Class AnswerSkippedReason (0.12.0)


An enum for answer skipped reasons.

    Google skips the answer if there are no
    high-relevance search results.
    The potential policy violation case.

    Google skips the answer if there is a potential
    policy violation detected. This includes content
    that may be violent or toxic.
    The no relevant content case.

    Google skips the answer if there is no relevant
    content in the retrieved search results.


Name Description
ANSWER_SKIPPED_REASON_UNSPECIFIED Default value. The answer skipped reason is not specified.
ADVERSARIAL_QUERY_IGNORED The adversarial query ignored case.
NON_ANSWER_SEEKING_QUERY_IGNORED The non-answer seeking query ignored case.
OUT_OF_DOMAIN_QUERY_IGNORED The out-of-domain query ignored case.