  • Add clarification on whether NodePool.version is a required field (#344) (071c147)

2.17.2 (2023-01-30)


  • Add references for available node image types (76cfff8)

  • Clarified wording around the NodePoolUpdateStrategy default behavior (76cfff8)

2.17.1 (2023-01-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Add context manager return types (cc5ebab)


  • Add documentation for enums (cc5ebab)

2.17.0 (2023-01-17)


  • Add support for viewing the subnet IPv6 CIDR and services IPv6 CIDR assigned to dual stack clusters (#333) (4d0a583)

2.16.0 (2023-01-10)


  • Add etags for cluster and node pool update operations (8eeee3b)

  • Add support for python 3.11 (8eeee3b)

2.15.0 (2023-01-09)


  • Add EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig and LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig APIs (403c1ad)

  • Add etags for cluster and node pool update operations (403c1ad)

  • Add support for specifying stack type for clusters (403c1ad)

  • Add WindowsNodeConfig field (403c1ad)

  • CLUSTER_SCOPE option now available in DNSScope (403c1ad)

  • Release GKE CloudDNS Cluster Scope (403c1ad)

2.14.0 (2022-12-15)


  • Add API to enable GKE Gateway controller (944001d)

  • Add compact placement feature for node pools (944001d)

  • Add nodeconfig resource_labels api (944001d)

  • Add support for (944001d)

  • Add support for specifying stack type for clusters. This will allow clusters to be created as dual stack or toggled between IPV4 and dual stack (#323) (5c1d04f)

  • Add typing to proto.Message based class attributes (944001d)

  • GKE cluster’s control plan/node-pool network isolation (944001d)

  • v1: Add a FastSocket API (4d61084)

  • v1beta1: Add a FastSocket API (#319) (5072864)

Bug Fixes

  • Add dict typing for client_options (944001d)

  • deps: Require google-api-core >=1.34.0, >=2.11.0 (25c47a8)

  • Drop usage of pkg_resources (25c47a8)

  • Fix timeout default values (25c47a8)


  • samples: Snippetgen handling of repeated enum field (944001d)

  • samples: Snippetgen should call await on the operation coroutine before calling result (25c47a8)

2.13.0 (2022-10-26)


  • launch GKE Cost Allocations configuration to the v1 GKE API (d625e34)

  • vulnerability scanning exposed to public (d625e34)

2.12.2 (2022-10-07)

Bug Fixes

2.12.1 (2022-10-03)

Bug Fixes

2.12.0 (2022-09-16)


  • Added High Throughput Logging API for Google Kubernetes Engine (#297) (f774719)


  • missing period in description for min CPU platform (f774719)

  • ReservationAffinity key field docs incorrect (f774719)

2.11.2 (2022-08-12)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: allow protobuf < 5.0.0 (d68c842)

  • deps: require proto-plus >= 1.22.0 (d68c842)

2.11.1 (2022-08-02)


  • v1beta1: BinaryAuthorization.enabled field is marked as deprecated (0088035)

  • v1: BinaryAuthorization.enabled field is marked as deprecated (#272) (0088035)

2.11.0 (2022-07-16)


  • add audience parameter (e9dbd98)

  • add Binauthz Evaluation mode support to GKE Classic (e9dbd98)

  • add GKE Identity Service (e9dbd98)

  • add Location Policy API (e9dbd98)

  • add managed prometheus feature (e9dbd98)

  • add network tags to autopilot cluster (e9dbd98)

  • add support to modify kubelet pod pid limit in node system configuration (e9dbd98)

  • support enabling Confidential Nodes in the node pool (e9dbd98)

  • support GPU timesharing (e9dbd98)

  • support node pool blue-green upgrade (e9dbd98)

  • support spot VM (e9dbd98)

  • support Tier 1 bandwidth (e9dbd98)

  • update support for node pool labels, taints and network tags (e9dbd98)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: require google-api-core>=1.32.0,>=2.8.0 (e9dbd98)

  • require python 3.7+ (#266) (01b78af)

2.10.8 (2022-06-03)

Bug Fixes


  • fix changelog header to consistent size (#253) (9db4c78)

2.10.7 (2022-03-22)

Bug Fixes

  • test cleanup stages with try finally (#212) (529bcbf)

2.10.6 (2022-03-07)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: require google-api-core>=1.31.5, >=2.3.2 (#202) (444b806)

  • deps: require proto-plus>=1.15.0 (444b806)

2.10.5 (2022-02-16)


  • samples: add usage samples to show handling of LRO response Operation (#191) (309ad62)

2.10.4 (2022-02-14)

Bug Fixes

2.10.3 (2022-02-11)


2.10.2 (2022-02-04)

Bug Fixes

  • resolve DuplicateCredentialArgs error when using credentials_file (07fbf3c)

2.10.1 (2021-11-01)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: drop packaging dependency (838a97b)

  • deps: require google-api-core >= 1.28.0 (838a97b)


  • list oneofs in docstring (838a97b)

2.10.0 (2021-10-13)


2.9.0 (2021-10-08)


  • add context manager support in client (#157) (03953f8)

2.8.1 (2021-10-04)

Bug Fixes

  • improper types in pagers generation (6814251)

2.8.0 (2021-09-23)


  • added a flag to enable/disable gvnic on a node pool (#147) (616b21a)

  • added configuration for node pool defaults, autopilot, logging and monitoring (616b21a)

  • added configuration for workload certificates and identity service component (616b21a)

  • added node pool level network config (616b21a)

  • added the option to list supported windows versions (616b21a)

  • added the option to specify L4 load balancer configuration and IP v6 configuration (616b21a)

  • added update support for node pool labels, taints and network tags (616b21a)

Bug Fixes

  • add ‘dict’ annotation type to ‘request’ (c912605)

  • deprecated cluster status condition code (616b21a)

  • deprecated KALM addon config option (616b21a)

  • deps: require proto-plus 1.15.0 (616b21a)


  • clarified SetNodePoolSize API behavior (616b21a)

2.7.1 (2021-07-24)

Bug Fixes

2.7.0 (2021-07-22)


  • add Samples section to CONTRIBUTING.rst (#129) (a5905b8)

2.6.1 (2021-07-20)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: pin ‘google-{api,cloud}-core’, ‘google-auth’ to allow 2.x versions (#128) (7a8fb93)

2.6.0 (2021-07-09)


  • allow updating security group on existing clusters (#120) (28a3fc9)

  • allow updating security group on existing clusters (#123) (e0d70e9)

2.5.0 (2021-06-30)



2.4.1 (2021-05-16)

Bug Fixes

2.4.0 (2021-03-24)


2.3.1 (2021-02-18)

Bug Fixes

  • remove client recv msg limit fix: add enums to types/ (#60) (9207193)

2.3.0 (2020-12-08)


  • sync v1beta1 GKE API; deprecate SetLocations and use UpdateCluster; support for sysctls config in Linux nodes; support for node kubelet config controlling CPU manager policy, CFS quota; support for Customer Managed Encryption (17f0a29)

Bug Fixes


  • python: update intersphinx for grpc and auth (#53) (6a0fef7)

2.2.0 (2020-11-17)

All changes are from #51 / d3f5465


  • support for GetJSONWebKeys

  • support for Workload Identity

  • support for Gvisor in nodes

  • support for node reservation affinity

  • support for Customer Managed Encryption in nodes

  • support for NodeLocalDNS

  • support for ConfigConnector

  • support for private cluster VPC peering

  • support for CloudRun load balancers

  • support using routes for pod IPs

  • support for Shielded Nodes

  • support for release channels

  • support for disabling default sNAT

  • operations now store more granular progress

  • support for node Surge Upgrades

  • support for updating node pool locations.

  • support for Node Auto Provisioning

  • support for specifying node disk size and type

Bug Fixes

  • deprecate SetLocations; use UpdateCluster

  • provide name alias for GetOperation (as method signature annotation)

  • deprecate basic auth fields (removed in 1.19 clusters)

  • deprecate Cluster/NodePool.status_message; use conditions

2.1.0 (2020-09-16)


  • regenerate client lib to pick up new mtls env (#44) (c4ffea0)

2.0.1 (2020-07-24)

Bug Fixes


2.0.0 (2020-07-16)



1.0.1 (2020-06-16)

Bug Fixes

1.0.0 (2020-06-16)


0.5.0 (2020-04-14)


  • make project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool optional arguments to methods in cluster_manager_client; change default timeout config; add 2.7 sunset warning; bump copyright year to 2020 (via synth)(#8) (6afc050)

0.4.0 (2020-02-03)


  • container: add ‘list_usable_subnetworks’ method; apply proto annotations (via synth) (#9741) (541a9e3)


07-30-2019 10:28 PDT

Implementation Changes

New Features

  • Add ‘client_options’ support, update list method docstrings (via synth). (#8501)

  • Add synth support for v1beta1 API version (via manual synth). (#8436)

  • Allow kwargs to be passed to create_channel (via synth). (#8384)


  • Bump minimum version for google-api-core to 1.14.0. (#8709)

  • Update pin for ‘grpc-google-iam-v1’ to 0.12.3+. (#8647)

  • Remove classifier for Python 3.4 for end-of-life. (#7535)


  • Update intersphinx mapping for requests. (#8805)

  • Link to documentation in READMEs. (#8705)

  • Add compatibility check badges to READMEs. (#8288)

  • Add docs job to publish to (#8464)

Internal / Testing Changes

  • Pin black version (via synth). (#8575)

  • Declare encoding as utf-8 in pb2 files (via synth). (#8347)

  • Add disclaimer to auto-generated template files (via synth). (#8309)

  • Update noxfile and (via synth). (#8298)

  • Blacken (via synth). (#8285)

  • Add routing header to method metadata, add nox session docs (via synth). (#7922)

  • Copy proto files alongside protoc versions.

  • Minor gapic-generator change. (#7225)

  • Add protos as an artifact to library (#7205)

  • Update copyright headers (#7140)

  • Protoc-generated serialization update. (#7078)

  • Pick up stub docstring fix in GAPIC generator. (#6966)


12-17-2018 16:36 PST


  • Document Python 2 deprecation (#6910)

  • Improve linkage between container docs pages. (#6852)

Internal / Testing Changes

  • Add baseline for synth.metadata


12-04-2018 11:28 PST

Implementation Changes

  • Import iam.policy from google.api_core.iam.policy (#6741)

  • Pick up fixes to GAPIC generator. (#6634)

  • Fix client_info bug, update docstrings. (#6407)

  • Avoid overwriting ‘module’ of messages from shared modules. (#5364)

  • Fix bad trove classifier


  • Bump minimum api_core version for all GAPIC libs to 1.4.1. (#6391)


  • Docs: normalize use of support level badges (#6159)

  • Container: harmonize / DRY ‘README.rst’ / ‘docs/index.rst’. (#6018)

  • Rename releases to changelog and include from (#5191)

Internal / Testing Changes

  • Update noxfile.

  • blacken all gen’d libs (#6792)

  • Omit local dependencies from coverage. (#6701)

  • Run black at end of (#6698)

  • Unblack container gapic and protos.

  • Run Black on Generated libraries (#6666)

  • Add templates for flake8, coveragerc, noxfile, and black. (#6642)

  • Pass posargs to py.test (#6653)

  • Update yaml location (#6480)

  • Use new Nox (#6175)

  • Container: add ‘’. (#6084)

  • Nox: use inplace installs (#5865)

  • Modify system tests to use prerelease versions of grpcio (#5304)

  • Add Test runs for Python 3.7 and remove 3.4 (#5295)



  • Update dependency range for api-core to include v1.0.0 releases (#4944)


  • Replacing references to stable/ docs with latest/. (#4638)

Testing and internal changes

  • Re-enable lint for tests, remove usage of pylint (#4921)

  • Normalize all files (#4909)

  • nox unittest updates (#4646)



Google Kubernetes Engine is a managed environment for deploying containerized applications. It brings our latest innovations in developer productivity, resource efficiency, automated operations, and open source flexibility to accelerate your time to market.