3.0.0 Migration Guide

This document describes the breaking changes that have been made, and what you need to do to update your usage.

The most significant change was introduced at v2.0 release based on a next-gen code generator, and includes substantial interface changes. Existing code written for eariler versions of this library will likely require updates to use this version.

If you experience issues or have questions, please file an issue.

Supported Python Versions

WARNING: Breaking change

The 2.0.0 release requires Python 3.6+.

Method Calls

WARNING: Breaking change

Methods expect request objects. We provide a script that will convert most common use cases.

  • Install the library
python3 -m pip install google-cloud-datacatalog
  • The script fixup_datacatalog_v1_keywords.py is shipped with the library. It expects an input directory (with the code to convert) and an empty destination directory.
$ fixup_datacatalog_v1_keywords.py --input-directory .samples/ --output-directory samples/


from google.cloud import datacatalog_v1
datacatalog = datacatalog_v1.DataCatalogClient()
return datacatalog.lookup_entry(linked_resource=resource_name)


from google.cloud import datacatalog_v1
datacatalog = datacatalog_v1.DataCatalogClient()
return datacatalog.lookup_entry(request={'linked_resource': resource_name})

More Details

In google-cloud-datacatalog<=1.0.0, parameters required by the API were positional parameters and optional parameters were keyword parameters.


    def create_entry_group(

Since the 2.0.0 release, all methods have a single positional parameter request. Method docstrings indicate whether a parameter is required or optional.

Some methods have additional keyword only parameters. The available parameters depend on the google.api.method_signature annotation specified by the API producer.


    def create_entry_group(
        request: datacatalog.CreateEntryGroupRequest = None,
        parent: str = None,
        entry_group_id: str = None,
        entry_group: datacatalog.EntryGroup = None,
        retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT,
        timeout: float = None,
        metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (),
    ) -> datacatalog.EntryGroup:

NOTE: The request parameter and flattened keyword parameters for the API are mutually exclusive. Passing both will result in an error.

Both of these calls are valid:

response = client.create_entry_group(
        "parent": parent,
        "entry_group_id": entry_group_id,
        "entry_group": entry_group
response = client.create_entry_group(
)  # Make an API request.

This call is invalid because it mixes request with a keyword argument entry_group. Executing this code will result in an error.

response = client.create_entry_group(
        "parent": parent,

Enums and Types

WARNING: Breaking changes

The submodules enums and types have been removed; the type attributes were renamed to type_ to avoid name collisions.


from google.cloud import datacatalog_v1
entry = datacatalog_v1.types.Entry()
entry.type = datacatalog_v1.enums.EntryType.FILESET


from google.cloud import datacatalog_v1
entry = datacatalog_v1.Entry()
entry.type_ = datacatalog_v1.EntryType.FILESET

The renamed attributes are:

  • TagTemplateField.type -> TagTemplatedField.type_

  • ColumnSchema.type -> ColumnSchema.type_

  • Entry.type -> Entry.type_

Common Resource Path Helper Methods

The location_path method existing in google-cloud-datacatalog<=1.0.0 was renamed to common_location_path in v3.0.0.

If you are upgrading from v1.0.0 or lower, modify your code to use new method name.

If you are upgrading from v2.0.0, and constructing paths manually as described in previous upgrade guide, now you can use common_location_path method.

There are also more resource path helper methods were added: common_billing_account_path, common_folder_path, common_organization_path, and common_project_path.