Class ListFeaturesRequest (1.14.0)

ListFeaturesRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request message for GkeHub.ListFeatures method.


Name Description
parent str
Required. The parent (project and location) where the Features will be listed. Specified in the format projects/*/locations/*.
page_size int
When requesting a 'page' of resources, page_size specifies number of resources to return. If unspecified or set to 0, all resources will be returned.
page_token str
Token returned by previous call to ListFeatures which specifies the position in the list from where to continue listing the resources.
filter str
Lists Features that match the filter expression, following the syntax outlined in Examples: - Feature with the name "servicemesh" in project "foo-proj": name = "projects/foo-proj/locations/global/features/servicemesh" - Features that have a label called foo:\* - Features that have a label called foo whose value is bar: = bar
order_by str
One or more fields to compare and use to sort the output. See