Class FeatureResourceState (1.13.1)

FeatureResourceState(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

FeatureResourceState describes the state of a Feature resource in the GkeHub API. See FeatureState for the "running state" of the Feature in the Hub and across Memberships.


Name Description
The current state of the Feature resource in the Hub API.




State describes the lifecycle status of a Feature.

Values: STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): State is unknown or not set. ENABLING (1): The Feature is being enabled, and the Feature resource is being created. Once complete, the corresponding Feature will be enabled in this Hub. ACTIVE (2): The Feature is enabled in this Hub, and the Feature resource is fully available. DISABLING (3): The Feature is being disabled in this Hub, and the Feature resource is being deleted. UPDATING (4): The Feature resource is being updated. SERVICE_UPDATING (5): The Feature resource is being updated by the Hub Service.