Class Role (5.12.0)


Role specifies the tasks that will run on the node pool. Roles can be specific to workloads. Exactly one GkeNodePoolTarget within the virtual cluster must have the DEFAULT role, which is used to run all workloads that are not associated with a node pool.


Name Description
ROLE_UNSPECIFIED Role is unspecified.
DEFAULT At least one node pool must have the `DEFAULT` role. Work assigned to a role that is not associated with a node pool is assigned to the node pool with the `DEFAULT` role. For example, work assigned to the `CONTROLLER` role will be assigned to the node pool with the `DEFAULT` role if no node pool has the `CONTROLLER` role.
CONTROLLER Run work associated with the Dataproc control plane (for example, controllers and webhooks). Very low resource requirements.
SPARK_DRIVER Run work associated with a Spark driver of a job.
SPARK_EXECUTOR Run work associated with a Spark executor of a job.