Class ListFoldersRequest (1.0.0)

ListFoldersRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request message for ListFolders. This operation is only applicable to a hierarchical namespace enabled bucket. Hierarchical namespace buckets are in allowlist preview.


Name Description
parent str
Required. Name of the bucket in which to look for folders. The bucket must be a hierarchical namespace enabled bucket.
page_size int
Optional. Maximum number of folders to return in a single response. The service will use this parameter or 1,000 items, whichever is smaller.
page_token str
Optional. A previously-returned page token representing part of the larger set of results to view.
prefix str
Optional. Filter results to folders whose names begin with this prefix. If set, the value must either be an empty string or end with a '/'.
delimiter str
Optional. If set, returns results in a directory-like mode. The results will only include folders that either exactly match the above prefix, or are one level below the prefix. The only supported value is '/'.
lexicographic_start str
Optional. Filter results to folders whose names are lexicographically equal to or after lexicographic_start. If lexicographic_end is also set, the folders listed have names between lexicographic_start (inclusive) and lexicographic_end (exclusive).
lexicographic_end str
Optional. Filter results to folders whose names are lexicographically before lexicographic_end. If lexicographic_start is also set, the folders listed have names between lexicographic_start (inclusive) and lexicographic_end (exclusive).
request_id str
Optional. A unique identifier for this request. UUID is the recommended format, but other formats are still accepted.