Class UpdateMembershipRequest (0.2.2)

UpdateMembershipRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request message for GkeHubMembershipService.UpdateMembership method.


name str
Required. The membership resource name in the format: projects/[project_id]/locations/global/memberships/[membership_id]
update_mask google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask
Required. Mask of fields to update. At least one field path must be specified in this mask.
Required. Only fields specified in update_mask are updated. If you specify a field in the update_mask but don't specify its value here that field will be deleted. If you are updating a map field, set the value of a key to null or empty string to delete the key from the map. It's not possible to update a key's value to the empty string.