Class Page (0.11.2a0)

    document_text: str,

Represents a wrapped documentai.Document.Page .


documentai_object :noindex:
Required. The original object.
document_text :noindex: str
Required. The full text of the Document containing the Page.
text :noindex: str
Required. UTF-8 encoded text of the page.
page_number :noindex: int
Required. The page number of the Page.
form_fields :noindex: List[FormField]
Required. A list of visually detected form fields on the page.
symbols :noindex: List[Symbol]
Required. A list of visually detected text symbols (characters/letters) on the page.
tokens :noindex: List[Token]
Required. A list of visually detected text tokens (words) on the page.
lines :noindex: List[Line]
Required. A list of visually detected text lines on the page. A collection of tokens that a human would perceive as a line.
paragraphs :noindex: List[Paragraph]
Required. A list of visually detected text paragraphs on the page. A collection of lines that a human would perceive as a paragraph.
blocks :noindex: List[Block]
Required. A list of visually detected text blocks on the page. A collection of lines that a human would perceive as a block.
tables :noindex: List[Table]
Required. A list of visually detected tables on the page.
math_formulas :noindex: List[MathFormula]
Optional. A list of visually detected math formulas on the page.



hOCR bounding box of the page element.



__post_init__() -> None

Order of Init Symbol Token Line Paragraph, Block